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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. @ Wayne, Thank you very much @ Ferit, You always found a way to make me laugh…. Those buckets are not from the Victory or any other vessel. They are coming form…..i don't know it anymore…o yes, Ikea ! @ Mick, You are still a young man And I need Tamayita tape otherwise it not goes that straight ! @ larry , thank you also. She is impressive ! She is bigger then the Le Mirage ! And the Aggy is bigger…. So in a few years, three of those big ones in the house . I have to move to a palace or something like that.
  2. Hi Jason, It's no problem that you give no comment on my logs. I know ( hope ) that you are looking I think the Surprise is an endless story with Caldercraft I know that Mobbsie also want to build that. For the rest you have a few options ! Aggy ….I don't say a thing Diana, great one ! Pegasus, the same … I see you have a lot of options…just follow your hart when the time is there ! Then you make the right decision .
  3. Finally after a while an update at the San Ildefonso. I have place the deadeyes and the chains. The rope that you are seeing hanging from the top of the mast is my guide to see how the chains have to go. You also see the same thing at Mobbsie's Aggy. We where talking about it a few days ago and why give him a hint and don't do it myself ? Not all the chains are following that, because there where some cannons in the way When I was placing the deadeyes, I found out that I have not enough deadeyes of 5 mm……strange…. When I take a close look at the drawing I found out that at the stern , there are no deadeyes of 5 mm but 4 mm….. So remove all those and replace them with the 4 mm. Problem solve !
  4. Morning Piet, (at this part of the world ) I know as much from planes as for sub's….nihil ! I follow your build and every time there is a post I gonna check it. But what can I say? Wow that looks great ? Or that's not right ? The first time I see a submarine was at RDM in Rotterdam. And that one was in the water. So I only see the bridge…. I'm not the guy who is yelling "great work " when I don't know if it is right or wrong. Then I can better keep my fingers still and read what there is saying. But I admire your skills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hi Shaz, No problem to come later. The only thing is that you have to " search " for an update……. Maybe when I place a update, on every page I can put the link where the update is ????? But thanks for the nice comment…. @ Mark, This weekend was not building time at the Mirage but on the San Ildefonso. I have to do something else for a while. So maybe later today a little update on the SI. And thanks for the Congrats
  6. Hi Sam, This is something that I have never done.. Soldering…. We don't have a soldering machine in the house. Maybe something for the future? But then I need a teacher that tells me how it works
  7. Great job Mobbsie. I know you just love planking…. So, next time you where here, I have also 4 of those You can be proud of the little ones !
  8. @ Randy, I'm sorry, I missed your post You can be proud of your ratlines ! You did it !!!!! And for the future….every time when you do some, it goes better ! I'm happy that I can help some of you with that wonderful tying ratlines job It's not that difficult. And you are doing it the right way Adam. Try it first on a stick. When you figure out how it goes, it goes well. @ Sam, You're welcome.
  9. Thanks for the pictures John, In a few weeks I know more about the USA then the people who lives there But you really have to go back to Piet to make pictures !!!!!!
  10. I always like the pictures ! There is nothing that i now by submarines , so i don't say something…… I'm just watching and learning…… Anja was just reading about the pictures of Vlaardingen en she just said….we have to go there and take those pictures ! But then i need a passport !!!!!!!!
  11. Just keep on planking Adriaan Nice job ! And when I see the prices of those cases, I think my models can bite dust I just get a can with air that you use for the computer and every week it is dusting day
  12. You must be happy that you see the door the other way around now and not when someone see it and tells you Again great work Popeye !!!!! Soon finished ??????
  13. Thanks Popeye, You make me Then for the glue….. When I finish the whole part of the ratlines, I used diluted glue on the knots. So I know for sure that they are stay in place.
  14. It's oke Randy. I forget to tell that I keep a distance between the ratlines of 5 mm. And use a template behind the ratlines so they are straight and all the same distance. Grant give me the idea to use different colours and do first each 5 th ratlines and then each 3 and then fill it up. To be honest , It don't work for me. I prefer to do each ratline after each other. But maybe it works for you. You have to try out what works the best for you.
  15. Morning Mick, I have taken a picture for you. Sorry for the quality but I have to move between all the ropes. But you can see how it looks
  16. Hi Piet, There is nothing wrong with Belgium beer…. But you are Dutch, and that's why you have to serve Dutch !!!!!! Then about the vase….. it's better to put the spare wood somewhere where we can found it if needed. And because there are big planks, a high vase is a good solution. Also the fact, I don't have to buy flowers because the vases are in use……. You are right about the pictures…. Still have to go to Vlaardingen…... I'll be waiting for snow for a romantic picture The last thing….I think that we are all having the same problem…money….. If I had enough, I come to the States to meet all off you !!!!!!!! But the virus of meeting builders has already started……. Who knows where it ends……. @ Adam, Thank you very much ! What about the ratlines….it's all experience... After a few 1000 , you know how it works. It's not that difficult. Let me see if I can explain it for you . You are using the clove hitch. Also use a pair of tweezers. Don't pull to hard so the shrouds are still in one line and not getting curved. You have to practice to see how it goes. Print the picture out and keep it next to the build. Then it should work.
  17. Hi Sherry, That planking and that wood is WOW !!!!!!! But what are you thinking….first planking in big and then to small? It's the way to do it ! Result is just great ! Also the trap door. Great thinking….now you can see what's under it. Maybe something for the kit manufacturers? I f we are planking a deck and we cover it, they can make it this way The winter is coming your way so please, a little shorter time between the updates? Thank you
  18. Hi Randy, Very nice job ! I can see that you use an old camera…. The picture are that small that I'm glad that we have a mac I can magnify the pictures and still sharp !!!! But great job on the ratlines. Happy that you have done them ?
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