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Everything posted by jaerschen

  1. Your Wasa is looking fantastic Michael. You are a good example of that what I always say. Kid-Builder are also very good scratch-builder
  2. The Port Side is at the same progress as the Starboard Side. I don't make many words because the procedure is the same. Here some photos of the current progress.
  3. Hi Learner, much thanks for the kind words and your interest. That's always a great motivation. I'm really pleased to hear that you build the Triton, it's a great online project here on MSW. You have much experience in model building how can I see. Your Druid and also the current progress of the Triton are looking very nice. My heart is with the Triton. I'll follow your build with great interest
  4. @Jim That's the right attitude Jim. We are building models to have fun. @Michael Much thanks for the kind comment Micheal. I watched also to your thread. Your Wasa is looking great and will follow your log too.
  5. I'm with Brian. You can try modeling compound. I used it successfully at my Irene.
  6. Hi Ferit, much thanks for your interest. I don't think that the scratch build is a other universe . Most of the kit builders are doing much scratch on his models I'm planking the portside currently. Only what I can show is the same as on the starboard side. That's the reason to show the next photos if the portside planking is finished.
  7. Wow Kevin, the rudder is looking great. Very clean work
  8. A very nice ship that you like to build John. I looking forward to see more of your build
  9. Hi Bluto Thank you very much for nice comment. I'm glad to hear that you will follow this log. I just as do it as you and expanded the plans in scale 1:64. That was the simplest way. You must build the model how you can do it. There are so much nice models without some details. Sometime it's better to exclude some details and nevertheless your model is looking very nice. I wish you all the best at your build. @Chris I hope your build is starting soon
  10. Very nice work Ilhan, it pleases me very well
  11. I don't envy you Robert . Perhaps it's little help if I say you are doing a great job
  12. I don't know what to say Karl........outstanding
  13. Excellent work at the deck framing, Egen
  14. Great craftsmanship Gary. It's always a pleasure to see this wonderful model
  15. Much thanks for all the great informations do you give us with your build Ed. This help is priceless.
  16. That will be a very interest project Chris. It's nice to hear that you will starting it in the near future. I'll follow that build with great interest when it's nearer the time. The AOTS of the Bellona is very good base for a build of a 74-gun ship. Will you build in POB or POF?
  17. Thanks for the kind comments Chris and Kevin, You can ask what ever you want, that's a great help for me because I can improve my english . @Kevin It's much easier for me to construct the gunports at the right position instead to cut them in a closed hull. I have some problems to make clean openings afterwards. One or two are not a problem, but this plenty of ports are a big problem for me. I don't feel like it. The frames of beech are very solid. That's a help because I'll fit the details from the Gundeck upwards. That's the main reasons why I decided to do it at this way. Also it's a good exercise for me of a real planking and (a bit) constuction because I would like to finish my Triton anytime. @Chris The bulkhead drawings from McKay are showing all the frames that you can see at my model The McKay bulhead drawings corespond to the original drawings and they are showing every second frame. What drawings do you have Chris?
  18. Hi David, very clean work do you show us. Could you offer more pics of the hull? It seems to be very nice work as I can see at the last photo
  19. Your Diana is looking great Ray. I like the blend of colors.
  20. Hi Chris, Much thanks, your interest pleases me very well. I used a scroll jigsaw at first that I put in a jig as you can see at the following photos. On the second photo is the power button that I can press with my foot. After I sanded with a belt sander Oh my english, I hope that was what would you like to know
  21. Excellent craftsmanship Gary. I can't wait to see more of that great model
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