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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. By Kraken, I think you go it.:cheers: Congratulations, Glen, the First Mate  agrees with me too , and that doesn't happen often  lol. The water is so very well done wow.

    Thank you so much for your log , nicely done even with all the outside distractions lol. 

    So whatcha fixing to do next , I want to get a front row seat. Plus you don't have to send me the 20 us dollars you promised if I write you a glowing  review  lol.  Thank you for the memories it was a lot of fun.

     Well done my friend 

  2. 7 hours ago, Baker said:

    Nice work and good that you are having fun with this model.
    But .
    These don't go over the mast top but under it. 


    They are not tied on , just clipped on till I have done the other side. Then I will tie  everything together,  my dyslexic  way of rigging,  bottom to top instead of top to bottom  lol. Thanks for looking  out for me.:cheers:

  3.  The shrouds and deadeyes  are done on the starboard side,  now on to the portside.  I will do the portside , then on to the Ratlines, my favorite  part lol. Then the upper  shrouds and rat lines. This will take awhile and my outside world is hampering  my progress  😌.  So it might be awhile before I get to post again lol,  ok see you guys around. Thanks for everyone's help and time.  I know my ships are not historical correct  and I should do research  on some stuff but my abilities to do that are lacking,  but once I see how it is done or attempting to do  then I understand.  I have only been modeling for about two years, and have learnt to  do so  much. And there  is a mountain of stuff to still learn. So a big thanks to everyone  who help me along the way, and apologies  for my typos and posting in the wrong place at times, I will get the hang of it lol

    Ok going to put into practice some of the stuff I learnt  Sea you sooner or later  lol:cheers:






  4. Looking good,  you can mark the planking up to,    on my next ship. But I am pretty sure that your grandchild  will   not look at it and say nice but you did not follow  Chuck Passaro's tutorial did you lol.

     great progress  . Give the engin a couple of revs before given 'er.  PS you know we need a doctor  note to cover your time off lol   :cheers:

  5. Hey I must be on the autism spectrum because I use a micrometer to make ALL my deadeyes look the same. I should change my name to The Good Modeller. Lol  But even with that, they are out a little  lol.

    Sooner or later, you'll come across a log that will have a picture or explanation.  I would check out @Katsumoto log of the Santa Maria.  He showed me how to do ratlines , and I like doing them his way. Not many people like doing ratlines but I do lol.@Blue Ensign Pegasus log  has so much information about  lines, serving, seizing, attaching, etc...

    As for how to keep everything from unraveling,  tension is the key, don't  let go of the rope, lol.  Easier said then done.  😉 

     I have enjoyed following along  and seeing the detail you put into your ship, hope this helps.    :cheers:


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