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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Hi Scotty, ahh Down the tool rabbit hole we go lol . When you buy tools get good ones or you be buying them again. You get what you pay for. I have never used ammonia before so can't say anything about it. Except, because the wood is so old it might be better to use it. For myself I use an electric plank bender, and an old iron, and sometimes a heat gun. A little water and they bend like magic lol.Works for me , but if you found a way you like, as they say, use that. Most of my ships will be early centuries models so no shine to them. I stain to the colour I want ,then a couple of coats of shellac sealer sprayed on. After it dries I sand and put a brush coat of satin varnish. After that's dry and before the mast and rigging starts I give it two quick coats of flat clear coat to give it depth 👌. But I have been painting for about 46 years give or take lol. You're doing great, keep up the good work.
  2. Good Luck on your journey, I booked mark your page so I can follow along.
  3. You see that was not so hard all you had to do is start. Looking pretty good , now I suppose you be to busy to come over LOL As I recall there is a lot of rat lines to do on the Santa Maria , but just give'er , you be done in no time 🤣 Glad to see you back in the shipyard. Bob M.
  4. Yes I am really glad I cut the white out on the Mayflower decal , I thouch up the green with a felt marker fine point . To get rid of the white around the cuts. It'll do. The stairs went well, doors to. I moved the door on the castle bulkheads, there was no way it could open behind the main mast. Not sure what I did wrong, but moving it solved the problem 😅. The vents have to be finished and glued into place . And I have the hatches under the life boat to do too. I want to make the anchors next then start on the masts. They line up pretty good but the do look complicated. This is how she sits tonight
  5. Hay Scotty, great job so far. Isn't so much fun putting things all together in the ship yard, For tweezers I use a pencil holder I got given to me long ago.
  6. Lol, no that's just me fooling around. The last picture is it for the stern.
  7. Hope so Dave, always like to see how much detail you put in your builds. You make it look easy.
  8. No I could not stand it anymore, so I took my excato knive and cut out the white. I can live with this thanks @HardeeHarHar for the advice, I didn't like the decal right from the start. Now on the advice that I received here, I am happy with the results. Ok on to the drawer bulkhead then the rest of the doors and ladder . And of course the fender on the other side lol.
  9. Thanks, she does need some more paint but that is the easy part. You are right about the flower I should have cut just the flower out. So now looking for Billings 1:60 scale emblem for the back of mine . Not sure where to even look. I am going to remove the white and see how she looks. If it is too bad I take it off and find something else. Today working on the bow, going to do this door and steps before it gets to crowded in there. First door looks good. Thanks for the advice @HardeeHarHar
  10. Well my method of blacking my bass pieces work to a limited. I did not forsee the amount of bending needed to fit the rudder on. If I had a do over I would have bent and form them before I painted them. The rudder was especially hard to do , the book say install rudder. Ok The manual also says install rope ok what size what colour lol guess work . But I made it look like this and Happy about it. A few paint touch ups and it will be fine. I might as well wait for the thouch ups there is bound to be more for sure. The stern is done so moving on to the bow lots of work there . So other than the Mayflower decal I like my Mayflower. Thanks everyone for looking. I'm happy about my model ,they seem to be coming along still have so much to learn. So glad to have MSW. There is so many ideals here, sometimes you just got to say ok do it this way,weeks later you say darn should have done it differently. But that's the fun part. Still thinking about a different Mayflower lol later my friend's.
  11. That is a nicely done model, Congratulations 🎊 Very well put together, right on !!
  12. I am in for this too , looks really cool. I like the catapult.. watching in the back ground Mike.
  13. Peanut6 how's it going, was wondering " why doesn't he write anymore. 🤔 " I have only been to the race track once in my life. Lol. Don't be to hard on HHH, he was just trying to broaden my vocabulary lol. But he did promise not to do it again lol. I am done for the night, I just sprayed a flat clear coat on the ship. Plus , I decided to blackin all the brass for the rudder. I think it would look better black. The plan shows white, but I seen some in black and I like it that way. I primed the brass with stick-it from home hardware. Then flat high heat paint, then a clear coat . I am hoping that works, I will let you know . This ship is fun to build, but not really happy with the decal of the Mayflower. It doesn't really look all that good. I can live with the windows they aren't too bad. But the flower makes it look weird to me. So this is how she sits tonight, I have to let everything dry for the night anyway. And I just notice I am missing a fender, yep all done with the final coat, looking it over happy with it and I says HAY something missing lol. Hopefully it will go on tomorrow with out damaging the finish coat . O well what can you do . Later everyone. Bob M.
