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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. 'Bout time you booted Sjors out of the workshop for a bit. Looking forward to your next update. Andy
  2. You have to give Sjors some credit here... he exercised some considerable restraint by not saying anything... "A proper cup of tea would restore my normality" "We could talk about normality until the cows come home" "What is Normal?" 'What are cows?" Points to anyone who can figure out where that came from.....
  3. From what I've seen in photos, the destruction is incredible, but as you pointed out, given the magnitude, things could have been a lot worse. Houses can be rebuilt, material goods are replaceable. Glad you're ok. Andy
  4. Larry, I'm still ready to pull a crazy-legs, and beat the feet outta here if necessary... Robbyn.. I don't see why you would blush, it wasn't your back side those crazies where after.... And the more I look at that last sentence.... the more disturbing it sounds..... Augie, Robbyn may be back.... but which way things may roll is still yet to be determined....Something tells me that if things where teetering on a precipice, she'd be the one to give that final subtle nudge and whoop, over she goes..... Andy
  5. Nice work with the blue on the head rails... Highlights them very nicely and adds a hint of detail. I'm sort of indifferent to stern lanterns as a whole... I find that they can hide some of the nice carving work, but on models without carvings they can look ok, and bring a nice detail to make the stern look more interesting. Take your pick and do what makes you happy. Andy
  6. Yeah.... I know..... If this is some sadistic test of manhood.... You guys can stop now.......please.....
  7. Worst thing about this plague.... It's seems to be very contagious.... I wonder where it will strike next..............
  8. For the complete and utter lack of anything more appropriate to say... This is getting nuts!
  9. Wow... if you manage to leather those gaff jaws it would look really sweet..... I mean it already looks amazing.... Andy
  10. Exactly. Before the revolution, some British navy ships where built in American yards, so it stands to reason that the master builders were trained by the British system and standards. With the exigencies of war, they would have simply fallen back on what they knew they could do well, and were trained to do, in order to expedite the construction process. It's not until the later frigates of the 1790s that the obvious changes become apparent, both in rig and construction. When American designers and builders had the time to experiment with, and perfect, new ways of doing things. I think it is safe to say, that the results of their efforts caught the British completely off guard 20 years later. Andy
  11. Have a look here: http://www.agesofsail.com/ecommerce/fittings.html?limit=99&order=name&dir=asc&p=6 Take your pick Andy
  12. Personnally I don't think she would have varied too much from contemporary British practice. I can't see that in the relatively short period of time between the start of the American revolution and her construction, there would have been a major sea-change in ship building and rigging practices in American yards. Certainly her overall design and size indicated that American ship builders and designers where already beginning to think slightly differently than the British establishment. But how far could it really have gotten in the short 3 or 4 year time scale? Andy
  13. I think it all depends on your experience level, as was pointed out, if you've "Been around the block" a few times, a few numbers and pictures is all you may need, which opens up a large part of the model ship kit range. But if you're just starting out, either Modellers Shipyard (as pointed out by Brian), or Model Shipways(Expo) (consider the recent releases designed by our very own Chuck) have excellent instructions. I think you might find that in the future market forces my dictate that all manufacturers of kits revisit their instruction manual department and upgrade what they supply as instructions. As for MS/ME, they are very friendly, so don't hesitate to contact them about shipping to Aussie... also you may want to track down forum member "Meredith" She's working on a couple kits from them and she might be able to offer some advice on how she managed. She has a couple of build logs around here. Andy
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