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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Anja And here I am thinking it was so easy to spot. Hello John, That's a good one. Don't you like popcorn? Thanks for the compliment. Take care, Anja
  2. HMS Bianca Schooner Yacht?
  3. Hello Dnevin, This is a great site for learning/sharing tips and techniques. Chris already answered your question. But have you considered starting a buildlog of your Victory? There are a lot of members building the Victory. You'll find plenty of help from everyone. Good luck with your build, Anja
  4. Hello Patrick, Thanks for stopping by. And my apologies to you for having to look so far back. Sorry, wrong answer. No popcorn for you yet. Take care, Anja
  5. Hello all, Well, finally after 5 weeks an update. Thank you all for your patience. The second planking is finally done and sanded. But you spot the difference? I think you can. For the first with the right answer there will be a big bag of popcorn (free of charge of course). Thank you for looking in and take care, Anja
  6. You never can have too many builds Adrieke. Just take it one step at a time and enjoy it.

  7. Hello Giorgos, I just saw your model on your Greek site Naftotopos. Really looking forward to your update here as well. Take care, Anja
  8. MS Oranjestad?
  9. Hello Popeye, Pictures of the Half Moon are waiting for you in your inbox . Take care, Anja
  10. Hello Sherry, That's still a big garden. No wonder it will maybe take two days. But when you're finished, you will have beautiful garden to enjoy. Take care and enjoy the gardening. Anja
  11. Hello Popeye, Will send you some pictures and/or information about the Half Moon tomorrow. That way you don't have to spend your building time on surfing the internet. Take care, Anja
  12. Hello Grant, Sorry, but have you ever seen this Victory. This model of the British Royal Navy made out of beef bones and human hair sold at auction for £36,000. Here is the link to the article if you're interested. http://metro.co.uk/2007/11/28/36-000-for-boat-made-out-of-bones-572917/ Will leave you to your build now. Take care, Anja
  13. Hello Popeye, The Half Moon ..... What a surprise. Will you be following the plans or just go with comes into mind? Whatever you do, with your skills and imagination, she will be a beauty. Enjoy this build. Take care, Anja
  14. Good morning Dave, Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day, Anja
  15. Hello Gulfmedic1, Gulfmedic1 is probably not your real name, how may we address you? Good luck building your Phantom and happy modeling. I will be following along Take care, Anja
  16. Hello Russ, A very successful restoration, my compliments. These Schooners are called "White Winged Queens", and your is just as beautiful. Congratulations on a job well done. Anja
  17. Hello Giorgos, Wow, that looks great. Very nice. Take care, Anja
  18. Hello Popeye, Now you are making me very curious ... But I can wait. Take care, Anja
  19. Hello Popeye, Almost ready to launch. Wonderful work. She looks beautiful. Take care, Anja
  20. Hello Ken, I haven't seen the film or read the book. But it sure must have been an impressive and dangerous journey. This is the link to the official movie trailer. Lenght of the video is 2:15. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=uwBoFAUBEJg&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DuwBoFAUBEJg This is the link to 'The Tangaroa Expedition' (The Kon-Tiki Expedition) 2012 documentary. Lenght of the bideo is 52:29. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=29waAjmbO2w&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D29waAjmbO2w This is a link to 'Kon-Tiki 1947'. It has English commentary, but a Russian commentator speaks through it. Lenght of the video is 58:13. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=JGBHIFsn2K8&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJGBHIFsn2K8 And last a link which brings you to the Kon-Tiki museum in Oslo, Norway. http://www.kon-tiki.no/ Enjoy! Anja
  21. Hello Kevin, Thanks for the welcome back. Take care, Anja
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