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Everything posted by Oldsalt1950

  1. Looking good. Schedules go out the window as soon as the first bulkhead is put in place. You will find as you progress that some tasks will take much longer than expected, and others just seem to fly by. Go at whatever pace works for you. Some days you may build other days you may read a build log for insight. It will all come together. I just received my pinnace kit, it awaits my finishing another build . May you have fair wind and following seas in your build. Jim
  2. There is a big difference just from the time I was in to today. Now they can stay inside for most of the climb as opposed to climbing a ladder in the elements. I worked 3 days aloft on the foreward mast of DLG14 changing out an antennae motor. No fun at all, great views however.
  3. The stand I plan to use for Rattlesnake arrived today. Now to decide which design I am using and then cobble it up and put it together. It is the ME "building ways".
  4. No, I didn't purchase any practicums. I did a lot of digging into others build logs with pencil and paper in hand taking down notes. Read and reread the building manual. There is a lot to take in on the build and take your time looking over the parts and plans, I would strongly suggest making a copy of the plans, unless you have a light table. Templates will be your friend for parts of the construction. I have a glass topped drafting table, so I didn't need to copy the plans.
  5. The F19083 is probably the number for the patent filing.
  6. I don't have the Steel book but have Biddlecome's 'Art of Rigging". You need the pictures , an explanation alone just won't be enough.
  7. Coming along beautifully Dave. The LN like the Albatros is one of those ships open to interpretation, since it didn't actually exist. Sometimes you just have to pick a way to do things. You are almost done and LN looks really smart and just about ready for her debut. Jim
  8. It apperas to be a boat design that was submitted to the U.S. Patent office for approval. It would be nice if it were possible to have a clear picture of the rest of the inscription on the stem post by the F19083. Models of invention, devices or their improvement were often submitted when a drawing or the actual object was not possible. The boat is a keeper' Hope this shed some light on what you have. By the way what was your grandfather's profession?
  9. Ships boat looks great David. A lot of hours went into that little beauty.
  10. That would be a lot closer to scale. The kit provided boat is 5 3/4 inches long not counting the rudder. Once again thanks Gregory.
  11. Worked on the ships boat. Having said that, I have to get a new one from ME. Sanded through the side in a few places. I may just purchase a kit, as looking at the kit provided boat it seems a little oversized to me. Decisions, decisions. Still going over the lumber list and will be making my masts and yardarms from square stock. Should be challenging but rewarding. I don't have a lathe, and can't see a justification for buying one. Doing it by hand also gives me more control over the process.
  12. That is up to you. I'd add a couple as those sails would have been delivered by wagon after they were made. As we both know from our time in the service, new lasts about a second on a good day.
  13. Mark, put in the quion. There is bound to be that "one" that will need it. Easier to do now than later.
  14. I'm replacing all the rope, the deadeyes, the blocks, and wood strips withe the exception of the 1/8x1/8x24 strip used for the waterway. I may replace all the cannons and carriages too. The large hearts and the cleats will be replaced. Transom carving will be made from Sculpty. Basically the only casting I won't replace is the figurehead at the moment, but that is subject to change too. It is going to be a long slow build, but worth every penny and all the time.
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