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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Aye mate. There was a day when a vast inland sea covered Colorado. But that was before even my time
  2. 17th Century???? I have that one in my dining room. Glad you had a practical solution. I was going to ask my Base Commander to start weaving
  3. CAN WE HAVE A DRUM ROLL PLEASE ??????? I predict that, within the next few minutes, we shall all witness a promotion the likes of which has never before been seen on MSW 2. Captain Sjors is about to be launched into the stratosphere. Congratulations (in advance) my friend
  4. CONGRATULATIONS, MOBBSIE A BIG job, very well done. I got out the microscope and see what you mean about the plates having rounded corners. But she looks fantastic. I would have had a heart attack if mine fell on the floor. A true tribute to your overall physical conditioning. Now, about all the wounds. The Battle of Hastings ended in 1066. We've seen enough blood shed
  5. Beautiful deck furnishings for which now the mast is center stage. VERY NICE !
  6. Sjors, you miss the whole concept. The technical term is FISHING..........not CATCHING. I assure you that no fish were harmed during yesterday's expedition. Our little fishing team is very eco-friendly and would not even dream of disturbing the balance of nature. Put another way ----- NO, we didn't catch a darned thing!!!!!! Back to the Royal yards.
  7. Tough decision. but we make them all the time. A lot depends on the chains. You'll make the right choice.
  8. Yes Andy, then it all crashed and burned ------ again! The visual imagery around here is sometimes frightening. That said, the transom and galleries look great and Sjors has made progress in mastering adhesive technology. GREAT JOB!
  9. Oh for crying out loud. That's what I did and forgot completely. Yes, I think the coat or two of glue inside really helps seal things up. Made the hull ring like a Louisville Slugger after the glue dried. You answered your own question!!!!! I used 2 coats of diluted PVA (maybe 50%). But diluted 30 minute epoxy would work as well.
  10. Gee, I hope that back comes around. I know the feelings. On the hull/deck planking. I did the hull first....but I'm not sure it makes any difference.
  11. You might also wish to try roughening up the cast piece with some sandpaper before you try and glue it to wood. 100 grit should work.
  12. You folks are really too nice. I know you're all going to get tougher on the next one......but then so will I . Just keep in mind that it is your logs, your hiccups and your triumphs that urge me on. So I guess it's really hats of to MSW!!!!!!! Sjors--- the whole ship no longer fits in my little camera unless I stand on the hill across the road (elevation 4,000 meters). I'll see what I can do once I get the next 40 meters of line rigged Off to the hills!!!!!
  13. This place is really jumping!! Thanks to all who stopped by and commented. Your encouragement keeps me going. Think I'll sleep on the word 'majestic' for one night. Sure beats the usual thoughts of 'how am I supposed to reach that #$%&*# belaying pin'?
  14. The topgallant yards have been sent aloft and the rigging completed (with the exception of the braces) Doesn't look like a whole lot but I'm very happy it's proceeding well in spite of summers' diversions. I'd never realized before just how many lines there really are. And, for the first time, I actually realize what they DO! And things are getting tight !!!! The t'gallant braces are next followed by raising the royal yards. All is on hold until I get my order of additional rigging line from ME. My screw ups and do-overs have finally come home to roost and I find myself line-less . That's ok......there are a few fish to be caught and I need to find the ladder prior to the next photo-op. You all stay well
  15. Nope. I refuse to get involved in this resurrected subject. (don't have the balls for it).
  16. I love it. The canons, windows and even the name badge. Wow!
  17. Let's not go overboard here or his head will no longer fit through the door on the bus :D
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