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Everything posted by cog

  1. Thought it a wee bit silent on the "Barendrecht"-front. Sweden, that's a whole different ball game. Actually, I'm kind a jealous, having passed a long weekend in Stockholm last year, I got a taste for it. Hope you'll settle in soon and enjoy the work, and surroundings. Take care, I'll be waiting patiently. P.s. I took your advise to heart and ordered the Byrnes table saw, thanks for that
  2. I like the way the PE makes the parts more realistic. When you look at the original parts, they are somewhat heavy, unrealistic
  3. I think I would have taken something more tissue paper like ... stll, couldn't do it as well as you just did
  4. Take a logical, straight forward way. We, in our "modern" times, tend to over think, and make things unnecessary complex, whilst simplicity is often the key
  5. Dear Gerhard, I am so very sorry to hear that. I whish you and Sabina lots of strength to cope with your loss and problems. I have had pneumonia myself and still feel the effects after 8 years, although, it helped me stop smoking ... Again, my best whishes to you and yours Sincerely Carl
  6. B E A U tiful Dan. Another notch in your paper craft handle. Must be cold downunder ...
  7. It is, Lou, it is. Have you read convoy PQ17 .. it has always reminded me of bravery bordered on stupidity ... it doesn't diminish the courage of those serving, and do what they think is justified at that moment and place in time ...
  8. you might try and support you hand whilst painting, like painters do with a stick ...
  9. How's life Gerhard ...I miss your attention to your logs ... for quite some time ...
  10. You can offer the o nes that messed up your builds ... Now all those headless chickens make sense ... Nice OC after painting you could accentuate the etched lines with a blackish wash ...
  11. must be the smoke Lou. on the other hand ... German photography ... they've always have had something for the obscure, darkish, dramatic side of life, not like monty python or fawlty towers ...
  12. So you are the underdog ... may take a while before you will see that cigar again, if I look at the weather forecast ... I would replenish my store of cool beverages if I were you ...
  13. I've been looking all over the kitchen table for that blasted hull, must haven been thrown in the garbage ... with the rotten fruits. Temps are 30ºC presently and food is hard to keep fresh ... so is my hull it seems, ah well, I'll just have to start over again Should have warned the missus ... H92 (that's the other one) is at the painters. First 8 layers of primer have been applied, it seems I'll have quite a few more to go ... Last rattle can is being used ... I'll just need to order a couple more ... Have been looking for Glowworm ... she'll turn out like Vendetta for colour scheme ... no "other" camo known, so I can put some more effort into weathering ... would like to come close to RGL's artful creations, don't tell him, but he's good!!
  14. Didn't know you had any ... you're from Manchester right ... Tardiness comes with age, you are forgiven ... Thanks for the thumbs up. Aren't we always waiting for Denis to finish his builds ... there seem to be always one more thing to add ... and another ... The master has spoken, gents, it seems there are more building this kit ... show me ...pretty please ...
  15. You're blinging away RGL. It's like one of those rugby games your sons play ... bash it on ...
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