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Everything posted by cog

  1. Wouldn't a cloth pin with a ball head been easier? Kathryn really looks good, a bit new and unused, but certainly all dressed up and ready to cast off
  2. Listen to Jo, she's right (because she's right, I am too ) Some shops sell tax free at the shop if you can proove you are from outside the EU. You can always ask ... It won't work at restaurants, hotels and such though ... But ... aren't you a bit late for honeymooning ... did your boss get the better part of the deal ?
  3. They may apply it, but they shouldn't apply it when shipping abroad, i.e. outside the European Tax Area. It is not a trick, it is your right to be charged without VAT. If you live in the EU as an American you would be charged VAT on your purchases, untill you take it out of the country, where you can get the VAT amount returned through customs (most non EU citizens do not know that) Usually that excludes food as you are normally prohibited to take that on e.g. a plane.
  4. Since you are outside the EU, Cornwall ought to charge you VAT excluded. You could try to buy and stop before you finalise the order to see if you will be charged VAT. If so you can ask them through email why you are charged VAT, as they ought not to do so. So much for the financial advice (being mean I should charge you for it ) The larger pin does look more like the kit's, and to me better in scale. You may want to paint or blacken them as you mentioned, that will reduce an important difference between the species, equalise them so to say ... which in turn will make your decision easier
  5. Don't be sorry, so far it has been reasonably smooth sailing, and as you know life's the accumulation of sunshine, squals, storms, and sometimes even tempests. They are all better when shared. Removable lunchbox tops, Should have thought of you sealing them shut, so typical. I thought you would want to think, but you can have a thoughtless sequence if you want to ... I like those davits, so much better than the ones at 1:350. No matter what I do, they keep on looking flimsy, and on a battleship flimsy davits only look good 5 miles away. One of the Steel Navy builders here uses medium CA as a filler, so you didn't make a bad decision. The awning was mainly used when the weather circumstances required it. You can leave them off when you take her sailing in bad weather.
  6. Nenad, You know you do not have to do any manicure with the dremel? Nice result for such a small item.
  7. Michael, Lobith comes to mind, and yes some rasping/sanding/filing would be in order Jo, A temporary relaps into insanity I would call it, however, you stated "were for a firm in Melbourne" which doesn't mean you live(d) there, for all I know you took the helicopter home Now why didn't we see any picsies of flying sanddust, a work bench full of discarded tools, and a dremel running amok straigt away. Nice job though. Don't expect any tulips for a job well done. Didn't I tell you to sand outside?
  8. Luckily enough I sold my last horse, hence there is no view. Concerning your last question, it is under consideration. Any incentives ...
  9. Perfect tool for small work, you will enjoy working with it.
  10. Sam, that is because State side likes it with millitairy precisions, whilst ancient Europeans are older, and softer, hence soft touchy names. Weaponry has changed dramatically over time Sam. I recon nowadays nobody would be looking like a porcupine, more like Swiss Ementaler
  11. As a newby on PE you are doing marvelous, Yves. I remember my first parts, they were a real challenge to me
  12. Sorry about your wife's recurrent node. I hope, if surgery is required, it will be easy on her, and she'll recover quickly and fully. You are in my thoughts. It must be very hard on you both. About the mindless work: Yes that happens if you let your mind wonder at other (complex/interesting) things, for you do not seem very mindless to me. To avoid using the wrong row of holes in your template, mask the row you do not need as a visiual aid. Although, it does make the mindless work even more boring. I like your lunchboxes in the last picture I think I would have liked a pair of those when I was at highschool.
  13. Good evening Jo (I presume it isn't night yet, since we do not know the general location of your whereabouts) I always forget the meaning of the "CEO" (must be an aversion to the type) thanks for reminding me. Although, you do not have to shout to me When I hear or read "chief" I see an indian with a feathered headdress before me, you can understand it is hard to take such a person serious ... Could be you thought "Netherlands" was somewhere in the States as New York used to be New Amsterdam ... and concerning the double Dutch, only when I excrete words ...
  14. A pie-rate shouldeth be able to maketh himself heard, but I never expecteth thou o cap'n to be the twist'n type I wisheth thou many hours of enjoyment carvin' the scrollwork
  15. Ugly and old would fit me too By the way (I'm not the abbreviation type, those turn me daft as I mix up several languages if I use them e.g.: BTW is VAT in Dutch) have you decided on your tools of destruction to bring the balsa in line? I liked Sams rasps, haven't got those (yet) ... I think you would do good using the dremel to get the bulk off, and sand the remainder with one of your precious emery boards ... still ... it's your party ... looking forward to the result
  16. Ouch ... you started model building, you call that coming to your sences ... (don't listen to me, listen to Sam ... he's old and wise, I'm just older (than Sam) and ugly)
  17. Yves, I got this link through a friend of mine, looks a lot like the same boat. maybe interesting PE wise
  18. You can use your Dremel with a sanding drum (coarse) go outside when you sand it down!!! I'm not joking
  19. Lovely build Pieter. Nice work on those "faux" carriages. I thought you would have painted the sides of them in a red to black gradient ...
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