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Everything posted by fnick

  1. The level of detail you put in is mesmerising. I have to remind myself how small the model is. Bravo! Nick
  2. That's one milestone indeed! I don't know whether to say your ship looks very nice or very threatening! Nick
  3. Hi Doris Welcome back! Looking forward to another beautiful build! Nick
  4. Hi Ulises Thanks for the advice! As it is only surface smudges I am trying to remove it shouldn't be too bad. But yes testing on a separate piece beforehand is always a good idea! Nick
  5. Evening all I've glued on the wales and the upper boards(?) on the port side. Not having any suitable clamps I basically glued them using super glue for immediate hold on small sections and wood glue for the rest for a longer hold. Unfortunately some of the super glue has seeped out (the dark patches) . Hopefully I wont regret that when I apply the finish (planning to use danish oil at this stage). Of course if anyone has any ideas how to get rid of super glue... I've also glue all the decks on but that was probably (another) mistake as this will make some of the deck planking and installing of some of the guns more problematic. Oh well lesson learnt for next time. I also just realised my backdrop isnt best suited for model photography. Think I might invest in some large stiff white card which hopefully should be more suitable. Thanks for looking Nick
  6. My condolences to you as well Ulises. On a lighter note very nice cannons. You are doing a fine job of the Royal Louis. Nick
  7. Hi Danny I'm sure I'll be the first of many to welcome you back! Good to know you're still with us! Definitely taking a front row seat for this one. Nick
  8. How you managed to cram all that detail in is beyond me. Stunning work indeed! Nick
  9. Hi Simar Thank you very much for your comments! Yes I did spill the planks from 1mm thick walnut sheet. It did mean that the second planking took much longer that it would normally have done but the results are in my opinion definitely worth it. I would not do a second planking any different from now on! Thanks Nick PS: I used the spilling method described by Chuck here: Lining off a hull
  10. Thanks for the comments gents! Mark as far as I can see the deck extends to the bulwarks so I think all I need to do is ensure that the bulkheads are trimmed to the same level as the deck supports. In any event your suggestion of making sure there are no dips is a good one! Nick
  11. Evening all The deck supports are all cut to size. I'm in the process of sanding them down to a slightly curved shape. Question for you all: the instructions mention (see pic below figure 13) that once the deck is glue the top of the bulkheads should be cut off. It just seems far easier to mark the top of the deck support on the bulkhead and cut it before the deck is glued. Yes the deck does have notches to help line it up with the bulkheads but in true Corel style they don't appear to!. so anyway I can't see why I shouldn't cut the top of the bulkheads off before gluing the deck as that seems far easier. Or am I missing something...? Nick
  12. growing up, testing my wife's patience (they are on half term holiday) and stopping me from doing more ship modelling . My boy is a typical 5 year old bulldozer and my daughter is a fully fledged threenager... So pretty normal really Nick PS: Love them really
  13. Hi all Very minor update. Managed to drill a hole in all the gunports to fit the dummy guns. I wanted to do that before installing the decks and wales. Hasn't come out too badly. I did manage to loose one of the guns between counting them (and yes I did have the correct number!) and installing them. I am not too worried as I am sure that it will turn up as soon as I order a replacement. Couple of pictures (excuse the quality...) The guns are not glued in at the moment. I'll do that at a later stage. Next step is installing the deck beams and the main deck. Thanks for looking Nick
  14. So when do you put your bins out then?...
  15. Magnifique, simplement magnifique! and for the non-French speakers: Magnificent, simply Magnificent! Yes you probably had guessed it but this model merits saying it twice! Nick
  16. Like the fella said "one small step for man"... Brilliant work. Nick
  17. Wow Nothing like a well executed rigging for bringing a model ship to life! Superb Nick
  18. Ouch indeed. Those rebel alliance x-wing fighters can be a real pain sometimes... Nick
  19. Hi Bill I never finished my first ship. Reasons? far too ambitious, knew nothing about ship modelling (this was pre MSW! ), started it and gave up when some of my hull planking started popping off! Next build was the Billings Bluenose. I knew nothing about it so didnt really pick it for interest. I thought I'd use it as a training ship before doing something I really wanted to do. Since it's been finished it's taken center(ish) stage in the lounge. I'm so pleased I finished it and really proud of how it looks even though I can still see lots of little niggly things that I would do differently (yes you've guessed it) second time round! So my two pennies worth, cut your teeth on the easier one then you'll know you'll do an even better job on Syren. No matter what you choose, start a build log, best way to get feedback. Nick
  20. Thanks Sjors! Heh! They're every 6 months now. . Give me some credit! Nick
  21. Hi Nenad Thank you for your nice comment! You Sir are seriously understating your abilities!! Nick
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