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Everything posted by cog

  1. I think I'm just fortunate: The "camera" on my phone crashed irrepairable. So I just upgraded my DSLR. P.s. Phones aren't smart. At present a phone is just a microcomputer with voip, and some other hardware like a built in camera (webcam like)
  2. Thought as much, beautiful paintings though
  3. I thought you were getting on the way again, but fell for the back trap. I hope it doesn't take to long to recover, I'm in my third week to "get rid" of my lower back problem. So far I can sit, and lay down. standing turns into torture. Take care
  4. I've got a question. Since it's mostly water colour, the white horses on the sea and the white in the clouds, is it gouache or acrylic?
  5. I think you know the answer, but I'll just tell you: Matte clear varnish, either oil based or water based. You could do it with a rattle can ... Vallejo, Tamiya, Etcetera (Never tried the last brand thoug)
  6. With Vallejo I thin even the Model Air. I'd rather spray an additional layer than having to unclogg the brush. Tamiya I thin down 50%, same reason. I only use the brand's thinner. I am still working out how I can spray lifecolour, since I can't get it to work properly with my brush H&S or Black Bull both gravity brushes
  7. 200 shouldn't be an error but success in browser responses. Must be something else Steve. Something for the nerds to solve. maybe rights on the filesystem after an update or so ... Would miss your rants though
  8. DKM Graf Zepplin, definitely. Not much German ships, and most German builds are either Scharnhorst or Tirpitz.
  9. That's a quicky, mate. If you want to touch up brasswhich has been added to your build you might want to use Liquid Surface Primer from Tamiya to cover the brass first and then add the colour. I like the stern part of the ship, there is quite a lot to see.
  10. On top of your car's dashboard ... might come in handy in traffic jams ... Looks far more crisp than the first one. Practice ...
  11. I'm wondering how you can keep all those lines apart ... it would turn me crazy (fortunately that has already been done in other ways)
  12. Thanks Sam. Hmmm ... yes those quads would have made her look top heavy ... lucky I didn't get the octuple ones ... she would be hangin upside down. At least I've got a valid excuse to buy another appropriate build. It would be a waste to have those quads laying about, now wouldn't it ...
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