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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Oh, look at all that lovely timber! Looks like I might have to make another trip to Sweden, but with plenty of room in my bag! John
  2. Both are looking really first class, Popeye. Have you thought of cutting wood to shape for the skis and then soaking and bending to the correct profile? John
  3. Robert, In the attached photos you can see examples of pin rails on the British frigate Trincomalee (1817). As you can see, the rails are only about 6 inches wide. This is about the same width as on more modern (late 19th century) sailing ships. John
  4. That looks a good (and simple) idea. I take it the wooden parts are a tight push fit in the tube? John
  5. Just catching up with what you're doing. She looks very nice indeed! John
  6. A few days off certainly doesn't seem to have slowed you down at all, Mobbsie! John
  7. Michael, I've heard of making "solid metal parts", but this is getting ridiculous! John
  8. That's because you're in the Northern hemisphere! John
  9. The photos are fine! Looking forward to your build. John
  10. Thanks Janos - yep, still using privet (as you know, here in Sydney there's a plentiful supply). Augie - Thanks mate, I'm feeling better already. John
  11. Sorry, Popeye, but I missed last Wednesday at the museum due to a bad cold (is there such a thibg as a good cold? ). I'm currently having a think about my next build as I'm now up to the rigging on the Stag, so I might start a preliminary build log once I mfinally make up my mind. John
  12. Jay, The lifelines that you refer to are used to gain access to the boat when it's in the water or, for the fit and agile, to re-gain the deck from the launched boat. It used to be common to launch boats with only their crew on board; the remainder of passengers boirding when the boat was in the water. In an emergency situatiion the boat was launched and the survivors boarded by grabbing a lifeline and scrambling down to the boat. In the photo below of the wrecked 'Southbank' at Washington Island, the lifeboat lifelines (two per boat) can be seen hanging down - I've marked one of them with the red arrow. John
  13. 2mm, Danny? Rip out the whole structure! Just make sure you've got everything else under the quarterdeck set up before you find the need to add any more beams! John
  14. That's coming along very nicely, Dan. Thanks for posting the log. John
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