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Everything posted by Altduck

  1. Bob, It is indeed a beautiful model, and I've been quietly following your log. I believe the slight fuzziness in the photos is due to camera movement, not out of focus. If you blow up a detail, it appears to be more linear motion, rather than a "circle of confusion". A more rigid tripod or camera support, and perhaps a remote shutter release or self timer rather than a finger on the button might do it. Congratulations on completing a fine model.
  2. There are lots of build logs for this kit; Use the search function at the top of the page and you’ll find them. You should find examples of how others have done this step and the rest of the build. Good luck
  3. Hi I haven’t built one yet, but I plan to, soon. I want the below-deck details, as on the earlier versions, but I Ike the sail plan better on the new one, And for my first build ever, double planking might be a good idea. So - when I finally get started, it’ll be a blend of versions. I’ll start a build log when I get going.
  4. It’s looking good so far. Is there a copyright date on the box? Like 2010 or 2016? And even though it’s intended to be single planked, any reason you couldn’t double plank it if you want to and are willing to buy more material?
  5. Nice work on the pump, and a big improvement over the metal one.
  6. Very nice repair work on the bow. You've done a really good job matching the profiles of the new rail, etc to the old portions. So good you can't really tell where they meet.
  7. Welcome, Peter Where are you in Ireland? My wife/Admiral was born & raised in Co Kilkenny
  8. Oliver, Looks like you are off to a good start, and checking your assembly as you go. One thing that I would check is that the keel is straight. In the first photo of your last post, looking down the length of the ship, it looks to me like the keel bends very slightly to port as it runs from stern forward to the bow. It may be the photo, or my old eyes, but you might want to lay a straightedge along it to be sure it’s ok before you get into the planking.
  9. And here's a third thought for consideration: Fog. The coast and coastal waters off Northern California get frequent, dense fog and in those days, nav aids were limited.
  10. Welcome, and what's your field of study? (Is the picture an ebola virus?)
  11. Zuko, You and I are in the same situation. I'm preparing for my first build, and it'll be -- the AL Swift. There is a tremendous amount of information on this site, and in addition, it's linked to the Database of Articles and Downloads. Click this link: http://modelshipworldforum.com/ship-modeling-articles-and-downloads.php There are lots of articles in the various categories including Tools and Materials, Planking, Rigging, etc. I'm depending on those, plus the help freely offered by other members if you do a build log, to overcome the mediocre instructions that come with the kits. And when I get started, I'll start a build log.
  12. Great site, Bob Thanks for the reference to it.
  13. Max Very well done. Congratulations on completing a challenging build.
  14. Pat I suggest you double check the exchange rate. If I looked up the exchange rate correctly, 1AUD = 84.83 JPY so the 3700 would be more like about AUD 44
  15. She's a beautiful model, and shows your fine craftsmanship. Congratulations on completing a very complex build.
  16. Thanks for starting a build log; I plan to start a Swift soon, too, so I'll follow yours with interest.
  17. Aaron, Which edition (the date on the front of the box) of the Swift are you building?
  18. Wow! That's quite a price jump. I ordered some for $11.47 on Oct. 11 - but the shipping was $24.69 for 5 of them. Just arrived yesterday. They are serviceable, but not what you'd call fine furniture. I like the idea of lining them.
  19. Alex, May I respectfully suggest that you not share this insight with her.....
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