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Everything posted by cog

  1. I know, Eric, but it would explain e.g. missing longitudinal hogchains as rigidity would be established through the braces ...
  2. Thanks Lou, you come up with that after I ordered my replacement bottles!!! I'll look into that for my next order. I have to order from the UK as BSI is not sold here
  3. We are nicely talking about hogchains, but did you consider diagonal bracing? Adam Kane The Western River Steamboat pg 110 ...
  4. Ah forgot, I'm still working, now from home, so these are "in between" responses. I keep on forgetting you just start your workday when I'm in overtime, which is lately kind of normal ...
  5. Mark, yes it was clean, I do not know if it still is after my spitting fit! Greg, I was afraid you might come up with that solution ... darn, just got back, and I'm put on a waiting list, because of GLUE!!!
  6. Disregarding all those intreesting posts, did you manage to solve the issue in the red circle? (with or without blood)
  7. Mike, veneer is normally peeled from a trunk, like peeling an apple, no to so much sliced. It would explain the fineness of grain being more toward the centre of the tree, compared to a somewhat coarser structure on the outside. The kit could be with an outerlayer ebonny veneer
  8. I tried it on plastic, which stuck, but it seems it has suddenly a dislike for brass ... No retarder, no time to shop. I'll try another brand
  9. looks pretty smooth, Jo. You'll find amiss the next thing after you've solved the one in the red circle ... don't keep looking for you'll certainly find something. The story of a modeller's life ...
  10. When you are finished, you are a master of faux carriages ... nicely done Pieter
  11. Marvelous work on the guns. How far did you drill out the spues, or have you switch to some kind of plast/styrene tube? I would go for the styrene tubes fro Evergreen, quick and simple - easy to say when you have a stack of styrene laying around like me
  12. When I read your initial post on the hog chains, I thought it would be as Kurt answered: Before and aft of the paddle wheels. However I thought it strange not to use the transversal hogchains, as the hull would warp when being loaded. Reading Kurts posts, I now do wonder why only one longitudinal hogchain would be used, as that would probably cause transverse warping again. Crossed hogchains would in fact be logical for a boat carrying heavy cargo, and if the beam extends a certain width, I would expect mulitple longitudinal hog chains as well. (Just a thought to make things slightly more complicated)
  13. Lovely work. Nice touch, those loose floorboards ... watch out for tripped voyagers, trying to get their due(!)
  14. that is inches right ... so that would be 0.05mm, can't imagine you drilling at that size, haven't found any either, smallest I've got is 0.2mm. To be honest, if I were building a RC I would plug the holes, but that's me. You do what you think will work for you. Are those transferable!? Nice work on the walkers, converting to cruise ship?
  15. Nice work Mark. Keeping you out of trouble ... hard to imagine! I like the touch of blue, nice contrast.
  16. Thanks for the likes lady and gents (better watch them claws!) Jo, you can get the pat ... this what you meant? but sorry No milk today my kat is gone away The bottle stands forlorn a symbol of the dawn No milk today it seems a common sight But people passing by don't know the reason why ... Presently I am struggling with CA. It doesn't want to set ... bought some new tubes, same missery ... now I can't rig the masts as the yard on the aft tripod came off. Buggah!
  17. I almost thought we had to wait another year. Glad you two are back at the workbench. I see Daria, you have mum and dad at their respective tasks, as it should be. Take care your mum doesn't forget to take the important pictures Your hull is looking very good
  18. No masking tape left after this one ... I leave the tape at the bow and the stern of, we do exactly oposite
  19. Thanks Sam, I presume she's all bark and no bite (at least I hope so)
  20. Some more shufflin' steps ... Life rafts, anchor chains, ship's nr
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