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Everything posted by cog

  1. I tend to agree with the missus Eric, and Steve has a point, but I wouldn't do it for that reason. So if you start a second one you only have to wait for that fatallity, and still be able to work on a "backup" ... Very intriguing indeed, and you really have some very persuavive arguments, Druxey. Nearly twisted my arm, don't know about Eric's ... However, if you do decide on a duo build, you could choose another way to lay your deck planks at the stern ... just a thought ... I think I'd better go look at some birds in the garden now ...
  2. Mark, know your classics: The Bolitho series ... something to read for you (28 vols will keep you busy for a short while )
  3. I was wondering, Yves, couldn't you melt the openings with something like a soldering iron. Probably stinks like hell, but you do not have the forces on the plastic, with which you run the chance of breaking it ...
  4. Dan, Set up of the deck with the winches, cranes etc looks splendid. I get the 3D printed guns for some of my plastic builds also from Shapeways. They deliver some magnificent detailed parts. A question on the boom's rigging: Are those cables to scale? When I look at the scale you are working on 1/1200 they seem a bit heavy to me. On my latest builds (plastic) I've used EZ line which is very thin, still visible. I know of plastic builders whom use threads pulled from a plastic sprue, as thin as a hair. Just wondering ... No deadline ... no pressure ... no mistakes ... Good to have some breathing space!
  5. Sam, Those posts were used for daisy cutters as the were called. (a name hard to remember: swivel guns ... gosh I'm getting old) Check your lens Mark!
  6. Don't ask awkward questions Sam ... I read them and I still am lousy at it ...
  7. So did mine when I started using it. You didn't do to bad on your AA guns ... seat looks quite comfy
  8. Not for the faint harted ... that is some really beautiful carving, Frank. The carvings I have seen, and I have to admit, those are few, were no match for these. Very impressive !
  9. Glad to hear the result of your wife's biopsy was a negative. It strengthens the spirit. I'll toast to her health later this afternoon. So you needed more length on the railings and went for the double clutch ... It is a way to handle it. You could also have cut, and filed the ends of the railings at an angle, say 155 deg, at the stanchion, and slide both ends in the stanchion and fix them in it. Just another option ... maybe next time ... you'll probably have to figure out what the best angle, and hence the largest, strongest and glueable surface is .
  10. Very nicely done Nenad. You're crew can be at ease now the boats are ready ...
  11. You are really getting better and better at bending railings, Steve. that last image is a little gem when you look at the end stanchion
  12. Would that imply that they both go on furlough to the same place without knowing it from eachother ...!?
  13. Jo, Since the hull is rounded you can make one long edge on your plank angled like the drawing below. This will give you a better finish.
  14. I like the plank you'll use for display, does suit your build. Turned out really lovely too, it does
  15. Ah, the essential missing information. Hmmm, so you should have been in bed, but are stealthily moving through the house and in the workshop
  16. You've got furlough!? With stamps and dates and such ... you must be missing something
  17. Your boat starts to look like one, very shapely. Puns are good, puns are necessary. Keep your wits about you!
  18. Interesting, as I had problems with the Vallejo varnishes, all, whilst using it for airbrush, both with, and without retarder. Thanks Vaddoc
  19. I'll have a look at your thread. For other readers it might be practical to include a link in your post. Cheers
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