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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Pete, it’s been my experience with RC sailors that they are more interested in sailing than in building to great detail. So they get their boats in the water and sail and race and enjoy the comradery of the others. But every once in a while someone will come along with a fully detailed RC model and everyone will stop to see the boat and watch it sail. And it sails just as well as those with less detail. Preformance is in the sailor more then it is in the boat. So in my opinion, go for the detail you’ll be happier with the finished boat. Bob
  2. Michael, Pete, Lawrence and Likes, Sorry I haven’t been posting but I now think the research is far enough along that I can start rigging. I threw together a rope walk and a serving machine. Their noit pretty but they will do the job. I was also given a new book, ”A Scratchbuilder’s Evolutionary Development”. Wow, what a book. He goes into how to do things that he has learned, and I say to myself, ‘Do I really need to do that on this boat?” Decisions, decisions, decisions. Ah well hope to have pictures soon. Bob
  3. Sorry I missed this in June, but I'm here now. Like the penny it gives us an idea of how small you're working. Bob
  4. Hi John, I’m sorry to be late to this build. I’ve always liked the Puritan, with its long bowsprit and have thought of building it myself. Hopefully this will give me the kick I need to move it higher on the list of boats to build. You’re doing a great job. Bob
  5. Did I miss somthing, or are you building the hull without ribs? Bob
  6. Nils, we tend to want to say new words of praise for our complements. But our wives never get tired of our saying , “you look good” or "your hair is nice". So I hope you don’t get tired of my saying over and over, “Great job. Well done.” Bob
  7. I’m with Omega1234, that design is all wrong and can’t possibly be fast. But hey, it’s hard to argue with success. It will be fun to watch her sail. Bob
  8. Talking to other modelers about modeling is one of the joys of this hobby. Sounds like it was a good day. Bob
  9. It’s utterly amazing, every time I see the hull without your hand, I forget how small it is. Bob
  10. It is expected to see a catamaran fly, but a monohull, that’s something else. I’ll have to watch this. Bob
  11. What a beautiful machine. Good luck on the rebuild. Bob
  12. What is fun is that if you were to angle the gold tape, and all attached, 5 degrees one way or the other the pattern of the colors would be completely different. Isn't it good we can edge bend the wood. Bob
  13. Glad the operation went well. Sounds like you have a full load of work ahead. Don’t worry, the boat will wait. Bob
  14. Steve, I am using so much brass on the Lettie because the admiral, ('she who must be obeyed'), wants lots of gold color. I do use card stock for bands on other boats. I usually blacken it with permanent marker before I cut it. I have also found black card stock at Hobby Lobby. As for silver soldering, I learned how when I was in high school in the 50’s. There are probably better ways now, search the web. The main thing is a surface that will not burn at the high temperatures required. Over 1000 degrees. I use one of the small Benzomatic torches that refill with Ronsin lighter fluid. Back to the brass, if you have trouble bending it, try annealing it first. Hope this helps. Bob
  15. Congratulations to you and your wife for modeling such a fine little girl. Bob
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