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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. So I think I am back on track,  I figured  most of the rigging.  There is a couple of lines that look like fun. The one that has four lines go into one. But long way from that, so no use getting tied up in Knotts lol.  The binding's went well , and the bowsprit mast is on. So now I just  have  Bits,  and pieces of the yards to do. Then starting the shrouds and rat lines. Lots  of work. Hopeing to improve on my seizing  and glueing techniques but the eyes are are fading and shaking seems just to be part of life lol. But it don't help but  that's what makes it fun. The ship is down to just what you see in the little tray. From a big box to a tray full of happiness  😊 🙂  lol.

     So the ship sits like this for now, and I glued  the last fender on lol. Ok Sea you. 








  2.   Thanks @HardeeHarHarWell, it's coming along. I made some mistakes with the crows nest. It was hard to understand  how they did it. So  I figured they must go together the same way.  Nope , the pieces  I thought missing  were in fact 2x2 not crosstrees. Oh well A little  trimming and they will be fine. Also forgot to drill all the,  Fori Passante, which means drill holes lol on the crows nests. So I broke out my mini drill and boom all done no bits broke. The wood was easy, the aluminum is a little tougher but it worked fine. Got all the eyebolts in. And while on the subject of forgetting  🙃.  Also forgot to do the bindings on the masts. It would've been easier to do before mounting them but It won't b that hard.

     Then I will be moving on to the yards and Bowsprit, let's not forget the Cleat lol

     Then the rigging starts, going to do what blocks I can do now plus all the dead eyes, run the standing rigging  line, and try not to forget any lol. Still having way to much fun in the ship yard lol but loving every moment of the builds. If I could read a little  better and comprehend what I am reading it would be nice but really happy how the Mayflower is looking. 

      Thank you everyone  for the likes and help.




  3. Back to The ship. The mast were pretty hard to follow along with the plan. But looking at a few logs, this is what I came up with. Pieces were breaking, and some more parts were missing.  The parts for under the crow's nest were missing  so I made some . I needed 8 they sent me two. Oh well. On we go. I stained the masts with a quick coat of sealer, then assembled them as best as I could. While they were drying I tied  down the life boat. Other then the 3 little bits which is what they are called, the deck is done. I am still Grinning,  it's a fun build. Can't  thank everyone enough for all the help.  

     So this is the ship on the shelf... while I go figure out my next move lol.

     Dead eyes, shrouds, Rat lines oh my lol.  It's incredibly so much fun , ya there's lots of mistakes  but I am Grinning.  The Blacken-it worked really well.  But just like my method,  ruff handling  will chip them. I blackened all then put the rings together. This caused  the black to come off. So I made the parts, dunked them again and glued them on . Now that I know all this, I use it just before I need it. But yes I like blacken-it better then painting them . Ok later all.  Sea you.











  4. Well it's time to weigh anchor. They seem ok. I had to install the channels , then make the pully. The hawerhole peices were missing. But I made some from left over's.  I have never heard of a Shank painter before, I have knownen  many a  shakie  painters but this is a first lol.

      So now I think I will  blacken the pins for the deck hatchway  and clear coat the wood.  After that is put together  , I will tie down the life boat. 

      I made the life boat this way  because of recent events that had happen. The death of my mother in law, and my younger  sister plus one of my First Mate's sister 💔  Three. And we lost a member before Christmas so  this is what I did. The members  name and dates of passing are written under the boat. Along with my Mother in law  That's why it's ups  side down. Plus each cannon cover has a picture of the family  we lost this year. Plus I set my father  and the first Mates  father  behind one to . All together  7 souls I set free to sail to were they want.

      Now I got to figure out the masts.  I hit a bit of a stumbling  block. Lack of plans , it's hard to understand how it works but I'll figure it out. 

     Thanks everyone  for the likes and advice. I wished I could communicate a little better  but I am getting the hang of it.  

       After the hatchways are done  its sails masts ,  and rigging,  how long can that take lol . 😆  have fun everyone.  I am very happy for the way this build is going its a fun ship. The sails will make her shine,  but it's my boat so I might over look lots lol.

      Again thanks for letting me  learn how to fined what I need to know. Now I just got to get better at it. Pegasus is on my mined  all day but I have two more After this. I  don't think I will make it,  I will probably  start the Pegasus  soon I think lol. Whoa   pony slow down lol. Thanks  that's my update. Sea you. 













