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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Welcome back aboard Thomas! And another Syren joins the fleet. Spectacular effort so far!
  2. Spectacular. Makes that relic Bogie kept kicking on the African Queen look like a piece of junk Well done, Bob
  3. Rod- nice to have you back on the Forum. And it's always nice to have another Syren . I'll be following. Keep that acetone handy !!!!!
  4. Thank you Bob for deciding to re-post. I followed your build previously and think it's fantastic. I was thinking of you when the site went dark as one of the folks who certainly faced MAJOR adverisity. I recalled your mishap in bringing the ship out for a meeting and, coupled with the fact that your log was one of the stalwarts of the old forum, I didn't know if you'd come back. I applaud your effort. Enjoy your coffee.
  5. Sounds like you did the right thing trusting the canon 'mockup'. I think your red color looks good. The camera is VERY picky on reds. Looks like you're having fun ---- and that makes ME happy
  6. Andy- Thanks for taking the time to re-post this classic. You're doing a wonderful job on the build and it shows.
  7. Welcome home, Rosemarie. I am so glad to see both yourself and your Victory back on line. Best regards----
  8. Very nice planking and I really like the overall appearance you are creating. Well done mate!
  9. I think Sjors new, exalted ranking has gone to his head. He actually believes he can take on all comers even though his ship has no teeth
  10. Welcome aboard ---- AGAIN! Great to have another Syren log active. I bet we'll have a few more before long. I'll be following. Looks great so far.
  11. Here we go again with the sabre rattling. I am not going to be a party to starting 'The War' again. But, if necessary, I shall be a part of finishing it!
  12. Fear?????? Heck NO! I just need a Syren builder on here who knows what they're doing
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