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Posts posted by Knocklouder

  1. 20230125_204549.thumb.jpg.25572b8b6163053d988e5ad4692f2f60.jpgWow both you guys have great looking sails. I went with the kit sails, mainly because  I have not looked into making my own sails . There is so much to learn here about ships. Some day maybe.

      This is  my Hannah rigged. Not an easy job .  But some how I think I got it. There is a few lines that I have to tighten,  a few sails to surcure , but for the most part I think the rigging is done. Despite  the kit sails, which I think are to large looking they do look nice, and after it is  in the bottle  it will look great lol.

      Thanks @Glen McGuire  for the advice on the water. Amazon wants double the price that I can get from a hobby store in the city. So will go there, but not today we are in for another round of winter, hooray  more shoveling.  Here are a few pictures of were I am at now. Going to start looking for some stand ideals.  

     P.S. I forgot  the shrouds and rat lines oh boy.





  2.  Today is anchor day. After repairing the little  peices  I broke off , looks like I am ready to tackle  this job.  Yep  they are not spaced right but who will see lol. The anchors are just hung by bending the eye bolt, will they fall off when I rap it all up and stick it the bottle?

     Also looking at making water, I been looking on Amazon too many products. 

     I won't need much , no room to spare lol. I put a mast on temporarily to get a measurement  2/ 3/4 . I think I have 3 inches to work with going to be tight. It seem to go in and out  of the bottle  now but don't have the sails on.

     I stained the sails,  but It didn't take the stain,  may  brush a little paint on before I insert the ship for the last time. The first Mate sewed on the bolt ropes, after I glued them on with  G-S hypo cement. Was not sure if the glue wood hold after crumpling  the sails up so we sewed them on as well 

      Its going well but this is so tiny, I really like doing this ship in the bottle, but will be really, really glad to get back  to my 1:60 scale  Mayflower  model lol.

      Ok need water advice very small amount lol. Later my friend's. 


      Bob M.20230124_182828.thumb.jpg.904f92e607939d5828c2867406504c12.jpg










  3. Well moving on,   I have installed the cannons.  Right down to the brown for the wheels. I cut some disposable paint brushs down to size, one has three hairs for production painting, one has one hair for fine detailing  lol. The top left hand cannon looks like it misfired. I meant to do that lol 😆 

       One thing I do different is paint the name on later rather than sooner,  rough handing will ware it off , I need to study a few things in the detailing of painting,  three fine logs that I follow are painted different,  so choices have to be made. Painting all my mast black, I thought I would get a jump on it.  But,  I am starting to get into this.  My First Mate  BFF came over and looked at it and said if all else fails, you can break it all up and put it in the bottle  on a shore with rocks and say this is what it looks like after  hurricane  HANNAH ..LOL .. So If it all goes south I may take her up on it lol.

      Going  to make the sails and anchors  and stuff, oh my. Do you realize  that no one will ever see my brown wheels?  Later my friend's. 





  4. 27 minutes ago, Knocklouder said:

    Well my next embarrassing moment lol. This ship is not going to fit in no way no how,  I think I Need a different  bottle, any Ideals would help lol 😆 



    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain  lol, figured it out  grind the keel it going to be sitting in water  sorry  I panicked lol

  5. Hey @Glen McGuire thanks so much for the painting tip, it work out great I think. Yes my first embarrassing moment was I call Glen and asked how he painted his, he told me and I told him that my transom didn't even have the name on it. How was I suppose to know if it was even a palindrome. You wold think I know that being a BOB lol. The first Mate came into the shipyard and turned it over and there it was lolYes it's a palindrome,I finished the black and painted  the canons  wow was that fun. Painted the deck house and anchors.

     I broke the little tabs for the anchor  on both side so I will have to figure out a way to fix it 🙃 😒

      Was going with the ideal of being trapped in a bottle,making the ship putting it a bottle then put the whole thing in a larger  bottle. We put  the bottle in a bottle  but it distort the view to much so thinking of something else. 🤔 

    So watching paint dry then I attach the house, anchors and windlass later today.:cheers: This is insane but so much fun!! 






