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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I've used metal lathes many years ago ..... never a wood lathe. Grant's advice makes sense. Of course you could always get a new brother-in-law.
  2. I'm going to say Ben is right. I got my kit in mid 2013 and did not encounter this. As long as the fit along the curve of the bulkhead is good and tight, the beakhead planking should cover the gap.
  3. To keep things simple, I have 1/2 and 3/4" balsa sheets (4" width). I just cut and laminate the appropriate pieces to give me what I need. Hope that helps.
  4. I think she's looking great! If that little bit of shine bothers you don't be afraid to try the dullcoat. I found it about 1/2 way through my Syren build and it can do wonders. But you may not need it.
  5. First off, Best of the Holidays to you and yours. You've made some really nice progress there. Sorry you had to restow some barrels! And nice work on the blackening.
  6. Thanks Harley. No, my fault entirely. The upper hull is first planked with 1/8x1/16 planks except for the main and channel wales which are 5/32x1/16. Then the wales are planked over. The uppers go with 5/32 X 1/32. But the mains are a combo of 5/32x1/32 and 5/32x1/16. The plans are clear enough. But somewhere between pre-bending, beveling, pre-painting, coffee and a salami sandwich I screwed it up. Saw it when I got ready for the ceremonial actual laying of the first plank (thank Heavens)! The bright side is that 'do-overs' give you a chance to improve your technique!
  7. At least someone is smiling.....not so much over here yesterday. I spent 1/2 the day carefully beveling and bending my planks for the main wales and painting the edges....only to find out I was using the wrong thickness of wood! Ah well ---- fresh start tomorrow. I should wish you a good New Year's as well. I know you're pulling for Andy to get his power back on before then.....as am I. He's been silent so I guess he's still out. Bummer for Christmas. Tools ------ did someone say tools??????
  8. Thanks for the complement, Todd. There are some fine Syrens in progress right now for you to follow. But to get to my old (abbreviated) log that I put back up when MSW restarted, just click on the bold dark blue US Brig Syren link in my signature. As for the longboat lifts, there should be 5. I don't recall exactly but, as they are all the same thickness, I thought they were on the same laser cut sheet. The top lift is quite different from the other 4 so if you don't have it, give ME a call.
  9. Really well done, Rich. Your patience paid off. Best of the Holidays to you and yours.
  10. I think we can call him that already. The problem is, looking at these photos I feel like the day after New Year's Eve --- I'm seeing 3 of everything
  11. The little squares are boxwood sweep ports I installed a while back Sjors. Doors that swing open to allow the use of sweeps (oars). Each will have a hinge installed way down the road. The 36 gun ports are those painted in red.
  12. I made a comment over on your 'other' log. I assume you'll be sticking with this one. Looks like you're off to a GREAT start. It's a good practice to step back once in a while and have an 'overall' look. We get so immersed in what we're doing we can sometimes miss the big picture. Yes, sanding the outside curve is straightforward. The inside is harder. No magic ---- you'll get the hang of it. Get used to it as you'll be doing it several times by the time you finish the inboard planking. I have the feeling this is going to be a great voyage!
  13. Actually Popeye, the basswood isn't really good. I need to dress the edges by hand as a lot looks like it was cut with an ax. Compared to Jeff's material that I have for another purpose it's night and day. But to replace it all I'd need to hit the lottery.
  14. Welcome back to the bench Larry. I gotta say...that is one heck of a piece! Talk about compound curves. She's looking good. For a while there, 'Club Niagara' was pretty quiet. Good to have you back. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  15. Just time for the last pre-Christmas update as we hit 250 hours into the build. Sanding of the upper hull has been completed and the second layer of the channel wales added. The hull has been stained after a coat of Minwax Pre-stain. For this portion of the hull, I've used 30% Golden Oak. As the intention is to have the upper hull much darker than the lower portion, a second coat of stain will be applied later (after treenailing). Before we get to treenailing, the second layer of the main wales will be added and painted ... hopefully in time to ring in the New Year! The very best of the Holidays to all. Be happy, stay healthy and ENJOY!
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