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Everything posted by realworkingsailor

  1. Look at the siege of Quebec in 1759.. and try to tell me that bombardment of civilians was not practiced then...... Andy
  2. From World War One to very recently, the US was the worlds largest, most influential, economy (and still holds massive sway over the rest of the world). Period. Direct influence or not, when it is your closest neighbour.. you tend to go along to get along. The US wanted the buoys one way, the Europeans the other.. the rest of the world just followed suit to whomever had the most influence over them. Same reason why people drive on the left in Britain and on the right in France. You can make up all kinds of fancy stories as to why.. but in the end it comes down to politics and autonomy. "We're going to do it this way, beacuse it's different than you and that makes us special" Andy
  3. There can never be too many Besides.. I haven't yet begun mine..maybe in the fall I will start... we shall see Andy
  4. Because, when it gets down to it, the Americans (that's USA) will go along anything as long as it's not "British". And being Canadian, and sharing a fair amount of coastal area and the entire great lakes waterway system, we have no choice but to follow along. Historically, you have to look at what was happening in the Philippines back in the 50s... it was still an American protectorate (or recently independant, you'd have to look that up) Korea was a heavily militarizedf country with primarily US forces and Japan was also fairly recently occupied by the US after the end of WW2, so it's safe to say, the US had alot of influence in these places. There's no consipracy theory.. no relation to the war of 1812.. or anything like that.. just what I mentionned earlier... international politics.. Andy
  5. International Politics. With the creation of IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities), in 1957, an attempt was made to largely standardize the global aids to navigation system. Many countries felt they were giving up some of their coastal autonomy and as a compromise the two systems where set up. Andy
  6. Go big or go home... Try the Confederacy... and then see if you could buy the plans for the Essex and boost them up to 1:48 and scratch build her.... you know you want to... Andy
  7. Yeah... but that might not stop him from launching Squid.... stretchy little boogers... Andy
  8. I agree.. I think you're missing the third funnel. The two up forward make her look a little too lopsided to be the Queen Elizabeth. Oddly enough, it's not the fist time I've seen a picture of one of those things.. I just can't remember where..... Andy
  9. Despite all the losts posts it would be great to see all your carving work again. I'm sure there are more than a few members who have joined since the great crash who have yet to see your masterpiece. ANdy
  10. I wouldn't call her "unloved"..... She's got lots of character, and she looks ready to put in a hard day's work. That's how they look in real life... While some of us prefer that "new boat smell" fresh out of the showroom, it's nice to see a few with some "dings" and scuffs. Andy
  11. Robbyn, you need to have a look at Bill Short's Sovereign. It's a shame his build log got Lost and he has not come back... yet... Have a look at his web page, it offers only a tanatlizing look at his workmanship. http://carvingbook.weebly.com/photos-of-the-sovereign.html Andy
  12. Hmm.... I've heard soaking the meat in brine for a bit get's rid of the gamey taste... may have to do that....
  13. Wiarton Willie.... C'mere ya varmint! I got some eatin' ta do! Andy
  14. Dang it! Now I'm gonna have to find another groundhog.... You got anything against eatin' albino ones? Or at least pasty white coloured ones.....(that overgrown rat was wrong too....) Andy
  15. That's what I thought when I first saw it... very appropriate too ANdy
  16. First Weathering... now a crustacean infestation.. and what is that green crud... cabbage?... no wait... kelp? Seems to be everywhere! I hope it's not hard to eradicate.. you know... like Kudzu.. Hate to come back in a few months and find your hard work disguised as a hedge! Andy
  17. Yeah... very nice... very clean and precise. A good clean solid foundation to start off with will go a long way. Hope your family if feeling better soon. Note to self.. avoid buying plastic scroll saw.. go with scary looking antique steel one... Andy
  18. I'm considering Groundhog stew.... or maybe Spit Roasted.... I haven't made up my mind yet Andy
  19. It looks so clean... uncluttered and organized..... almost sterile.. like a hospital or something.... How can you hope to work like that? Looking forward to progress Andy
  20. Me? Seasick? If I was I wouldn't be in this profession... Which co-ordinates are you talking about? In my Signature? the MIL TF D41*? It Means "Make It Like The F***ing Diagram For Once" Andy
  21. Having come this far with the Syren (and the good job you've done with her) Pegasus is not a bad kit for an encore. You're left quite a bit more to your own defenses with respect to the instructions, and the gunport patterns can be a bit of a pain (although I suppose you could opt out and buy some extra planking, if you don't mind going that route), but overall it's a good kit with a wealth of detail. All more options to consider in the near future Andy
  22. From the forecast, it looks like it's going to affect the southern (L. Erie mostly, but parts of L. Ontario) great lakes, it's going to miss us up here Andy
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