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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. A nice compromise. You've captured the essence of what the book describes despite the shortcomings of the kit. I still can't get enough of those quarter galleries you built either Andy
  2. Honestly.... I wouldn't say that... I know from that story it doesn't look like he's a good shot... But trust me... I would never put myself down range from him.... I think he did most of that shooting from the hip... So unless you're a real pro, you'd end up with the same result. Andy
  3. Know anyone on this side of the pond that sells bed extensions?
  4. Now that's a great idea... Like doing transfer lettering (for a signs or vehicle or whatever).... Only much smaller... Wish I'd thought of that when I put the name on my build... Well maybe next time... Andy
  5. A friend of mine regularly goes hunting with his buddies up near Sault Ste Marie (ON). One particularly grey rainy day he'd put his back pack down on the trail, and walked ahead through the fir trees to a clearing at the edge if a hill, to have a look around. He suddenly heard this sound behind him of rattling cans. He turned around, and there was a moose rummaging through his pack.... He was so shocked, I can't remember if he said he had a thirty-ought-six or a thirty-thirty, but somehow he managed to unload an entire magazine at the moose and not hit it once.... Well maybe he grazed an ear... He said he managed to chamber two more single shot rounds as he chased the moose through the bush.... But rest assured.... That moose lived another day... And my friend had to explain to his buddies why there was a volley of artillery that sounded like the opening of the spring offensive.... And no moose... Andy
  6. Yup... sunk in September 2009 while under tow to China to receive a new forebody. For more photos and some really cool video taken by members of the tug, check this out: http://www.boatnerd.com/pictures/fleet/algoportsink.htm
  7. For me, price is not an issue, I'm more concerned with the trustworthyness and reliability of online retailers. I've seen proxxon tools available from a retailer I have bought from before.... Like Hank, I am curious about what other people think. Andy
  8. Anything with headlights really stuns 'em good... I don't know what it's like where you are, but up north you see a lot of big rigs fitted out with guards... Like the Aussi 'Roo Guards you see down there.... Don't know how well they work though.... Moose being slightly bigger animal... Incidentally, to anyone not familiar with moose.... They are genetically designed to crash straight through an automobile's front windshield when struck... A good reason not to drive at night in some of the wilder places around here.... Andy
  9. I've been eyeing that tool myself and am very curious to see what anyone thinks... I know B.E. has one.. Andy
  10. Thanks for your patience everyone... I have something here for you to mull over...
  11. I've heard they'll take anything.... Plugs, jigs, spinners... Although the big ones really go for Hula-Poppers... It's also not unheard of to snag a fair sized one on a fly....
  12. Very nice work. You seem to be flying along with this monster build.... Andy
  13. Are you kidding, Sjors? Moose fishing is the greatest! Get your water skis on first though.... Before you cast your line out....Once hooked, those suckers can run for miles though.... So if you run out of lake.... You literally have to be "on your toes" Andy
  14. Sit tight everyone.... I will have something soon...... Right now I have some other priorities that must be taken care of..... Namely at the moment there is too much blood in my alcohol system....
  15. I hopefully will have something up before the end of tomorrow..... You can imagine I'm going to be a little busy Andy
  16. Thankfully it's more of a Rather than an Andy
  17. Very nice tiling job. Are you going to keep it clean or let it age? The stern decorations look great too! Andy
  18. One thing I saw, if you have a copy of TFFM IV, in the back colour section, it shows an interesting way of mounting ship's boats. Basically using a clear acrylic rod drilled into the hull horizontally just below the water line. The ship's boat is then mounted to the rod. The boat now appears to be "floating" alongside, with a painter line extended to the ship. Just a thought.... Andy
  19. How nice, that relatively close to home, you have a constant memorial in one way, to your father, that will allow you and succeeding members of your family, keep in touch directly with your history. Safely preserved, hopefully for many more generations to come. Andy
  20. Don't know why you're obsessing... looks fine. I wouldn't worry too much about the inward angle of the deadeyes. Once you add the shrouds and lanyards, they'll tend to pull themselves a little into line anyway. You won't (shouldn't) notice it. Andy
  21. Dullcote itself is a spray enamel, so you shouldn't have any trouble with the Humbrol. You can actually overcoat Dullcote fairly quickly (an hour or so), but there's no harm in waiting longer One thing though... since you've found a source... buy as many cans as you possibly can.... because you never know. One thing I've noticed, a once opened spray can has a shelf life of about 6 months at best. After that point you may find that the spray gives a sort of orange peel/fish eye effect. Andy
  22. Lord of the Flies anyone? Or Yertle the Turtle (for those who remember Dr. Zeuss )
  23. I had no trouble with a single rabbet for only the first planking. As for the bearding line, I thinned mine a little more than twice the thickness of the first planking. Only a little sanding was needed to allow the second planking to sit nicely against the keel. Andy
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