  6.  Holy have you guys seen the size of the canons,  I don't know, I got a bad feeling about this master lol I had to get a magnifying glass to see lol.

      Then I number the peices  0 to 19 and stared  glueing.  Then a little paint black on the deck ,primer on the hull. Then I painted the name on the transom added the keel ,and etched bulwark. 

      Tomorrow  I will do the black, and start the windlass and anchor . Then the guns ,really black, red, and brown  for the cannons lol  😆  I can't even see them.

     More soon.


       Bob M.




















  7. Well my second ship is finished. And I really like it, I can see the difference between the two ship ,the Santa Maria  was fun but frustrating because it was my first and I had to learn lots.The second ship was not as bad mainly because of the help I received here at MSW. So thank you all, to the  moderators who had to fix all my mistakes,thanks for changing things when I need too.

      To @mrcc thanks for the tip on 

    GAC 400, every time I use the product I will think of you buddy, .also to the people who take the time to do the logs @maaaslo all though his is a card model of the Pinta, his details helped me to see where things go.And  @igorsr his log was a big help for running all the rigging lines. Thank you all so much!!!!

       So I took the Pinta up stairs for a couple more pictures before I put it in the display case.  I had to take picture before I put it in the case because the reflection was bad.

     It looks great beside my Santa Maria though.

      So my friends thanks for all your help so great full for showing me how to build ships, for all the like and comment's 

      You see this log is all ready mark Finished,  thanks @ccoyle.

     Well this one comes to a close , I promise my niece Hannah I would make her one so that's next. I have started the Mayflower  but when I finish the Hannah I want to make LA Nina  so I can finish the fleet of Columbus  ships . Ok thanks all who ever posted in my logs.


    Bob M.







  8. Hello, I have decided to make a ship in the bottle. Very much has to do with a few things. One its my nieces birthday and her name is Hannah , so I told her I would make her one. That's why I will start this log today , but I got to get set up for it. And I have to put my Pinta model away in it's display case,  might take awhile  lol.

      Two, it's @Glen McGuire  fault. 

     After reading his log I said I got to try that, so I bought one. Then I have read several others logs and booked mark them as well .I know I should take @Landlubber Mike  advice and build it first then show it because of  potential  embarrassment  😳  lol  But here goes I am hitting the bottle something I have not done in 38 years lol And I am close to 68 now lol. But I feel like a kid with a new toy , and these bottle builders  like to play lol. 

      So wish me luck I will need it, talk soon.


    BOB  M.


  9. Well I am going to call this ship Finished.! 

    I tightened all the rigging lines, then added the rope coils, flags and temporarily put the sign on  I need to put it in the display case before making the final decision on where to put it 🤔.  I just finished today and will put it in the display case later .

       I have lots of people to thank, and will post one final time when she is in the display case  with the Santa Maria,  I can't wait.

       Thanks all of MSW for putting up with my typos . As I move forward  I will try to leave the computer stuff to my son, who comes to my aid often lol, and just stay on course building ship lol

      I added some pictures, and will clean the shipyard up, got an email from MSW to clean up my work shop. How did they know lol 😆 

      All my thank yous and the final  FINISHED stamp that I will put on when the Pinta gets to her final resting spot. I just want to show her off a little first. I am very happy with the way it turned out. On to the next one lol.







    20230120_121304.jpgI forgot this  one lol


  10. The finish line is close I can see it lol. All the rigging line are run , now just have to tie them off and add the rope coils. Also I will play with the GAC 400 on my flags as well.

      Not sure where I want to put my sign for the Pinta, the pearl looks cool. I think I will wait till I put it in the display case before I make the final decision on where to put it..

      So,I guess I will clean it all up, take some final pictures and call this done. It has been an amazing time for this log.  I almost gave up   because of my spelling and confusion on the computer, we even had a mutiny on the Pinta lol, was told get my act together,  learn the ways of the PC lol, but I am old lol. starting to understand  how it works and how to reply properly and not high jacking logs and forms??.  But I am really slow picking that up but I will make it  someday lol. Ok One more post or two I will be done . THANKS  everyone. 






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