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Everything posted by jaerschen

  1. An interesting project that you started Allan. I'm looking forward to see more.
  2. Hi Ferit, I havn't much idea about ships of that period. Were the shrouds white at this time ?
  3. Hi Ray, Congrats, the gallerie is looking really good and the coppering also
  4. Very nice work as ever Ferit. What are the ropes that we can see in the background?
  5. I'm speechless with admiration Ed, that's outstanding.
  6. Hi Kevin I'm with Joe and Grant. I wish you a nice time...................and before I forget, your Vic is looking great
  7. Nice work at this tricky part Ray. It's looking really good.
  8. Wow Ferit, I admit that I had no time until now to look all the pics of your build. That's the first pics where I see the deck of your Berlin. It's looking gorgeous, great work.
  9. Hi Ferit and John I'm glad that you like it. Thanks for the advice John. It's always a great help for me because it's often very hard to find the right english term
  10. Thank you so much for looking and the kind comment B.E. Here's a little update. The planking include the rails at the starbord side are finished so far as possible at the moment. The ornaments at the end of the rails (I don't no the right term) were uncharted waters for me. I decided to do the rail and ornament at one piece. I made a simply stencil because it needs several of that ornaments. The shape of the rail is done with drawing plate and the ornament with cutter and curving tools here you see it at the model I desided to close the spaces between the bulkheads at the port-side based on some trubble during the planking That's looking so I believe the planking will be much easier at this
  11. Lovely little clamps Mark, thats a good idea. I'm convinced your planking will be fine by your quality of work
  12. Congrats Ray, very well done the coppering. I'd like to do it also at the Leopard and this is a good manual for me.
  13. Very nice work Ferit. I have one question. When do you getting the shrouds over the top?
  14. Hi Dirk and Greg. Thanks very much for looking and the nice words
  15. Your Wales are looking very well Ray. I believe also that's a good time for the copper plates
  16. You have richly deserved the holiday John. A very nice ship your Stag
  17. Nice work so far Juan. One question about the dinghy. It seems that the space between the rowing benches are bit to small? Is that right or I'm wrong?
  18. Thanks very much to all for the kind comments Try it and you'll see it's going well
  19. Much thanks for the kind comment Timmo. It's going on with the build. I added two rails during the last days. But I want to display how make the planks above (or under) the gunports at first. First step is to mark the position where the plank must be wider Then I saw the plank with the bandsaw and sanded it Thereafter it must be fitted to the other planks. I did that with a chissel. That's the easiest way to do it for me. Here you can see the result. And now some photos of the current progress.
  20. She's looking very nice after final sanding Ray. The book from Rif Winfield of 50th is good investment. My main concern is also the ornate carving, but that will go off all right.
  21. Your crow's nest looks very nice Ferit. The way how you rounded the stripes is subscribed
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