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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Now this, ladies and gentlemen, is how to reconstruct a build log !!!!! I think we should all contribute and buy Sjors his own PC so Anja can be on line full time. Well done Anja ----- she's a beauty.
  2. Thank you Aldo, dafi, Patrick and Larry. (Oh, you too Sjors). It's great to be back in the company of old (and NEW) friends. A little confusing right now keeping up with everything but the smoke will clear eventually. I've spoken with a few other Syren builders and suspect I may have some company soon.
  3. THERE SHE IS !!!!!!!! Thank you, Mobbsie for having the tenacity to put her back on the new Forum. Nelson would be proud. And, for the first time in days, I have reason for optimism.
  4. First rate job, Larry. She must have been massive in real life.
  5. Hi Patrick- I followed your Niagara quietly in the past but now I'll be keeping up. And we've got to get Brockel away from the 'dark side' long enough to finish both Niagara and Syren. VERY nice, clean work.
  6. POPEYE ------You're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how glad I am. This place would NEVER be the same without you. I don't know if you're going to rebuild every log but even if you just pick them up where you left off it will be GREAT. Welcome home, mate!
  7. I'm with John and B.E. Dilute PVA If you want to get rid of that gloss on your rigging from the CA either touch it up with some flat black paint or try Dullcoat by Model Master (Testor's).
  8. See if you find any eyebolts while you're down there
  9. Hahahahaha. Yes, it was one thing to stay near the top of the Syren Forum. This is a whole new ballgame. I'm actually going to need to work
  10. See...it's NOT me who fans Sjors flames. It's Ben and Frank!!!!!
  11. Thanks Ryland. I'll definitely be watching for your Syren build when the time comes.
  12. I was hoping that you folks who know what they're doing would stay off here for a while and make the rest of us look better. Oh well
  13. She's taking shape Frank. Looks a little too shiny and new though
  14. OK, I don't know about you folks, but I'm all worn out on re-posting and looking at photos from the 18th Century. So I finally got out of this chair in front of the PC and did some (minor) work. Here's the latest. The main topmast stays, backstays and preventer stays have been added. Finally converting 'rope' into lines that actually GO somewhere is a blast! I will be using Morope on everything with a diameter of .018" or larger, black for the standing rigging and beige for the running rigging. I picked up on the idea from Frank (riverboat) and really like the beige. The black, in my opinion, is not nearly as spectaclular. It does handle well though, provided you remember to apply some thin CA before you cut it. Otherwise it will unravel instantly. Special note to Sjors------ No, I did not forget there are shrouds and ratlines on the upper foremast. All in good time, my friend
  15. Funny, I was just catching up this morning hoping not to miss anybody and I wound up right back on here! I REALLY like her. Oh.....Syren is about 4 months out. I forgot to repost my motto: "I may not be any good, but I AM slow'". Cheers.
  16. I miss your start up pics from the original log. As usual, you're doing a first rate job. I'll be following!
  17. I've always wanted to see Greyhound. Thanks for taking the time to re-post. You're doing a fantastic job and she has great lines.
  18. Glad to see Stag has returned. Oh yeah, you too John. And thanks for including one photo with that whacky galley stack.
  19. Thanks for taking the time to get Mirage back up, Sjors. She's a real beauty. I'll be following!!!!!
  20. Wait a minute......... it's cheating to actually get something done on your build during all this chaos. NO FAIR. Also, I didn't mind when Anja was using my Dremel table but it now appears you have stolen THAT!
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