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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Hahahaha. Good job on pulling my leg!!!!! Seriously though, your upgrade looks fantastic (as does the finished hull). WELL DONE!!!! Now, as for the scroll saw being responsible for a whole new voyage...............
  2. Aldo is amazed at you working on 2 beauties simultaneously. I can hardly wait until you start on Agamemnon. You'll be working on ships like that clown you have juggling the cannonballs. I'll just plod along on my rowboat
  3. I did mine in .008 tan but I believe .012 might look nicer. I did not want to take the chance of mixing line diameters for the rope coils on the pin rails but that decision may have been short sighted. I might still change them down the road.
  4. Hey Sjors....... a gentleman posted some nice photos of his Le Mirage on the gallery today. I was noticing that there seem to be a LOT of ratlines. Better get cracking
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sounds like the good old days of years past! Enjoy the hangover
  6. Good idea joggling those planks to prevent light from getting through. Above deck froaming is really shaping up. Buona Pasqua !
  7. Avast mate. We will get you through the rat lines. After all, it was your 'encouragement' that got me through mine
  8. I thought the same. But since the holes were already there that's what I used. Later on you are going to have lines coming over the stern davits for the rudder pendants and also over the transom for the boom guys ...... so to me running the gunport lines through the holes just made a little more sense.
  9. Boy, she really turned out spectacularly Frank. Very unique......and incredibly well done!!
  10. Well, I guess I just have to say it.........you have outdone yourself. The ornamentation is simply superb......even stunning. And you've done a first rate job Sjors. This is one of those moments to stand back, smile and be very proud of your efforts. You have my congratulations. Now, that being said, thanks for posting all those photos as I can now see that, even with guns bristling from both port and starboard, your dreadnaught would appear to be vulnerable from the stern. In fact the lighting will make a superb target....rather like taking aim on a 70's Disco ! I shall make a mental note in the event of future conflict. But VERY WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Thomas- I think I have these right. The positions given are if you are standing on deck, looking outboard. Bridle ports ...... the cleats are at the top right of the gunport Aftmost ports .... the same as above Stern ports ... Look at plans Sheet 8. Looking down at stern you will see cleats (from left to right) labeled 'rudder pendant' (that will get the rudder pendant), 'Y' (that will get the boom guys), then an unlabeled one (That's where the gunport line goes) and finally 'T' for the flag halliards. The pattern repeats (in reverse) as you cross to the port side. Let me know if this is understandable.
  12. Ah----this is the Lady for which you also need to build a shipyard. Should be most interesting
  13. Garwood- Congratulations on reaching 1,000 posts. The first regular member to achieve that milestone and our first Captain. WELL DONE!
  14. Kevin- congrats on the weight loss and (as always) on your beautiful HMS Victory.
  15. Thanks Wayne and Sherry. Today's flights were aborted due to a nasty Chinook wind from the West. Fly fishing from Niagara. Interesting. But now we hear Sjors can hit a fly with a cottonball. OK, let's all meet at Patricks and fly fish for trout off Niagara! Sherry can eat the daily catch. (Didn't know there were trout in Ohio...... they must have gotten washed down from here in the runoff).
  16. I'm sorry each of you has had such problems with Greyhound. She is such a beautiful subject. And I am surprised at Corel as, like harlequin, I had good success with their HMS Victory cross section. Of course that was 25 years ago. I think you'll enjoy the POB ships boat kit. Hey, I have ME on speed dial
  17. Great work on the chainplates. If I didn't know better I'd swear you blast her down with a steam cleaning gun twice a day. Talk about crisp work!!!
  18. Glad to see you back at work. You are doing an awesome job on a great (my favorite) subject.
  19. This project of yours is more about engineering then building! But your outstanding craftsmanship is really making her special. I smile each time I open your log.
  20. Take your time Mobbsie......I am enjoying this build. I shall rest easy in your assurance that he-who-has-no-name is so far from an actual launch that I will have ample time to bolster my fleet (or enlist some staunch allies).
  21. Between you and Andy it sounds like size is all that matters ! Patience my friend. The shipyard is closed for 2 days as I need to carry out some bombing missions over the Colorado skies. This multi-tasking is getting tough.......not to mention that the trout are beginning to stir. My next project is not yet a dot on the horizon. Oh, recommend you check the foundry for your canonballs ....unless you're having them machined.
  22. That's a good question Harvey. I've just tied some things that start as standing rigging and turn into adjustable block and tackle type lines (running rigging??) Perhaps more common then we expect.
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