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Posts posted by DocBlake

  1. Thanks Bob!


    If you email Daniel Dusek (who owns the rights to Mamoli's plans) He'll send you a copy of the very detailed Mamoli rigging plans for Halifax.  He sent me a copy but asks that I not forward it to anyone, but rather request it directly from him.  It is in Italian (of course) but is very detailed.  contact@dusekshipkits.com

  2. I finished the swivel gun supports.  Classically these would have been painted black, but I made them out of boxwood and kind of like the look.  For the metal reinforcing bands at the top, I cut a shallow kerf in all 4 sides and CA'd some black rigging thread in the kerf.  I used the same technique to make the cannon reinforcing rings in my Battle Station model.  Two HO gauge railroad spikes were glued in to simulate bolts holding the supports in place.  I only did six supports, 3 per side, leaving off the last ones on the poop deck and the two in the fo'c'sle.  The deck and rails are getting crowded!


    The supports need poly and the bulwark planking needs to be touched up.  I scraped the poly off the planking before gluing the supports in place.


  3. Thanks to all for the kind comments and the "likes".


    I just returned from the NRG conference and I made an interesting discovery in the Exhibit Hall.  An aftermarket fix for the horrible stamped metal transom and quarter badges that come with the kit!  I spend a fair amount of time rebuilding these areas, and while I'm happy with the results, this would have made the job far easier.  Only $10.00!


    The transom piece is reversible so you don't have to use the name "Independence".  Available at traintroll.com.  Quarter badge windows included!


    Well worth it if you plan to build this model!


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