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Everything posted by jaerschen

  1. Hi Mick I'm with Bob, it seems you are to self critical Very nice work.
  2. Hi Lextin It was a good idea to put out your section. I hope to see more next time, it's looking really good
  3. Hi Daniel, nice to see that you started your build of the Principe De La Paz. I wish you all the best for your build.
  4. That sounds great Mick, keep it up if you have finished the cross section. I’m sure, about your outstanding craftsmanship it will be a great model.
  5. Hi Kevin I just remembered at this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRuUlMwNeJI But I haven't any experience with it
  6. A little band saw could be an alternative Kevin. I used them to saw out 90% (ca.) of the frame parts. I put a saw band for slightly curves in it and that worked very well. For sanding I use the same technical as Nigel shows
  7. Thanks so much for the nice comments Daniel and Nigel and also for all the likes. @Daniel In terms of this Triton build the most are means the double frame is much easier than the single frame. But I believe that isn't so. I think single frame have a great vantage, to get the right shape of the hull is much easier than in double frame. Although single frame is more time consuming. In relation of the optic I'm with you.
  8. Hi Kevin Much thanks for the warm words. You don't feel so about your craftsmanship
  9. Thank you for your kind words Nigel. Now I looked to your builds and must say that you are doing also a great job. @Ed You are absolutely right. There are so many to read, I can't up my mind what to read at next
  10. Much thanks for the kind words Ed. But I prefer the Triton at the moment. I spent so much time in this project
  11. What a outstanding craftsmanship Ed, simply beautiful
  12. Hi Guys It's done, all the frames are fitted and even the starboard side is a bit sanded. The next step is sanding, sanding sanding,..........oh I hate it.
  13. Hi Kevin Nice start of your build, it's looking good. I see you have the same jointer.
  14. Much thanks for the planking scheme Toni. I didn't know that such schemes exits. This is very interest for me.
  15. Hi Kevin, at the start of my build I printed the frames on self-adhesive labels. That worked very well
  16. I'm a bit confused. Were the marks made of sheet or curved?
  17. A good start in your project Kevin. I can't wait to see more.
  18. Hi Daniel, It sounds great your new project, very nice ship. I believe it must participated at the battle of Trafalgar if it existed, but that isn't so. But this is really only a conjecture. I hope your Triton build to go further and you can show us some new photos soon.
  19. It's nice to see a new progress Ray. Lovely work as ever.
  20. One could think you be a sailmaker Nils. Excellent work.
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