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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1.  The balloon is pretty swollen here today lol. Made a great save on my Mayflower last night,  Winnipeg beat Chicago  last night in the NHL, and got to look at your finished model, yes you could say I had a <trifecta> of happy events. LOL 😆 

      Wonder were I learnt that word lol.. Thanks for the nice log Brian, was a lot of fun, looking forward to you getting back to the big one . Take care my freind ,  Super bowl Sunday, more  modeling, and more great log reading  another <trifecta> day on the horizon  😀 😄 😊

  2. LOL remember I said  they all went on good except for one lol.  Yes this is what I had to do to fix this simple problem. I tried to push a little piece of wood  near the gun port in question and as I pushed ever so gently...  bang right through. So as luck is on my side,  I needed two more planks gone to fix the hole at the gunport, so I removed them and put new ones in . This is where the luck comes in as I had to put a fender on right at that point where they joined.  What luck  lol. So tonight it looks  like this, and yes  I am Grinning  😀 ☺️

        I have to Thank everyone for their support and suggestions along with your advice,  I am slowly getting  it . Very  slowly lol. Anyway,  thanks everyone for this place, people who run it , moderators  all of you thanks  for helping me learn how to do it.  So now if I can get the other side to look like this side  I am good.  Talk soon .   :cheers: 


    Bob M.







  3. From a newbie's stand point: I am ready to start my dream ship, the Pegasus. But I won't, lol. For those who know me, I joined MSW in 2021 June. I decided to get a different hobby when I turned 65. I retired when I was 58. After I turned 65, I started to think about a new hobby. I looked online and ships came up. So I got excited about model ships, that lead me to the Santa Maria. I bought one and when it arrived, I opened the box an said those famous words "what have I done, no way this is happening."  I googled how to make a ship and was lead here .

      I have a hard time reading and writing and with computers lol. But I figured my desire to learn what I needed to know to get the ship I desired to make was worth overcoming a few obstacles.  So here goes....

      I agree with everything everyone has said.  There was no way I was going to be able to do what I was looking at.  I joined MSW, and my son helped with the computer, reading and writing I was left on my own, but the First Mate edits a LOT lol.

       My first ship went well because of the logs, and those brave few members who answered my first questions. LOL

      But I wished I had started something just a little less complex then the Santa Maria. I had to learn so much so fast and was, I guess you could say, a little inpatient lol. 

     For me, if you want to be a modeler, learn what you have to do, build what you want to build and learn the ways others have done theirs . And you will know when it is time to move up. I have learned that planking is key. If you make a good hull, you're there. The rest of it is fun stuff to make...sails, rigging, masts, painting and did I mention  planking. lol.

      As for starting the Pegasus, I will get to it lol. I just don't want to rush through building my Mayflower. Then I am going to do a Sea of Galilee boat , then a Viking long boat , La Nina, and finally Pegasus. I can not wait. lol

      I am sure to get many years of enjoyment on my journey. I hope this makes a little sense...start slow but start.  When you get going,  GO.  Its unlimited to how far you can take your models. It's up to you to decide how well you want to make them. As I have said, for me it's about just building something that looks like a boat lol . It might not be the way to do it but it will have my own style.  It's about having fun too, mostly for me lol  . And at some point they will start to look like ships.  :cheers:       ok going back to hide in my logs lol


  4. Ginger beer might make good mix for the rum  😋  lol . The first Mate watched your video, well done  nicely  and gently  put in the bottle , you see she says no major damage to his. None of this ram it in and done stuff. Lol. Then she says that I should try another ship in the bottle . It was with great satisfaction that I said, I have to finish all the models I bought before I can buy another (five left to build )

    Lol, She can't  wait to see it finished  

     A wonderful journey!!!   :cheers:

  5. Well after measuring  and marking all the gun ports, I drilled holes then used the dremel . They all went on fine except for one.  I made the hole just a little bit more than I wanted,  but I can fix that Lol. All the gun ports are on. The plan show the gun port on the top right, the little one ,  the plan shows it on sideways, I look on line some are sideways some are like all the rest. I made mine all the same way. Now just have a few whalers and the ladder up the side of the ship and both sides will be finished to a point. Then it's either the bow and anchors or stern and the rudder. Both have details to keep me busy. The gun ports look good let's just hope I measured  right lol .

      That's it for awhile, got to help out a freind  for a few weeks so won't have much modeling time  but we will see lol








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