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Everything posted by DocBlake

  1. Finished the hatch and ladder, the table, two wooden boxes with hinged tops and a bunch of barrels for the orlop deck I still need to make several rope coils to store there.
  2. I'm having an existential crisis regarding masting and rigging this ship! The masts and sprit are all done, and rigging can begin as soon as I add a few more cleats and eyebolts to the model. The problem I is like the look of the admiralty style model with stub masts and no rigging. This model is large, and masting and rigging makes it bigger, Plus I really don't enjoy rigging all that much. Then again I look at Bob's (rafine's) Halifax and admire the job he did on rigging her and how beautiful she looks. What to do?
  3. Although they have the Paypal logo at the page bottom, along with Visa and Mastercard, when you actually have to pay, Paypal is not an option. Scam. Also, they offer a real bargin on an Amati Keel Klamper, regularly $129.99, on sale for $43.99 (like everything else). The clamp retails for about $70, not $129.99. Scam.
  4. Prices far too good to be true. Offshore location. A recipe for a major scam. Has anyone experience with these people? https://www.charmwardrobe.top/boats-ships-c-1_2_9/
  5. I somehow missed this build also, but I’ m here now! Fabulous work, and a very unique subject. Bravo, Nils!
  6. I agree with Brian. Not a rap on Bob Hunt, just a caveat about the latter part of the practicum. The AVS was my second kit (more than 20 years after my first!) and I couldn’ have finished it without it.
  7. Thanks, Michael. I've altered every kit I've built so far. To me, planning and making the changes are the most fun of all.
  8. Great idea separating the subdeck into pieces. Looks good! Since the subdeck will be planked over, it wouldn't even be necessary to patch any spaces between the components with filler.
  9. I completed the orlop deck, but I still need to add the details such as barrels, tables, crates etc that were stored there. next up in the gun deck. I'll use blood wood for the waterways and spirketing.
  10. Good job 👏 . The stern,including fitting the fashion pieces is by far the hardest part of the model.
  11. Very nice work, David. An excellent reconstruction. The fact that you had an emotional attachment to the model in the past makes it's value priceless. Well done, Sir!
  12. Great job so far. I’ll be following this build closely. Anything I can help with, please ask. I had the same problem with bulkheads needing shimming and the sub decks breaking in spots. “Design flaw”!! Feldman’s book is helpful. The MS kit was based on his plans, with some modifications.
  13. Congratulations, very well done. It makes me want to start my Lauck Street Halifax!
  14. You are too kind, Art! Your battle station looks fabulous. You should be very proud.
  15. Somehow I missed this log! My loss, but I’m here now. Don: Do you have a mill in addition to your lathe? What brand and model for each?
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