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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Absolutely Jim. Not only that, during my latest rework, I discovered that the pencil sander is THE ticket for sanding these sills and lintels into shape. I love this thing so much I've taken to using it instead of the electric toothbrush. Suggest you use 240 grit there as 180 makes teeth disappear.
  2. If you see any black helicopters over your house, just give up and go quietly.
  3. Hey Sjors...... you should try fishing in your new pond. I'd suggest you try a #20 dry fly.
  4. These Dremel tables certainly get around. Keep them under lock and key!!!! Is Australia really that far? I'll bet that doesn't even count the one mile + downhill Continued patience, Andy. You're Peggy is not to be rushed. Your beautiful rigging makes me feel like a cat in a yarn store. The carpenter is back on duty and all is well with the world. Photos when the quarter deck work is done and my embarrassment subsides
  5. Congratulations on another job well done. When all is said and done, I think it's the progress that we see ourselves that is the most rewarding.
  6. If you are contemplating any violations of International Law, I'd suggest you talk Sjors into putting it on his log
  7. Down Under is still a developing area. Here in the Rockies we have learned to temper the high temperatures, wind, forest fires and snow with the occasional 500 year flood
  8. And, we're off . You have some fine examples of HL in your wake from Sarah and Wayne. I'm sure you'll do her proud. Bon voyage!!!!!
  9. So you simply could not resist the sultry call of the camera. What Mick said
  10. GREAT SCOTT! You spotted that from 4,000 miles away!!! Rest easy mate. The isopropyl has already been brought into play, the offending member removed/banished and a new piece of timber is ready for deployment! Thanks John.
  11. The lintels for the gun ports on the main gun deck have been completed. I used 3/8" spacers to set the height. And our paper cannon has returned And here's just a longer range shot Will be moving on now to the sills and lintels for the ports on the quarter deck.
  12. Speaking of 'wrapped up', I didn't realize the sails had to be wrapped around her to get her in the bottle......duh! Looks like a scene from Moby Dick! Really nice, Daniel. The launch in tow adds still another dimension.
  13. Hmmmmm. putting square pegs in round holes. Sounds like a page out of my playbook
  14. Have a fun and productive trip. We'll keep a stern light burning for you.
  15. Thanks for all the ........ thoughts! Gee guys, it was only a few sticks The mock cannon was not my idea...... it was Chuck's from the Syren kit. A real one would be even better but this one does the job. Just make sure your cannon match the plans!
  16. She's not a dumb ship, she's your ship. Thanks for starting a log so we can follow. I think you have an idea now of the way suggestions can come in. Be cautious.....you will almost always get several suggestions, all of them good. You need to find what works for you. So never be afraid to experiment..off ship.... before you dive in. Do a 'mock up' on some spare material and you'll see where you're going. Excellent suggestions on washing the plastic first BTW to remove any residuals that might interfere with your paint later. Blue tape or Tamiya.....I use them both Always remember .... you are the Captain so all final decisions are yours alone. Bon Voyage !!
  17. Really shaping up. The fit of the masts in the top looks great. WELL DONE, MATE.
  18. Why is that Frank. Are basements illegal in California? I've heard almost everything out there is potentially hazardous to your health
  19. Very nice. And that's a good view of your fine work on the margin plank and treenails. I'm smiling!
  20. You might be surprised to find out that cotton is 'heavier' then you think. If you take all the air out and measure the true density it's about 1.55g/cc. So if a gallon of water weighs approximately 8 pounds, a gallon of compressed cotton would weigh about 12 ! OK, a gallon of solid iron would weigh about 66 pounds. And now ........ on with the lintels!!!!!
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