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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello dear friends, Another year and another number added to my age. Thank you all so much for making my birthday even more special with all your wonderful wishes. This also includes everyone who has sent me a PM, Mobbsie, Cristi (Christikc), Martin (McDood), Sam (Samueljr), Al (Cuda1949), Christian (Barbossa), John (John46) and Edwin (Edmay). It means a lot to me that you all took the time to wish me a happy birthday. And I feel very blessed to have you as my friends. This was a beautiful day. And for those who want to know, this is where we had dinner. In our favorite restaurant Grand Café 't Oude Raedthuys in Schiedam. They have a great cook, delicious food, wonderful staff and very good service. Anja
  2. Hello everybody, Thank you all very much for the birthday wishes. @ Wayne You're not too late, it is today. So you can still join in. Take care, Anja
  3. Thank you very much, dear Now you all know ..... Today is my birthday and you are all invited for and Enjoy! Anja
  4. Metropol bulk carrier?
  5. Hello Sergey, It doesn't have a meaning. Eric was just joking / kidding. (i think in Russian it is called shutka?) Anja
  6. Hello ZyXuz, I had the same problem, but on the innerside of the bulwarks. I didn't removed the dust andused too much glue, which I didn't sand correctly. And I didn't use any wood conditioner. Wood dust from sanding will cause problems if it's not removed from the surface before staining. Dry rags or brushes aren't the most effective tools for removing dust. Instead, use a tack cloth, a sticky piece of cheesecloth made especially for this purpose. Wipe the folded tack cloth across the wood to remove dust. As each side becomes saturated with dust, refold the cloth to expose a fresh surface. Tack cloths are available at hardware stores. Did you use any wood conditioner? A number of soft woods aren't conducive to stained finishes. To help even out the color when working with new, bare woods such as pine, fir, maple and birch, try using a pre-stain wood conditioner. These conditioners are designed to penetrate into the wood and allow the stain to absorb more evenly when it is applied later. Sometimes it is also necessary to degrease the wood before you put any finish on it. Degreasing the wood also removes the dust. What to use for degreasing depends on the sort of wood you are using. I don't know if it is necessary or advisable to sand the hull again and start over. I really don't know what the effect from sanding the hull again will be. You need an experts advise on this. Either from a member of this forum or from your local hobby or hardware store. Please also look for tips on this forum. you may even ask your question there. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/forum/21-painting-finishing-and-weathering-products-and-techniques/ I'm sorry I can't solve your problem instantly, but I do hope you will get an answer soon. Good luck and take care, Anja
  7. Hello (privyet) Sergey, You did a lot work today posting all these photo's of your build. Thank you very much. Take care, Anja
  8. Hello Adrieke, Is it the Bulker Lowlands Erica?
  9. Hello (privyet) Sergei, Thank you for starting your own buildlog of Le Mirage. Anja
  10. Hello everybody, I had contact with Doris about an article for the Model Ship Builder Journal. She just let me know that she will be away for a couple of weeks, maybe without internet connection. She sends her greetings to you all. She is looking forward to returning. Take care, Anja
  11. Is it the J.B. Ford?
  12. Hello Slog, Thanks for sharing this review. I'm certainly no expert on airbrushes and you may know it yourself already, but do make sure you buy a hose that will fit onto your compressor. Otherwise you will have to buy a suitable adapter. Have fun with it an please share your experience with us. Take care, Anja
  13. Hello Mobbsie, Now I know why you have planned such a busy schedule for the coming weekend. You just want to make sure you get your . Rest assured, you will get your without having to use any Take care, Anja
  14. Hello Pierre, I love your latest crewmember. Why is it called the beakhead anyway? Poopdeck would be more appropiate. Sanding at the 'siesta time? Hm, that should be ok, considering not many Belgian people will actually take a nap. Enjoy the sanding. Take care, Anja
  15. Hello Mick, You may want to check these sites as well. Just have a look. New Railway Modellers Forum http://www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk/Forums/ Model Railway Forum http://www.modelrailwayforum.co.uk/ Model Railway Layouts Forums http://mrlforum.co.uk/ Anja
  16. Hello Mick, I just changed your topic title so it is clear to eveyone what it is you're asking. You are aware that you can't post a non nautical build on this site? Thanks for understanding. Anja
  17. Dan, This is the best I could find: Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) Vessels and PSV
  18. Hello Giorgos, Thanks for the answer. You made a good start. I really like the walnut wood. I think it's indeed called an 'apron'. It is intended to strengthen the connection between the stem and the keel. Looking forward to your progress. Take care, Anja
  19. Hello Dave, Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day. Anja
  20. Hello Joachim, Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Happy birthday! Enjoy and have a wonderful day. Regards, Anja
  21. Hello Sherry, Happy Anniversary. Wishing you both many more years of happiness and beautiful memories. Anja & Sjors
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