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Everything posted by Thukydides

  1. Table of Contents Welcome to my build log for documenting the making of HM Cutter Alert by Vanguard Models. In order to keep this organized I have reserved this first post for a table of contents in order to allow future readers to jump ahead to sections they are interested in if so desired. Log #1: And So It Begins Log #2: Assembling the Frame Log #3: Designing the Deck Log #4: Final Assembly and Faring Log #5: Planking and then Re-Planking Log #6: Lining Off the Hull Log #7: Fixing More Errors Log #8: The Stern Bulkhead and Counter Log #9: Lining Up the Wales Log #10: Concerning Drop Planks Log #11: Adjusting the Second Band Log #12: The Garboard Strake Log #13: Planking Retrospective Log #14: Building the Transom Part I Log #15: Building the Transom Part II Log #16: Building the Transom Part III Log #17: The Margin Planks Log #18: The Inner Bulwarks and Fixing the Boom Crutches Log #19: Cutting the Gun Ports Log #20: Preparing the Hull Log #21: Painting Styles Log #22: Painting the White and Blue Log #23: Painting the Inner Bulwarks and Edge Highlighting Log #24: The Margin Planks Log #25: The Cap Rail, Timberheads and Catheads Log #26: One Step Forward Two Steps Back Log #27: Fixing the Transom Log #28: The Rudder Log #29: Blackening and Bending Log #30: The Cannon Carriages Part I Log #31: The Cannon Carriages Part II Log #32: Painting the Deck Fittings Log #33: Fixing the Railing Log #34: The Pumps Log #35: Cannons and Other Fittings Log #36: Rope Log #37: Painting the Transom Images Log #38: Painting Complete Log #39: Rigging the Guns Part I Log #40: Rigging the Guns Part II Log #41: Odds and Ends Log #42: Mass Production Log #43: Rigging the Guns Continued Log #44: Hiding the Super Glue Spots Log #45: Blocks for the Gun Tackle Log #46: Blocks for the Gun Tackle Continued Log #47: The Gun Tackle Log #48: Hull and Fittings Complete Log #49: The Mainmast Log #50: First Attempt at Serving Log #51: The Shrouds and Standing Backstay Log #52: Running Backstay and Fiddle Blocks Log #53: Puzzling about the Mainmast Standing Rigging Log #54: The Mainstay and Preventer Stay Log #55: Preparing the Mainmast Log #56: The Boom and the Gaff Log #57: The Shrouds Part II Log #58: Revisiting the Rudder and Windlass Log #59: Finishing the Mainmast Log #60: Shrouds Complete Log #61: Shroud Batons & Running Backstays Log #62: Rigging the Mainstay Log #63: Rigging the Preventer Stay Log #64: The Bowsprit Log #65: Tying of the Stays and Shrouds Log #66: Year End Review Log #67: Ratlines, Ratlines & More Ratlines Log #68: Master & Commander Log #69: Ratlines Complete Log #70: Rigging the Gaff Log #71: Raising the Boom Log #72: Tying Off Lines Log #73: The Yards Log #74: Painting the Yards Log #75: Odds and Ends Log #76: Anchor Cable & Rails Log #77: Experiments in Lashing Log #78: Methodology for Preparing Small Ropes Log #79: Rose Lashings Log #80: Raising the Squaresail & Spreadsail Yards Log #81: Squaresail Bowlines Log #82: The Topsail Yard Log #83: Tying off the Ropes Log #84: The Topgallant Yard Log #85: The Anchors Log #86: The Cat Falls & Topgallant Backstays Log #87: The Anchor Buoys Log #88: Hoisting the Anchors Log #89: Mainmast Finished Log #90: The Bowsprit Shrouds Log #91: The Topgallant Stay & Topsail Braces Log #92: More Rope Hanks Log #93: Rigging Complete Log #94: The Ensign Log #95: The Swivel Guns & the Pennant Log #96: Concluding Thoughts
  2. I think Chris (Vanguard Models designer) is working on a sub £100 ship at the moment if you want to wait. Not sure when it will come out. Also welcome to the forums.
  3. This is my latest project that I am trying to finish up. Almost done, just a few minor bits then I need to assemble them and add a dash of snow. Then on to the alert.
  4. Not really, I have always had a keen interest in history and many years ago when I played computer games I needed to pick a character name for an MMORPG I was playing. I had been reading about the peloponnesian war at the time and so the combination of Thukydides being a bit obscure (so was not already taken) and me being fascinated with the melian dialogue tipped the scales. Since then I have consistently used it as an alias.
  5. By plastic varnish I just meant the primary audience is for plastic models (see the picture below). I wouldn't use "wood varnish" on plastic models because the only ones I am familiar with are designed for use on say furniture. In a pinch I could use a spray can of clear varnish from the hardware store but where it is not specifically designed for small models the results might not be as good or I might get a bit of a tint etc... I guess my question relates more to if I can use many of my acrylic based products that I already own on wood such as the below Vallejo product.
  6. Hi everyone. I figured I should do a new member post as I have been hanging around the forums silently watching for a while. I hail from the fishing grounds of the North Atlantic near where the HMS Pegasus went down. Though I am new to building wooden ships, I have a lot of experience in plastic models particularly on the painting side. I have ordered the vanguard models alert kit and am planning to start a build log once it arrives.
  7. I. Very familiar with the processes for getting a good finish on plastic, but what to do on wood at this scale is a bit new to me. Do I need to use a wood specific primer or can I use a plastic model primer I have on hand such as vallejo or badger stynalrez? For vanish again do I need to use wood specific ones or can I use hobby plastic model varnishes such as vallejo?
  8. It looks awesome Derek. Also as a new entrant to the hobby the log is really helpful in breaking down some of the many challenges that are faced in completing a project like this.
  9. Looks awesome, I just ordered the Alert as my first attempt at a wooden model (have done lots of sculpting, painting and modeling in plastic up to this point). I will be following along with your log as I attempt to build it.
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