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Everything posted by cog

  1. Another option is to install virtualbox on your PC. You can start another operating system (Windows XP/Vista/2000/7, Linux) and use that in your windows. You can install multiple OS (any of your choice). E.g. you have an XP installed in virtualbox. You can than install your software for XP in it. You don't need another PC/Laptop. If I want to test programs I usually do it in virtualbox. It's sometimes slightly slower as it is virtual, but it works for me
  2. Ah, well, I at least have a splendid example with your complicated build! Thank you for that
  3. Sjors, Forgot you have 2 builds running ... You've made this one a rather shiny, blinking war piece. How many guns? Though I have to admit, she does look goooood. Would it still be fun if everything went smooth (van een leien dakje)... Can't imagine you having the time of your life putting her together in a jiffy.
  4. Yambo, Do you have an XP license left? If so, get a second hand PC/Laptop on which you can run XP - maybe add some more memory - install your AutoCAD, and you are good to go ...
  5. Bob, Nifty trick making the buckets. Inventive how you made th 'brassed' hoops for them too. Are you going to make them look used, or is this a brand new delivery?
  6. Jay, Maybe a weird question, but why don't you rig from fore to aft? I presume you would than tension the rigging... Or is rigging always done bottom up? (I'm so glad I know zilch about this hobby )
  7. Adrieke, That's a very nice improvement on the stairs. Concerning building speeds ... in Holland we say 'Hardlopers zijn doodlopers' (runners kill themselves on the run), better take it easy. You'll finish her eventually :)
  8. Michael, That's what I meant with the contrast. It looks better (to me). If you feel it's to thin, You should change the shrouds. Any saddlers in the neighbourhood? They have some excellent thread from thin to quite thick - in the end I made and repaired most of my tack (but for the saddles) myself. Don't buy the waxed type though.
  9. Bob, Love your build, and it's colours. Though you can keep the icecream ... currently between 0 and -7 Celcius here, and I detest the cold.
  10. Stanchions are looking great Russ. It's almost a pity you can hardly see the joints ...
  11. Jan, A truly beautiful build. I have got just a question or two. What did you make the guns with? Spars and blocks are made of wood?
  12. You are right. Just lay the tape straight over the hull without 'bending' it. The sides will stand out slightly, and you can get the right curvature by tracing the mounted 'plank'
  13. Sorry, Prices are at http://www.sherline.com/prices.htm Ask a quote from the importer through his website. He consolidates orders to minimise transport fees
  14. Sjors, There is also Sherline. In Belgium there is an importer for them. Have a look https://www.sherlinedirect.com/images/prodimg/4400Apicm.jpg https://www.sherlinedirect.com/images/prodimg/4400Bpicm.jpg
  15. Russ, Nobody saw it, because we were all blinded by the bright and shiny quality of the work!!!
  16. Jay, (proverb for: Can't understand/follow it) You make it seem so easy
  17. It's a bit busy with comments, but hardly any images ... Any work done jet?
  18. Following in amazement ... 'kan er geen touw aan vastknopen'
  19. Remco, It's amazing, fabulous really. Very nice detail in your work again!!!
  20. Michael, Sharp indeed, maybe change the colour of the rope between the deadeyes to get some contrast ...
  21. Sherry, It doesn't look that dark to me ... you shed some light on this! Show 'em girl!
  22. WOW you've done her honour mate!!! She really looks lovely. Very well done!!!
  23. Adrieke, You're doing great mate. That's the right way you've tackled the stairs problem. Now they look real good, very sharp indeed. Those holes, well, it's maybe the proper thing to do, every day a few and some other work on the side ... Keep it up!
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