  5. Hi Scotty, ahh Down the tool rabbit hole we go lol .

      When you buy tools get good ones or you be buying them again. You get what you pay for. I have never used ammonia before so can't say anything about it. Except,  because the wood is so old it might be better to use it. For  myself I use an  electric plank bender, and an old iron, and sometimes  a heat gun. A little water and they bend like magic  lol.Works for me , but if you found a way you like, as they say, use that.

     Most of my ships will be early centuries models so no shine to them. I stain to the colour I want ,then a couple  of coats of shellac sealer  sprayed on. After it dries  I sand and put a brush coat of satin varnish. After that's dry and before the mast and rigging starts I give it two quick coats of flat clear coat to give it depth  👌.   But I have been painting  for about 46 years give or take lol. 

     You're doing great, keep up the good work.    :cheers:

  6. You see that was not so hard all you had to do is start. Looking pretty good , now I suppose you be to busy to come over  LOL 

     As I recall there is a lot of rat lines to do on the Santa Maria , but just give'er , you be done in no time  🤣

      Glad to see you back in the shipyard.


    Bob M.

  7. Yes I am really glad I cut the white out on the Mayflower decal , I thouch up the green with a felt marker fine point . To get rid  of the white around the cuts. It'll do.

     The stairs went well, doors to. I moved the door on the castle bulkheads, there was no way it could open behind the main mast. Not sure what I did wrong,  but moving it solved the problem  😅.  The vents  have to be finished and glued into place . And I have the hatches under the life boat to do too. I want to make the anchors next  then start on the masts. They line up pretty good  but the do look complicated.  This is how she sits tonight 











  8. 18 minutes ago, Ferrus Manus said:

    You might want to forego the name on the back. I doubt ships of the time would have had it. This model of yours is turning out near-perfect. Much better than i could ever do! You should consider painting the entire hull in the flamboyant English colors of the time. That would really look good and add a flair to your build. 


    Keep up the excellent work! 

    Lol, no that's just me fooling around. The last picture is it for the stern.

  9. No I could not stand it anymore,   so I took

    my excato knive and cut out the white. I can live with this thanks @HardeeHarHar for the advice, I didn't like the decal right from the start. Now on the advice  that I received here, I am happy with the results.   Ok on to the drawer bulkhead then the rest of the doors and ladder . And of course  the fender on the other side lol.






  10. Thanks, she does need some more paint but that is the easy part. You are right about the flower I should have  cut just the flower out. So now looking for  Billings 1:60 scale emblem for the back of mine . Not sure where to even look. I am going to remove the white and see how she looks. If it is too bad I take it off and find something else.

      Today working on the bow, going to do this door and steps before it gets to crowded  in there. First  door looks good. Thanks for the advice  @HardeeHarHar   :cheers:


  11. Well my method of blacking my bass pieces work to a limited.  I did not forsee  the amount of bending needed to fit the rudder on. If I had a do over I would have bent and form them before I painted them.

    The rudder was especially hard to do , the book say install rudder. Ok  The manual also says install rope ok what size what colour  lol guess work . But I made it look like this and Happy about it. A few paint touch ups and it will be fine. I might as well wait for the thouch ups there is bound to be more for sure. The stern is done so moving on to the bow lots of work there . So  other than the Mayflower decal I like my Mayflower.  

     Thanks everyone for looking. I'm happy about my model ,they seem to be coming along still have so much to learn. So glad to have MSW. There is so many ideals here, sometimes you just got to say ok do it this way,weeks later you say darn should have done it differently.  But that's the fun part.  Still thinking about a different  Mayflower lol later my friend's.    :cheers:




  12. Peanut6 how's it going, was wondering 

    " why doesn't he write anymore. 🤔

    I have only been to the race track once in my life. Lol. Don't be to hard on HHH, he was just trying to broaden my vocabulary  lol. But he did promise not to do it again lol.

      I am done for the night, I just sprayed a flat clear coat on the ship. Plus , I decided to blackin all the brass for the rudder.  I think it would look better black. The plan shows white, but  I seen some in  black and I like it  that way. I primed the brass with stick-it from home hardware.  Then flat high heat paint, then a clear coat . I am hoping that works, I will let you know .

      This ship is fun to build, but not really happy with the decal of the Mayflower.  It doesn't really look all that good. I can live with the windows  they aren't too bad.  But the flower makes  it look weird  to me.

      So this is how she sits tonight, I have to let everything dry for the night anyway. And I just notice I am missing a fender, yep all done with the final coat, looking it over happy with it and I says HAY something missing  lol. Hopefully it will go on tomorrow  with out damaging  the finish coat . O well what can you do . Later

    everyone.  :cheers:


      Bob M.





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