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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. I'm disappointed, Danny. I really expected you to make the full length of both chains and fit them, even though thay won't be visible! John
  2. Ah, crikey, I can't make one - I don't have any Fiddle-back Maple! Thanks for the details of your jig, Michael! John
  3. Nice looking serving machine, Michael! John
  4. Look like air holes to me, Tom. As for the "ventilator", as you know, ships get altered over time, so it may have become redundant in an alteration at some time. John
  5. Tony, At a scale of 1/64, the scale frames would be way under 0.5mm in size, if you're looking at scale framing. John
  6. I somehow seem to have missed you log Ilhan, so I'm just catching up. All up to your usual high standard, I see! John
  7. Nicely done with the halliards and downhauls, Augie! John
  8. Thanks, Bob. I usually have one model on to go at the museum and one at home, but at the moment Stag is the only one! John
  9. Michael, Tha shrouds do look a bit light on - unless, of course, you have more modern rigging and you're using wire for the shrouds. The set-up with the deadeyes closer together looks the 'ants pants'! John
  10. Jim, I'd steer away from Balso for anything other than packing pieces or rough mock-ups. It's really too soft and spongy for much else. John
  11. Thank you Pat, Chuck and Janos. The really frustrating thing at the moment is that the hull is at the museum and the spars are here with me at home. I'm hoping to get all the blocks rigged on the spars before I'm next in at the museum, but I'm itching to get on with the rigging!! John
  12. Thank you one and all for your kind comments. Although there's still a lot to be done on her, I can indeed now see the light at the end. It must almost be time to start planning for the next one! The mast hoops are simple - sections of brass tube treated with blackening solution. John
  13. A small update at last. I've been having some computer problems (Windows died) but all seems well now - that's why this update is a bit late. Last Wednesday at the museum I got a little done, but spent most of my time talking to visitors and discussing the museum with one of the staff, rsther than in modelling. Never mind - there's always next time! Most of the hardware in now fitted to the mast and I must say I'm rather pleased with the overall look. Everything is just sitting the loose at the moment. Hopefully I can get a bit of serious rigging done next time I'm in. John
  14. It's good to see her progressing, Tom. I'm sorry to tell you, but resin casting is always a pretty wasteful process. John
  15. Hamilton, I think shroud cleats on the lower shrouds would be appropriate. Have a look on www.Abebooks.com for a copy of Lees - you'll pick it up for a lot less than $100! John
  16. Looking much better, Michael! Check out your stock of smack and cutter photos - I think you'll find that the deadeyes should be much closer together (i.e. shorter tackles) in the final version. John
  17. Ooh! You're right, Russ. I missed it too!!! John
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