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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Nope, sorry, not here....You must be on the wrong forum.... try Googling it or something...
  2. I was just about to ask you what you've been doing on her..... Fiddling about with more tediously small parts, I see.... Andy
  3. Nice work... but I'm just curious.. your topgallant crosstrees look like they should be rotated 90 degrees, the curve should be horizontal and aftward. Andy
  4. *Sigh* Popeye.... *groan* I figured things where going down hill... and you just gave it another nudge... Sjors... waiting patiently... whenever you get your glue to stick.... (if it's still not working, you may want to wash off the cast metal in mild dish detergent and water, and let it dry thoroughly before trying to glue.....either way it will help when the time comes to paint) Andy
  5. **Grabs the pull cord for his ship's whistle and sounds 5 short, rapid blasts** (Go look up the International Regulations for the Prevention Of Collisions at Sea, "Collregs", if you don't know what that means)
  6. NIICE! The colours on the stern look amazing, and what a neat and tidy job you've done. Andy
  7. Very nice... you must be closing in on the finish line, can't be too much left now.. Andy
  8. Ok... this thread is in immediate peril of going south in a bad way..... Andy
  9. Have you tried fitting your bowsprit yet? (Even just the unfinished stump) it may give you a better idea of how things may look, and whether or not you want to make changes. Andy
  10. Sjors.... I think I was leading up to a David Bowie reference there.... Something about an oddity.... Andy
  11. David, you can hem and haw about what you could build, and settle for something close that may please you, but more likely to lose your interest, or you could just say screw it (that would be "screw" spelled with a capital "F") and build what you really want to build, and deal with whatever space issues you may have later on. Ray, nice job on your Diana. I've been quietly following along and enjoying all your nice photos. Keep up the good work. Andy
  12. Some of us are a bit odd... some of us are a bit more odd..... and then there's Sjors.... Sometimes we just need that push and the realization that "Hey I CAN do this!" soon dawns upon us... and when we know what we are capable of doing, there's no need to settle for second rate anymore... (unless it happens to be an 80 gun ship.... ) Andy
  13. No arguments there. To be honest, I think that trying to jig the old cast stern would have been like putting lipstick on a pig.... What you've got is much nicer. Andy
  14. A Bell is still required in the collision regulations as part of sound signals given while at anchor in reduced visibility: A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than one minute ring the bell rapidly for about five seconds. In a vessel of 100 metres or more in length the bell shall be sounded in the forepart of the vessel and immediately after the ringing of the bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly for about five seconds in the after part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in addition sound three blasts in succession, namely one short, one prolonged and one short blast, to give warning of her position and of the possibility of collision to an approaching vessel. A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required the gong signal prescribed in paragraph (g) of this Rule and shall, in addition, give three separate and distinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after the rapid ringing of the bell. A vessel aground may in addition sound an appropriate whistle signal.
  15. I have a copy of "The pre-history of The Far Side" and some of the stuff in there was just utterly insanely funny. A must have for any Far Side aficionado.
  16. Is it possible, James, maybe for a couple of weeks to pin John's log as a sort of book of condolences, so it doesn't immediately get lost in the shuffle?
  17. Out of curiosity only, not out of criticism, was there any way to salvage the original windows on the kit supplied transom? Your transom still looks good all the same. Andy
  18. **Walks in, has a look at the latest posts... gazes at the newest pictures...nods knowingly and walks away quietly, innocently, whistling "Let it snow, let it snow let it snow"**
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