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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Mark, I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Please make sure that there are no wood splinters or any dust in the wounds. I am certainly no doctor or nurse, and I don't want to scare you, but those type of wounds are likely to favour the growth of tetanus organisms. Just a concerned me talking. Just take good care. Anja
  2. Hello AJ, Thanks for sharing this beautiful build with us. It's great to see the Friesland being build again. I will follow this with interest. PS - A Dutch guy (Hans) is building the Friesland as well. Also a Mamoli kit. He's already working on the sails. He has is own website. It is in the Dutch language, but you can also choose to translate the website in English. Not every word will be translated correctly though. But maybe it is worth having a look. The link will take you to the first page of his build in English. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?client=tmpg&depth=1&hl=en&langpair=nl%7Cen&rurl=translate.google.com&u=http://www.vanhalterenweb.nl/modelbouw/%3Fcat%3D5%26paged%3D12&usg=ALkJrhhS1vwaecUxS-wbcO7TeTPxfnrSoA Good luck with your build. Take care, Anja
  3. Hello Sherry, Welcome back! Nice start on the planking. It looks good. Take care, Anja
  4. No Popeye, nothing like that. I saw a beautiful lamp though on the warrior, but it's still hanging there in the cabin. Don't worry Mobbsie, you'll find everything still in place. But I did find an extra birthday present in the suitcase He was allowed to sit in the driver seat, but not to take the bus home with him. He wish! Luckily for our wallet we didn't see any model shops around. Thank you Grant. It was our pleasure. It was just a pity the masts were removed. Thank you Aldo. I hope the cake was to your liking. And don't worry, Sjors won't cast a powerful spell. His magic wand needs recharging Thank you Jim. Of course I dragged Sjors with me. I love him and can't be without him. Thanks again my friends! Take care, Anja
  5. Hello Frank, Augie and Sherry, Thank you for the welcome back. We had a great trip, it was wonderful. Take care, Anja
  6. Hello Sergey, The hinges are great. They look much better then the ones provided in the kit. Good job. Anja
  7. Hello Augie, Lifts and leech lines are looking good. Neat job! But what is this, we're home and now you are leaving us. You will be missed. I hope you have a great time with the family. Enjoy and be safe. See you when you get back, Anja
  8. Hello Adrieke, Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. We're not going anywhere. Take good care of yourself, Anja
  9. Hello Thomas, Have you thought of doing a scratch build? Tri-Coastal Marine designed three full size ships for Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Modelshipmaster.com has made the Black Pearl. http://www.modelshipmaster.com/products/pirate/index.htm It is a scratch-built from official blueprint and drawing. You can e-mail them for information about those plans if you wish. E-mail to: services@modelshipmaster.com Good luck, Anja
  10. Hello David, Thank you. We had a great trip and save travels. We are home safely again. Take care, Anja
  11. Hello Volker, Welcome back! It's great to see you and your Albatros back again. She's a beauty. I like the combination of the white paint with the wood. When she is completely finished, will you place the finished pictures in the gallery? Take care, Anja
  12. Cargo Liner Queda?
  13. The Nalgora?
  14. S.S. Grant?
  15. Hello Kester Nice to see you here. And thank you, I did have a great day. And as for all the work .... It is my pleasure. There will be some wind tomorrow coming from the south, so I will follow Mobbsie's advise and stay on the starboard side of the ship and out of the wind. Thanks again and take care, Anja
  16. Thank you Jeff, it was a a beautiful day. And we will have a great weekend in England. Take care, Anja
  17. Hello Robert, I enjoyed the movie. Looking forward to part two. Nice shots and beautiful craftsmanship. The boat looks great. Take care, Anja
  18. Hello Rosmarie, Enjoy the card modellers meeting in Radolfszell next saturday. I'm sure both your models, ship and plane will knock their socks off (in a positive way of course). Take care, Anja
  19. Thank you very much Keith. And we sure will enjoy the trip. Lots of ships to see. Take care, Anja
  20. Hello Grant, Sorry to intrude on your log, and maybe you've alread readt it, but I just found out something about the HMS Victory here on MSW. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/2096-hms-victory-overhaul/ When you visit the page http://www.historicdockyard.co.uk/news/presspacks/hmsvictoryrestoration/ Click on the link 'See the restoration of HMS Victory from ITV Meridian on Vimeo'. It containes some nice footage. Take care, Anja
  21. Hello Captain Popeye friend, She is looking all dressed up with her sails on. Almost time for her maiden voyage. Take care, Anja
  22. Hello Sergey, Thank you for sharing how to make treenails, or the buttons as you call them. This is a tip that should also be posted in the Building, Framing, Planking and plating a ships hull and deck forum. Will you also post this here? http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/740-methods-for-making-treenails/page-8 Thank you! Anja
  23. Hello Anthony (Crackers), Thank you very much. With all of us living all over the world, in differents times and days ...........You are never too late. Is your cold any better? Take care, Anja
  24. Hello Randy, Thank you very much. Another revolution around the sun sounds much better then adding a year to my age. Anja Hello Buck, Thank you very much. Anja
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