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Everything posted by jct

  1. Hello A With the summer camping season upon us I've had very little time to work on any of my modeling projects, the Harriet Lane still sits on the bench and I've parked the Niagara as well. I had toyed with the idea of taking some material along but was always deterred by the hassle involved with moving a semi completed project, so the idleness continued, that is until recently! I was perusing MSW one day and came across Clare Hess's (Catopower) build log for the HMS Alert from Shipyard (link below)) a paper model...I've seen paper done before, primarily following Doris's scratch builds (link also below). The attraction to paper is the lack of special tools required to complete a build. So with these two excellent builders as inspiration I took the plunge and ordered the Shipyard Pinta kit from Age of Sail. My primary reason for choosing this kit was cost, it is only $22, I did spring for sails and mast accessory kits which brought the total up to $36.16, less shipping. Not an exorbitant amount for an experiment. THe kit arrived in a couple days and was packaged very well, the main kit consists of 5 pages of printed parts, 1 laser cut in heavy cardboard and 4 printed color parts, some really nice flags, and lots of color photos/instructions . The sails are nicely printed on fabric and precut, the mast are just dowels of various diameters, but does come with a laser cut crows nest, which is a nice addition. So here goes another build log...this one though will only be added to when we get away for the weekend as it is happening on the rv dining table! The first couple pics show the kit packages, I plan to take a snap of the individual sheets as they are used. The ships keel and frames are laser cut from heavy pressed card... These were easy to remove with a #11 scalpel... Once all the parts were removed the main structure was assembled using PVA, the parts fit was very good, the parts went together with no fiddling whatever... I used a straightened paperclip to run a small bead of glue on each kerf before mating the pieces together then used a lego to square things while I readied the next part... It didn't take long to complete the frame... So that were she sits for now, the plan is to build this little ship pretty much box stock with the exception of the ropes, which I will spin up on my rope walk, looking through the sheets of parts the real challenge looks like it will be the rigging blocks, those I may replace as well, but we will see. Thanks for looking in, appreciate you time and attention J
  2. Hi DOris, I've been away from the site for a while, I'm glad to see you are still providing your excellent work. I'm following along THX J
  3. Great job Clare...I'm bit, ordered the Pinta kit from Age of Sail, only hope I can come close to your results Thx for the inspiration and a great log J
  4. Hi Steve Very Nice, curious about the gun blue... I've never used it and am wondering how it would work on some of the mystery metal kit parts, have you experimented with other metal types to see how it would take?
  5. Sails are really looking fine, have you got a spot picked out for her yet
  6. Hi Steve...thanks for the kind words...I've always been kind of intrigued by these hybrid vessels... I was actually looking at that pilot house the other day and was bouncing a couple other ideas around in my head but I'd have to get another copy of the paper stuff supplied with the kit to execute, so maybe I'll just leave well enough alone . Camping is always great for us, super relaxing...RVing really, no tents for the Admiral. Great to have you back on the site , your Shanandoah is looking great J
  7. Wow Darrell, nice stuff...JEALOUS...seriously, super shop...lots o good ships coming out of there
  8. Hey Steve, Welcome back, so glad to hear Suzie is doing better, all my best to her...your jib looks good, much better then my first attempt, the sails will definitely add more to an already great model J
  9. Nice, for me the hardest part is getting them consistent, they look good Sam
  10. Hi Denis....well here we are again...I cant finish one build and you get a big head start on another!! Super build she looks really piratie , following along J
  11. Wow...I haven't posted since April...sorry all, I do plan to finish this build, but now that the summer camping season is upon us, the weekends are totally consumed...and work is still work, so hopefully soon J
  12. nice work on the ratlines Sam, I think some would agree tying them can be somewhat therapeutic, in a masochistic sort of way! ( I too enjoy it) J
  13. I like the rivets/bolts...they will tie in with the steam plant when you get to it, there are exposed fasteners on it as well...looks like you're going for a natural finish throughout?
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