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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. shiny stuff can be considered treasure........I'm more like a redistributor. if I don't like something on a particular model......I'll save it till I find the perfect place for it. usually on another model
  2. I may be late with the fire power thing.....but that's how the japs did it. they'd pepper you with lead....and if that didn't work, they'd throw the whole plane at you Kamikaze style!
  3. for simulated hinges........you can go with really short pieces of brass rod, put where the hinges should be. to add a bit more detail to them, add two short thin strips of thin brass flat pieces - one for the box and one for the lid. make like a little test box and try it out have fun. what you've done there looks great!
  4. thanks John I'm a mile behind you my friend ........some of your ideas {and the stuff you make your parts from}, are more innovative than me! our logs are just a smidgen of what MSW contains...........that's what makes MSW an awesome site!
  5. I have a few books........but nothing that I can use in this case. I don't think of myself as a hoarder either.....I'm a treasure hunter
  6. if you have the later production instructions......you can see what the stern rabbits look like. I still think you'd fair better scratch making these parts. gemmaJF has a good point. you'll develop the knowledge, but it does take time. these kits make you think.......how to be creative. as you encounter obstacles, you'll find that there are other ways to solve them. interested to see how your idea works
  7. oh....no! we can't have that! still more to go Carl........thanks for the good word
  8. I imagine your using the original planking? seeing how far you've gone down the hull, it will be hard to fit in the planking. the logs may give you an idea, but the best thing would be to soak the planking in hot water for a short period of time, and then bend them around a drinking glass or a bottle, whatever will give you the curvature you'll need. did you cut the planking flush with the last bulkhead? if you did, then you can create some rabbits, to the shape of the bulkhead. this will give you a sill to pin the plank to as it dries {glue}. there are rabbits for the stern stem {or there should be...you'll see then in the log}. the planking terminates at the stern stem, cemented to the rabbits. it won't be pretty.......filler and sanding will be your friends, to arrive at the contour you need. when I got the Nordkap, I went off looking for the fitting for it {did you get the fittings with yours?} it's a long story, but I got to know the fellow who owned Billing USA. a couple of years ago, he sold it to Ages of sail in California. a very sad day indeed! that's how I got the Cux........he sent it to me to build for him. I personally like the kits......I use the instructions merely as a reference. they assemble fairly well and the fit of the parts isn't to bad. laser cutting was a big step for them.......made their kits a lot better to work with. I like fishing vessels, but I also want to get into the sailing vessels as well {I have a couple in my que}.
  9. thanks for the kind comments and looking in. when John mentioned this earlier, I was working on the front side of the initial plans, and couldn't review the rigging diagram. now that I can look at them.......I see what he means. can't believe that they would show it like this....eeeowzza! I'll try and put in as much as I can into this build, Dr. Per. hopefully, you'll be able to use the log to some degree Hi there Sam! just hitting the like button is good enough.......glad to see your look'in in I agree about the model Rob......it will need some rework. scratch building isn't new to me, so I'll be right at home....it's the scale that will test me. that's why I added the extra bit of filler planking to the stern.......I'll be sanding that down level later. I'm sure there will be plenty of Q&A.......feel free to jump in anytime the admiral looked for the book today.........one hefty price tag! I don't have a library card, but she does.......she's going to find it, and with any luck, I'll get a look at this book
  10. hello doug........sorry I'm late. man!........do you have an old kit or what?!?!?! don't feel bad........my very first build was a 40 year old Nordkap. it had been in an attic for 30 of them. I remember cutting out every part.......what I goofed up on, I made scratch. I've built the Cux 87 as well....although it was a later production........there's really not much difference, other than the fact that it was laser cut. here is the build log for it and the Nordkap as well: http://www.blogger.com/profile/17452257054561544627 I didn't use the R/C parts....I did it as a static model. your planking looks pretty good so far. how are you going to plank the stern? the logs will show how I did mine.......it looked like crap too. but, with a bit of work, it will come out fine {you may need to soak some planking and bend to shape}. I've built a few Billing's kits...I've actually become accustomed to the instructions {if that's possible}. they are vague......even for an advanced beginner's kit. I've also built the Mary Ann, which is a copy of the same hull.......there are a couple more kits like this too. I've even replicated a couple of hulls from the parts panels and built them as I saw fit.......the M&M fun Ship is in the scratch build gallery. an elongated version of this hull is my trawler Syborn......I have a log on her in the scratch build forum. this is a super model to build.....I will enjoy following along
  11. I will do that John. thank you very much http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=211834&search=thermopylae&images=&c=1&s= here is the link Dr. Per that John is referring to. I just took another look at it......the controls are really cool now.......if I can only get that first picture as my desktop display, on my computer...........
  12. thanks for the kind comments every one...........and thanks to all who hit the like button. ohhhhhhh noooooo..........she's still far from being finished no laments just yet. I haven't even made the decals yet.......gotta get some fresh ink for the printer. it will be a very happy day though when I get 'er done. for those who would like to see more on fishing boats.......I have two others in the que. the Boulogne Etaples........and the mystery rigger {not sure what she'll turn out to be} not to worry John......we still have the Thermopylae I did good..........I did Pat
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