  14. Hello, I read that you were looking to stain your Mayflower. I was wondering if you have stained it. Would like to see it .The Mayflower is a fun ship to build, having so much fun with mine, just curious 🤔 hows yours was going. Happy building
  15. They look really good they will be great to see on , you have done a wonderful job of this ship.
  16. I cant help you with your question but @HardeeHarHar just finished his I am sure he can help, when he see it lol. Just wanted to say and welcome to MSW!!!
  17. The balloon is pretty swollen here today lol. Made a great save on my Mayflower last night, Winnipeg beat Chicago last night in the NHL, and got to look at your finished model, yes you could say I had a <trifecta> of happy events. LOL 😆 Wonder were I learnt that word lol.. Thanks for the nice log Brian, was a lot of fun, looking forward to you getting back to the big one . Take care my freind , Super bowl Sunday, more modeling, and more great log reading another <trifecta> day on the horizon 😀 😄 😊.
  18. LOL remember I said they all went on good except for one lol. Yes this is what I had to do to fix this simple problem. I tried to push a little piece of wood near the gun port in question and as I pushed ever so gently... bang right through. So as luck is on my side, I needed two more planks gone to fix the hole at the gunport, so I removed them and put new ones in . This is where the luck comes in as I had to put a fender on right at that point where they joined. What luck lol. So tonight it looks like this, and yes I am Grinning 😀 ☺️. I have to Thank everyone for their support and suggestions along with your advice, I am slowly getting it . Very slowly lol. Anyway, thanks everyone for this place, people who run it , moderators all of you thanks for helping me learn how to do it. So now if I can get the other side to look like this side I am good. Talk soon . Bob M.
  19. From a newbie's stand point: I am ready to start my dream ship, the Pegasus. But I won't, lol. For those who know me, I joined MSW in 2021 June. I decided to get a different hobby when I turned 65. I retired when I was 58. After I turned 65, I started to think about a new hobby. I looked online and ships came up. So I got excited about model ships, that lead me to the Santa Maria. I bought one and when it arrived, I opened the box an said those famous words "what have I done, no way this is happening." I googled how to make a ship and was lead here . I have a hard time reading and writing and with computers lol. But I figured my desire to learn what I needed to know to get the ship I desired to make was worth overcoming a few obstacles. So here goes.... I agree with everything everyone has said. There was no way I was going to be able to do what I was looking at. I joined MSW, and my son helped with the computer, reading and writing I was left on my own, but the First Mate edits a LOT lol. My first ship went well because of the logs, and those brave few members who answered my first questions. LOL But I wished I had started something just a little less complex then the Santa Maria. I had to learn so much so fast and was, I guess you could say, a little inpatient lol. For me, if you want to be a modeler, learn what you have to do, build what you want to build and learn the ways others have done theirs . And you will know when it is time to move up. I have learned that planking is key. If you make a good hull, you're there. The rest of it is fun stuff to make...sails, rigging, masts, painting and did I mention planking. lol. As for starting the Pegasus, I will get to it lol. I just don't want to rush through building my Mayflower. Then I am going to do a Sea of Galilee boat , then a Viking long boat , La Nina, and finally Pegasus. I can not wait. lol I am sure to get many years of enjoyment on my journey. I hope this makes a little sense...start slow but start. When you get going, GO. Its unlimited to how far you can take your models. It's up to you to decide how well you want to make them. As I have said, for me it's about just building something that looks like a boat lol . It might not be the way to do it but it will have my own style. It's about having fun too, mostly for me lol . And at some point they will start to look like ships. ok going back to hide in my logs lol
  20. Wow even the up close pictures are great. All the lines are perfect , I just might get one someday it's that inspirational. The added black bands are right on . Over all nicely done.
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