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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Augie, I don't know it also what is "official" Maybe someone else can give the answer? But at different builds with those tops, are black. So I will do the same. And for the planking is all ready to late…. Otherwise I have to remove everything and that is one ting I don't want to do that ! I like it the way it fits now.
  2. Thank you all that you like what I'm doing. @ Mick, I have only those three. That's enough, how many do you have ? @ Popeye, If I begins with the Aggy, then it is also wood and not rigging Even if some builders are thinking that I work on her…… @ Patrick, I think the ratlines are still far away. I have found out that the masts on the top are squire….. And it take some time to do that. @ Randy, That's the reason I have two builds. If I have enough of the rigging, I go to wood working. I only has to be careful that I'm not with this one also at the stage of the rigging….. If it is, then I have to ships at the same level and both rigging. @ Augie, Good question, On the manual they are saying that I have to plank the tops. But when I look at other builds, they are all black painted. Also the part of the mast that goes to the mast gap. So I'll be following that. I think that it looks better. I don't do varnish or paint at the masts. It's a nice difference then…… The masts stays sappily wood.
  3. Thanks Mobbsie and Grant, @ Mobbsie, I'm glad that i have a drill for doing the holes…..if I have to do it by hand, it was to much @ Grant, So these things are calling tops….. And it's indeed a pleasant change from the rigging. That's why I'm doing it
  4. A little update with pictures… I'm working on the platforms for the masts. On the left , mizzen mast finished. Middle , main mast platform 1/2 way. On the right, fore mast platform still need to be done. I have to paint it and drilling the holes for the cross feet. But now you can see that I doing something…
  5. He Nick, I'm glad that I see you again. How is life with the two young ones ???? They are eating all your time I think…… I'll be waiting for your update ! Only I can not learn from you anymore @ Shaz, Thank you that you believe me ! You can hear the echo of the Aggy….that's correct ! When I open the box for the unbelievers, she was thinking that I gonna start at her…… Sorry for her, but she stay still in the box ! But I'm happy that a few builders believe me.
  6. That's an idea Popeye….. Sending it to you. But I think that the shipping cost are to high for me So I'll do it by myself ( if you don't mind of course )
  7. I know how you feel Adriaan. That's why I'am driving the bus ! Always a seat available
  8. Let me see…. The Harriet Lane is on the corner. The books are on the box. There is a ship with no planking. To what ship I'm watching now ??? I don't know it anymore
  9. Popeye, It's not that bad that i see ratlines in my dreams…. I only see two finished ships When I have done the shrouds and ratlines of the San Ildefonso, I go back to the mirage…… And when those two are finished, maybe , and I say maybe, I go to the Aggy !
  10. Adriaan, I like the part…travel with a bus And you are getting tired from sitting in a bus ?????? Strange people those Belgium who are moved to Down Under
  11. Thanks Aldo ! It's a "little" different then the Le Mirage In a few weeks back at the ratlines again
  12. Great job Adam !!!!! My first replay on this beauty ??? How is that possible That's a lot of planking. But great job !
  13. Excellent work Grant ! How many of those long weekends do you have ??????? It seems once a month
  14. Hi JP, I don't have a rabbit either……. For the rest it is looking great ! Keep on going like this !!!!
  15. Piet, I have a secret to tell you….. I was borne and raise in Amsterdam I know the Trams very well. Just under mine bedroom window they where passing….with that BIG bell in front ! When we are coming ( don't no when but it's gonna be happening ) to the USA , I let you know !
  16. Hi Rich, I thought your name was Rich and not Rach……. Looks good !( the gun ports ) And a nice cutter what Harvey is showing you
  17. That's what I mean Wayne ! Great !!! And thanks JPett for the other one. I think that Wayne makes that one as a screen saver
  18. @ Grant, I want to do something else then the rigging… And how sooner I'm at the ratlines, how better. I have now the feeling how to do it and I want to hold that tight….. The rigging for the Le Mirage will continue but not for now. @ Popeye, You where asking in a previous post about the San Ildefonso ,so I thought I go back to her That a few cannons are in the way, it's not a problem…… I was looking for the best place to put on the chainplates and i think this is it. When there are lanyards in the way , then it is a spare cannon @ Adam, Thank you very much. You give me to much credits. The only thing that I can do is my best and each time it goes better ! If you want to do this ship, I think you have a problem then. She is not at the open market But there are a lot of other decorative and colourful ships for sale. First the masts and then the ratlines again , just love it ! @ Andy, I hold my horses…….bon voyage
  19. Very nice Wayne, The view and the ship. A hint for the next time…try to make a picture that way that you don't see the standard….. It looks then if she is in the water
  20. @ Randy, Thank you I leave the Aggy where she is……in the box ! It's nice to do something else then alone rigging. Because the price is out of your range, for you it's free @ Patrick, Thank you also. Yes, I want to do something else then rigging. So a little bit further on the other beauty. I think I gonna start with the masts. Le Mirage is not walking away ( I hope ) @ Augie, Nobody tells you that cotton cannonballs don't course any damages ???? So I have to go around it. @ Andy, You are over reacting I have placed a few updates on the Mirage…. Oke, there al the same, ratlines ! But what will my build log will be without all the side steps? It's the same as a ship without a realworkingsailor
  21. Augie, Can you take for me a close up picture from the treenails? For the rest it looks great ! ( i'm not excepting something else form you )
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