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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. nice progress Larry, the eye bolt washers are a nice touch I see your doing the 'cannon conga' too! sweet!
  2. Sven isn't too much off the mark.......oil journals would increase lubrication for the rod bearings {if you plan on going that route}. chances are your going to go with a splash type form of internal lubrication. to incorporate an oil pump of any kind, would need to run from the cam shaft.
  3. the more you've added, the better it looks super bit of work there Nenad. I've never used that method with saliva.......but I have used it to pick up small parts from the floor......when I dropped them nice tutorial for doing the decorations....it sounds so logical
  4. looking very nice.......when you cap them off, are you going to go all the way around, or just the fronts? I just align the gun ports with the slots in the plate. since a very small portion of the plate will locate forward of the mast {if at all}, it makes the location a bit easier to discern.
  5. the ship's boats will be the perfect break from all the tedious stuff. they won't look like that one though.......a bit more..rustic. of course, some might think your stalling do you plan to use the plug method? as I say when faced with repetitious steps.......thanks be to the sub assemblies and mini builds that starve the boredom!
  6. for your first build, looks like you've done a great job. you've made good use of the blonde woods {unstained}, and I really like how your ship's boat came out to add new techniques to this build would be a detriment.........you've put way too much character in this build, to muddle it.
  7. I followed your work before.....on another site perhaps? I have the PT boat by Marine Models...a friend saw it on E-Bay and got it for me. I haven't started it yet, since I have such a backlog of works in progress. your Morgan look very good.....lots of really nice detail. a very fine build indeed Denis
  8. any progress is a good thing Clare......I should know I cut up a bunch of my old tee shirts to drape over them, so they don't get too dusty. cost is no object for our 'children'....after all, we want them to look good!
  9. do they supply trim parts for the portholes? if the kit doesn't, look in my Holiday Harbor build......I have a little thing in there about eyelets that you might find interesting. I also show the panels for the Danmark kit. they have a porthole arrangement is is somewhat similar to what your doing. looking good my friend!
  10. wonderful pictures Daniel...stunning looking builds there. they all get a positive review in my book
  11. very interesting process so far Michael. having worked around cars and engines most of my life.......it's really something to see one being made from scratch super job so far!
  12. you nailed it Nenad! the stern decoration came out awesome! well done!
  13. thanks Piet........I will need to thin them down just a tiny bit. the wood I used is standard measurement......and apparently the bow caps for the Boulogne must be metric. don't think I have any planking that thick either......most likely cut metric as well. not a big deal. I had good intentions to get to the table today {thanksgiving}.......but after a big meal, all I was lucky to do was get to my recliner! glad I could make you smile......I thought I'd see pockets where cement didn't get to.....but it looks like I did a good job of spreading it out. thanks for the likes everyone who chimed in
  14. very nice start on the sails and rigging Nils......judging from that drawing, you've been doing quite a bit of homework!
  15. the dilemma over wood thickness is over........it's not much of a picture, but I ended up gluing two pieces of flat stock together, to get the blank I needed. it was left this way for a few days. while I was working on the reels for the Andrea Gail, I did this at the same time. the parts were traced out. rather than try to use the scroll saw {which is out in the garage........and the truck is stuffed in there because of the snow storm}..........I used my trusty box cutter to cut them out. they turned out a little rougher than I would have liked, but with a little clean up, they should be OK to use. if not......I still have enough to make another set. I have the first one sanded. I got three more to go....... clutter..............gotta love it!
  16. jee.......I didn't even get to the good part I was going to show it, but Gibbs had other ideas......he wanted to go in the living room. I told him it was after 10:00 PM.........he might as well go back and lay with Kevin, but he wouldn't have it. you really ought to see him......it would make you laugh. I ended up feeding his Frankenstein. so here it is......... safe to say that I have broken away from the Holiday build......but it doesn't mean I didn't do anything with it { I have a small update for that build too}. after I was finished doing the rough draft on the reel, I looked at the cap rails......yup.....I need to get them on the build. the fore end of the starboard side rail was rounded off and slotted to fit over the extension I had fitted in the fore deck overhang. I had also notched where it would run by the stanchion. filler was used to take care of the imperfection at the tip. I had to fix it at the stern, because it ended up inwards too far. I did the port side the same way. after adding three bulwark posts to the transom bulwark, the rail was cemented in place. then it was trimmed, and rounded to mimic the rest of the rail work so........now it just the portholes that is holding back the paint work. soon......my friends......very soon! thanks to all of you who hit the like button.......And to those who commented!
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