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Everything posted by fnick

  1. Hi Marc I'm thinking of furled sails on my Le Mirage build (when I get round to the masts...) so this is interesting to me. I would say option 1 without any hesitation. I can't comment on historical accuracy but purely visually it just looks neater than option 2. My two pennies worth anyway! Nick
  2. Surely you meant "when" not "if"! Nick ps: looking good Patrick (no pressure...)
  3. Hey Rich that is really good work! Dont the catheads go in those red areas? (Better wait for an answer from someone more knowledgeable than me!! ) Nick
  4. Wow. Now that is looking really good. I really like the contrast the black stand provides against the vibrant colours of the ship. Bravo! Nick
  5. Hi Patrick That is an exquisite build! However you really need to work on the stand Nick
  6. Wow Patrick hope your workshop's big enough. You're going to need a heck of a large sitting area! Great all the best seats have already been taken! Will follow this one for sure. Don't disappoint us!! Nick
  7. Hi Ian New to this hobby are you? You couldn't tell from your first planking. Super job! Nick
  8. Hi Patrick I liked the mockup. I like the real canopy even more! Great build. This is one of those builds that makes me think: "That looks like fun. Wouldn't mind trying something like that one day". Keep those updates coming Nick
  9. Thanks for the likes Belco, Gunther and Chris! Hi Chris Thanks for your comments! Much appreciated. Yes maybe I am being fussy but heh it's my ship! . The colour differences are a bit difficult to see from the pictures. I know what you mean about the timber varying naturally but with the naked eye the walnut on the keel looks different enough to the walnut used for the planking that to me it just doesn't look right. Also the walnut timber I used originally was very brittle and difficult to work with which makes the keel look a bit messy anyway irrespective of the colour. Anyhoo this is all a bit of a moot point now since I have removed said wood and have started replanking. When everything is replanked I'll post some before and after pictures side by side which will hopefully show what I meant. Cheers Nick
  10. Hi Nigel I really like the contrast of the wood colours. Lovely build. Nick
  11. Well good luck with that Nigel. Evening all Update time! I know less than a week since the last one! I've completed the second planking on the starboard side. Nearly there.... However I have decided to redo the keel and the bow of the ship. The reason as you can see from the photos is that although the wood is also walnut the colour is too different from the walnut I used for the second planking. It just doesn't look right. I don't mind different shades but that's taking it a bit too far!! I'd rather not have to do that but hopefully the results will make it worthwhile. So that's what I'll be tackling next instead of the last strip of second planking. Anyhoo enough ramblings here are some photos. Just to show what I mean by the different colours, especially the plank furthest left that seems to have discoloured completely... Thanks for looking Nick
  12. Thanks to all who hit the like button. Thanks Nigel. Blimey one year already!! ... Scary indeed. Like I said time flies by when you're moving house! Dare I ask how that's going for you at the mo?... Nick
  13. Hi all so 8 and a half months later... ho hum here's an update... To be fair to myself... we have moved house. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! One big plus side to the house (apart from being bigger and detached and closer to preschools, schools, etc, yes I know very minor items ) is that is has a garage, And part of that has been converted into a dockyard!! Woohoo! It's so good to have a dedicated area for model building. I also had the fun of building my own work bench (just in case you can't tell from the photos...) using slats of a bed we didnt need anymore and an kitchen worktop. Anyhoo enough talking from me. Here's a few photos. Yes not much of an update (only an extra line of planks) but I don't care it's an update!! It's good to be building again Thanks for looking in. Hopefully the next update won't take another 8 months! Nick
  14. Hi Chuck I still can't get over how perfect your planking is. Superb build!! Nick
  15. Hi Jonny That display is looking real good! Also worth checking if they have any offcuts. Cheers Nick
  16. Hi Jerry You can download the plans from CMB. Here's a linkL http://www.billingboats.com/instructions/BB576%20Bluenose_Instruction.pdf Good luck! Nick PS: Oh and Julian. Nice sails! I too had to "outsource" the making of them
  17. Hi Patrick All you need are 4 wheels and you've got yourself a great looking batmobile! Just kidding. Looks great. Very sleek hull. Expect nothing less from you. Nick
  18. Hi Jonny Very nice indeed! Love the display approach. Instead of glass you could use perspex/acrylic. Easy to cut to size and lighter than glass. Can get it from places such as b&q (no affiliation ), etc. I used it for my display case. my two pennies worth! Nick
  19. Hi Patrick Awesome model! Have you tried tamiya masking tape? I used it when painting my bluenose and found it to be really good. Another option maybe... Nick
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