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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Er, Augie, have you done any more on your model? John PS Here in Australia we don't have weather predicting kangaroos, wombats or koalas. We have a thing called a 'weather bureau' which tells us what the weather is (or sometimes isn't) going to do.
  2. We just kept on making the same mistakes!! John
  3. Brian, 'A bent piece of wire' pretty much sums up what a sheet horse would have looked like in reality. If that drawing accurately shows the after end of the deck, then a horse may have been necessary to allow the sheet to clear the rudder head. John
  4. Now that's one bobstay fitting that isn't going to pull out! John
  5. Danny, The ebony ring has turned (no pun intended) out really well, with no sign of the breaks. Have you considered using a more friendly wood and staining it black? John
  6. Have a look on line in Oz - Australia Post will accept brass black for postage. John
  7. There's a couple of good photos of travellers on Smackdock, Michael. John
  8. Now that it's nicely scewed on, you'll need to remove the bowsprit band to fit the traveller! John
  9. That looks an excellent saw frame you made there, Michael. By the way, I think every Auto Electrician in Sydney owns a Myford 7. I walked into one workshop to do a survey and saw a cheap Chinese lathe on the bench. I commented to the owner that he must be the only Auto Elec. in Sydeny without a Myford 7 and he said, "I took the Myford home to my workshop there - I'm not going to let these idiots ruin it." John
  10. Jose, You are quite cirrect in assuming that the staysails have a sheet to each side. I f you go the Google Books and have a look at "The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor" - http://books.google.com.au/books?id=HmJJAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false The illustrations to pages 61 and 62 show this clearly. John
  11. That's some pretty complex shaping you're doing there, Dan! John
  12. Another great lesson in metalwork for us, Michael. John
  13. Just caught up with what you're doing, Gil - beautiful work, mate! John
  14. Yes, Pat, but the knots were usually figure of eight knots. John
  15. There'd be plenty of problems with our quarantine people if I tried to bring that into Australia - our quarantine regulations are very strict! John
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