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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. You know what I'm going to say. Confederacy. Chuck put all his best experience into her.
  2. Hong Kong? You went the wrong way and missed out on good old US hospitality
  3. Good grief!!!!!!! I had so many tears in my eyes about you losing your computer that I almost missed your promotion. Congratulations CAPTAIN!!!!!! Now my eyes are tear-filled again ----- picturing Sjors beating a drum and sending smoke signals.
  4. Good point, Cap'n'Bob. Is an admiralty version an unfinished model? I think not. Just my 2 cents.
  5. I might suggest you take a short break......I usually do this after a major sanding operation. Then, take one more look and decide if you want to spend a little more time filling/sanding. Keep 2 things in mind: Any irregularities in the flow of the hull planks at this point will only be accentuated during the second planking. Too much sanding and you'll actually sand through the first layer of planking. Once you make your decision to proceed. either glue will work. Wood glue, PVA, gives you more time to position your planks and cleans up easily with water or alcohol. It also sands out well. But it does take time to set. CA is fast but can be unforgiving and does NOT sand well so keep it under control. I actually use both....not trying to confuse you, just being honest. Whatever you decide, take your time and treat each plank as a mini project.
  6. Rich - could I suggest you try out your deck finish on a sample of the planks before you tackle the whole job. It's nice to see how the wood is going to come out before you dive in.
  7. Congrats on the promotion, John. In your case, I guess it's a 'field promotion' Enjoy the rest of your vacation and get home safe. Thanks for taking us along. Poor Sjors is lonely at the flag officers' table. He only has Andy to order around last I heard.
  8. WOW .....she is looking spectacular!!!!!!!! If she gets any bigger you'll need a new house. Although Mobbsie does have a way to display large ships. Something about a plastic bag. Get these rats finished so we can see some sweeping rigging lines tying her all together. I can't wait.
  9. Thanks, mates. Frank- I'm not the US equivalent to Mobbsie.........that's Popeye John -- What are you smoking????? As far as speeding along --- framing is in my wheelhouse from my airplane background. Very soon we'll be back to shipwright mode and it'll be 'All ahead, SLOW '.
  10. Well, apparently you've gone and done it! Sounds like you're happy based on your early impressions of the kit. I wish you tremendous success on the major adventure. That said, HMS Victory is my all time favorite ship. Having walked her decks almost 40 years ago, she is something I shall never forget. The experience was made all the more enjoyable by the folks who manned her back then happily providing details and tall tales of her history. However, as a model she intimidates me. I don't have the skills at this point to tackle her....and probably never will. I do have the Corel Victory cross section sitting on my desk for the past 25 years. It's a creditable version and has stood the test of time .... uncased!!!! So I know what their plans or plates look like. But you have 14 sheets! You're going to need a bigger house Sorry to hear about the warp. Get it dead straight before you grab the glue. I know you know how important this is. Safe voyage, JP! I'll be following.
  11. Just a quick update. The stern gun ports have been laid in: As they are vertical to the deck, they do not match the angle of the canted stern frames. I used plywood spacers to set the height and width of the ports so (hopefully) they are accurate. Just need to add a few support fillers to the stern and fair them in. Then it's on to the false deck
  12. Could you please elaborate on displaying your fine craftsmanship within a plastic bag up in a loft?? I assume it's clear plastic
  13. More progress soon Rusty. Yup, those aluminum sanding bars come in handy on ships as well. I use the 6 and 12" mostly. For that Bomb vessel of yours my 24" might come in handy And that stick back sandpaper can be used to make custom wood blocks as well!
  14. Grant -- Have a safe trip home! Didn't know they had moose in London John -- I think BE is talking about the winding around the anchor ring. We'll see !!! Ben -- Mine came the same way with the sanding pads. Fortunately I have rolls and rolls of 100/150/220 grit sticky back sandpaper that I use for sanding blocks on the aircraft. I get it from Tower Hobbies. I'm used to using 12 - 24" at a time (at 2" width).
  15. Glad to see you back in the fray. Nice job on the window. Yes, making sweep ports a little smaller and then using a good file to open and square them up is a good method. Gee whiz ----- that hull planking looks great
  16. Don't let my secret out John ---- I get a 3 cent kickback on every sander sold. I also can provide a good deal on a bridge if you're interested
  17. I do agree with Chuck.....provided you can get it right the first time. But I think others, who have been raised on double planked, think the single plank guys are nuts .
  18. As long as we're on the subject, what is the story about brass cannon? I've always done mine black as portrayed by most of the builds here. But is brass taboo? I've seen field cannon done in brass but not so much on naval guns. Appreciate any input.
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