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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Hi Peter, as you are well under way already, I wish you that you can successfully implement all thosenice features you mentioned for a better look, so that you will be pleased with your new model. Have fun with the build Nils
  2. Bob, Thanks for your nice comment, in that case Keep an eye on the rope coils in order not to stumble, the deck ist not tidied up yet Nils
  3. thank you very much Lawrence, yes, I also trust it will be a nice sight, when all the sails are set, as i also like fully rigged sails on ships Nils
  4. I must have caught a cold yesterday, today headaches and running nose and feeling groggy, so not in the mood to do rigging in the moment. Instead i bolted some of the boats rudder gudgeons, which I did not do to date, because only glued on......... Also some impressions (close ups) of the working deck. This will be tidied up as good as possible later on Nils boats rudder printle- and gudgeon arrangement many of the mainmast running rigging lines go upwards bihind the main gallow support. the chainpump cranks (when horizontal angle) are in crews waist hight here is the view to und under forecastle, on the stove and distille, where the waterbarrel takes the distillate, as well as front staircase to deck below and its railings, and stairs from gundeck to forecastle. The bits take the anchor cable. The starboard side anchor cable is tied to the messenger in regular spaces here the messenger cable runs by past the deck ladders and disappears under the QD where it is slung around the capstan in five windings Amati 1:64 Swan Class builders will surely have recognised that my hold hatches (and gratings) are a bit larger QD deck view on the "closed" side
  5. super Fitting out Bob, it must be fun to fit in one progress sequence after another in this lovely scratch build Nils
  6. Thank you Kees, its not so difficult to rigg this 3-masted small Sloop, in fact its a Little frigate under sails and can be recommended a welcome object to still keep the overview versa some of the high skill beautiful rigging Jobs some fellow modelers do on those heavy frigates here at MSW Nils
  7. thanks for your comment Popeye, I`m smiling and a laugh a day keeps the doc. away or so...., glad you liked it Nils
  8. Yes, Thanks Bob, I saw it this afternoon, lovely picture..... the renamed "Krusenstern" is the former Laeisz Flying P-Liner "Padua" (maiden name), one of the six Pamir sister tallships. See her in lovely heritage look, without all those more modern russian ammendments to the deckhouses etc... Nils Flying P-Liner "Padua" (now converted to russian "Krusenstern") many, many seamiles ago
  9. Hi B.E., many thanks for your nice comment. When all is complete, I`m intending to do a whole set of pics at daylight illumination (better quality than tose artificial-light ones) Nils thank you Martin, can be perhaps, that not all rigging is always 100% correct with the actual heritage rigging of 1776, but with help of Lennarth Peterson`s book all functional lines will be put on, when the sloop`s rigging is complete. I shall be very happy, if fellow builders can utilize the scetch-drawings for additional guidance Nils
  10. Update.... Build log part 75 Its probably going to take several more weeks to get all the rigging done, also I would like to do over the white-ensign flag. The stern lantern is now mounted and some extra pinrails are fixed left and right to the skylight housing before the mizzen mast Nils mainmast staysails have just enough clearance to the main course think I`ll do the White ensign flag over and a bit larger..... the mizzen sail arrangement (on its own) looks like a cutter rigging ready for rigging : fore sail, fore topsal and yards, fore- and main togallant sails and yards, and the two sprit sails with their yards stern lantern with support and candle inside still some lines missing here I`m quite pleased with the progress so far fitted each 3-pin rails left /righthand of the skylight All the coiled line-ends to the pins (all belaying points) will be added later on mizzen topsail rigging in progress
  11. Thank you very much David and Michael, I think I`ll do some more ratlines the next days...... Nils
  12. Hi David, with the rigging its an ongoing question of "what must be done first" in order to still have access to the belaying points of all those running rigging lines. Thats also why I do the upfront scetches, to see early how many operating lines will go with the individual sail. The stay sails and spanker for instance are rigged for weather from port side. This means that all the square sails will have the weather from port to port-aft and must be braced accordingly Nils
  13. Good work Lee, ist going to look beautiful when the portside planking is completed Nils
  14. Hi Burnside63, a very nice looking hull , you`ve been real busy with the planking. Are you going to plate the oldtimer hull, perhaps with rivet imitation ? Nils
  15. Hi Bob, appreciate your comment thank you very much..... Why did you think that your schooner was bad ?, its a fantastic model Nils
  16. Thank you very much Bob and Popeye, Your kind comments are much appreciated... because of all the extra and individual lines for rigging the sails there have to be quite a lot of belaying points that are not given by the plan, also the lines have to be placed, so they do`nt foul the braced square sails. It shall take more shroud cleats and lead thimbels than I thought it would Nils
  17. Little update I did`nt have so much time the last days, but now I`m continuing with the mizzen mast rigging. the lower cross jack yard is rigged and mounted, and the smaller, upper mizzen Topsail yard is ready for attaching the topsail. Nils again, first an overview scetch...... The topgallant main stay sail is also mounted I am surprised how much finest dust particles have settled on the lower interior decks in all those months, will need to find a solution to extract that dust through the "open" port side. Once the model is completed I will have the glass case for dust protection the upper mizzen topsail yard is one of the smallest, but requires a full rigging for operating the sail sail check with the upper mizzen yard the crossjack yard is already mounted and rigged the weather side -truss tackle, just above the catharpin-rigging level, is loosened a bit to allow adequate bracing one side of the parrel tackle is still open until the yard gets rigged to the ship
  18. Wonderful work Gobi, very accurate and clean framing in midget formate Nils
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