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Everything posted by cog

  1. The things we have to cope with in model building ... mostly by our own doing. Hoiwever, you did a smashing job at the redodelidumdum. It looks very spiffy, mate. Lou, in this case I would have said: "Why didn't you make it five pieces for the ease of handling, and realism In fact you could have made it to the size of the tarps if you wanted to...
  2. That is some incredible detail Pat. I am awe struck, especially when I look at the railings ... I know what it is like in PE, so I know how difficult this must have been to create ... the gratings, handles ... I am dumb founded
  3. You might indeed see some (major?) difference ... you can always put that spot in the shade ... on the other hand if this one is open and the other three are closed you will probably get away with the difference, since they wouldn't look the same anyway ... different angle, other light fall, etc ... perhaps compare before glueing it down to it's spot?
  4. It's a pitty the rudder looks a bit clumsy compared to the rest, for the boats really look marvelous!!
  5. You could use polystyrene, which comes in tubes, square tubing,, sheets, rods, etc. Althuogh, this looks promising to. Paper is another option for the metal, both can be painted with shadowing and highlights, and in acryllics there are quite some metal colours. I used Vallejo brass on the props of my first destroyer, which turned out rather good if I say so myself. Anaother option is to use brass of course. I just want to say you do nt have to stick to the materials which are obvious to you if it isn't to your liking ...
  6. What's a few feet ... They couldn't just cross it by steppin' over the gap? Jump it, or had a line (me tarzan ...)
  7. Copycat, using the same excuse as me for little to no work done on the model! At least we're in for a treat ...
  8. It seems we are to sit back relax and enjoy the ride ... How long did you take to get the 3D done? It looks like a fine slender hull, typical for the build
  9. Hope you're not feeling to bad, this weather can be hell for the youngsters ... take care of yourself!
  10. Last update for this week - build wise - weathered the funnels, added davits, the range finder and controler after installing and staining the bridge's deck, prepped ship's boats and a couple of other things for the HMCS H class variant Next up are the mid section tubes, a tower with a search light (scratch), the quadruple vickers platform with the floats, the life boats, some amunition boxes, and whatever else comes up, so I can finish that section ... enjoy, have good week
  11. Like the effect of a heavily barbed ram ... the only problem, it would stick, what happens when the enemy ship sinks ... go down with it ...
  12. I can imagine your initial disappointment, only six, so you must have been thrilled to bits when you found out there were more ... a lot more! Nicely done though. I would expect the different ways of building would make it somewhat more interesting ... less production line like ...
  13. Thanks for the likes gents, I always liked those fancy striped PJ's OC, as long as I don't need to wear them Been busy with the funnels, eyelets, black ribbon and tops, hammering away at the metal to get some rusty spots, grime streaks ... ah well you know the drill ... hours of work on a 1 square mm (1/25 square inch). Might even get that finished today By the way Greg, that three tone barrel on KGV ... I would start off with white, Then spray from front to back center top with the blue, this would get you a bit of a gradient halfway down, mask it and spray the remainder. You will certainly have exchanged the kit's barrels for brass ones, so you can practice on the kit's if this is an option for you ... you might even get a solid colour on the second all the way to the middle ...
  14. You really have to remind me of what's missing Michael (bon appétit)
  15. Nice! That shouldn't be to hard for the likes of you ... Although I have to admit that I would only know how to start, but to finish it ... the third colour ... at 1:1 it wouldn't be to hard, but it's the scale that's making my head spin two tone would be quite doable .... I'll certainly stick around when you will tackle that one!!
  16. The problem with the scale we're building at, it remains in a way a poor copy, since you will never be able to get the exact likeness. On the other hand, so far you have done her justice, which is far more important. Have you ever taken pictures from the real thing with the same focus and size as we do with our models ...? wonder what that would look like if we could ... those fw blemishes won't be seen by anyone but the builder, because (s)he knows where they are ... good progress, nice bashing ...
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