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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. Hey there Mobbsie.......knew I'd find you sooner or later! I see your making fine use of all the new power tools did you make the jig from plans?
  2. OK........first off, you need to do a larger scale. that detail would be awesome! such a sweet job in a small scale. I especially like that picture you have in the beginning.....it shows exactly what I'm talking about. similar hull construction, but fitted out differently sorry........just me thinking aloud you have such detail packed into that 3" hull........really super job! I started this after looking at the first page.........then I realized that there was yet another page to browse. man........didn't this page open my eyes! she looks great!
  3. I'm just sitting back.........just amazing metal work. you know........with all the metal filings your kicking up, have you given any though towards getting into smelting?
  4. great looking boomkin Nenad...........once rigged, it won't be moveable anyway. just chimed in to let you know what a sweet job you did now comes the hard part........there is only a fore and aft set, I believe........but they all need to be made to look alike! that's a challenge in itself!
  5. Gwen and Phyllis {my admiral} sound like two peas in a pod.............Phyl thinks the same of me.....too critical of my work my recent notice of a flaw in the build I am working on set her to part some words of wisdom.............it wouldn't look good if it was too perfect. it's what gives it, it's individuality. I think she was stammering when she said it....don't quote me.........PLEASE!!!
  6. thanks Frank it's a good thing that each build has their own personality........I'd be lost too! thanks for the good word!
  7. I like the badge idea.......two side windows with two fascia windows in the center. framing out the walls is not a huge deal either. I have a lot of the cut offs from the flat stock, I keep them in a plastic bag.....I'll be able to use some of it up. I also plan on doing shingles for the outside, and that will use up even more. I made a discovery as well.......the starboard wall is a bit off. I measured every which way, when I saw it, and it boils down to the conclusion that the stern has twisted. the hull has been around for so long without sealer.........I'm sure the temp and humidity had caused this. anyway I look at it, it would be a major job to fix it. if I fix it by adjusting the wall, it will show there...the wall mass will be uneven. if I remove the structure and adjust the bulwark, it will not only throw the transom wall off, but the hull rails as well. the only resolve I can see, will be in how I do the roof. I have no choice......it will have to be a pitched roof. well.....I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.......I'm not going back. the admiral told me not to. so I started by tracing out the profile for the badges. then I made the other three the studs were installed...also to center the doorway for the front wall....I'm thinking double doors. to make the outer wall flush to the bulwark, I'm shimming the port side wall. in looking at the front wall, it can be seen that the wall problem doesn't show here at all. it's because the problem lies with the starboard transom post since the bulwark height is enough, the fire stop can serve as the bottom window frame. the top will need to be framed in though the windshield panel was made and cemented in place more of the outer covering was added to the starboard side.......it also show the upper framing now to finish the outer covering and cement the profiles in place.
  8. oh......I almost forgot ! I was really impressed with what I saw of the doll house lighting kit Lawrence........I think I will go in that direction. it runs on normal household current.....a transformer plug in. the connectors are what really swayed me.......as I mentioned, if I fit one in the lower part of the hull, when I want to light it, I can simply plug it in. they are really small lights.......I believe they are LED......my initial inspection of the kit was looking up at it and day dreaming of what I could do with it . I knew if I took it down from the wall peg, it would end up at the check out............and I didn't have the cash for it. I have my budget director working on it.......I should get the green light very soon. then I can tell you much more. I can tell you though, that they do not appear to be heat generating lighting.....so that is a big plus.
  9. there you go!!!! piet has the right idea! sorry Mark......the hot tub was removed for the holiday season. it will be re-installed towards the end of spring, so it can do the "midnight rendezvous" tours for the summer XXX ..........>sizzle<...........too hot! no.....no music Nenad........I just listen to what comes out of my son's room...that's scary enough. Highway star.....is that the Deep Purple version? one of my favorite groups! I'm a bit of a metal head, but I also listen to country and some classical. anything that sounds interesting, I will try and practice my bass to. I also found out that bass and CA don't mix {damn.......I lose more strings that-a way!} Joe?.........no Joe here.........just me an' Chester, Omega {besides that, I'm a Curly fan....errrr, with a touch of Steve Martin and Chevy Chase } thank for the kind comment, and glad that you can now see the pictures ....and to the rest of you fine folks....an big thanks for following along. I know it's a slow process.......and yes, they won't be done for the holidays this year {due in part to my clepto - builditis}, but I'm hoping that by next year, I'll be popping them off like the octo - mom! {which is funny, because that's about how many I have on the roster} I should have an update soon! Denis
  10. thanks Adam and Ed I had done a group shot earlier.........when they were just a bunch of frames and not much to look at. I really need to put some serious moves on the tree boat hull and get her up to speed with the others. I'm still thinking about where to drill the holes for the wiring on the deck. the other week, I was lurking around the dollhouse dept at Hobby Lobby, and I was impressed with the electrical accessories they have for them. I can buy a complete kit.......it has the transformer, plug in outlets, wiring, along with a few other goodies. I kinda like the outlets......... I can fit one of them into the hull, so there won't be a wire coming out of it. I can simply plug in the power supply whenever I want to light it judging from the lighting used, there is little threat of heat generation, so I'm thinking that this might be a viable solution. I saw some really neat sconce lights.....hey.....maybe even a chandelier! now.....wouldn't that look simply charming! >jacket time.........maybe< "they're coming to take me away......................ripping the sawdust from my teddy bear!" thinking aloud..........the bulwarks are a reasonable height.......the badges can be framed in. the upper and lower profiles must be made so all of the windows are the same size. I had planned to do kind of a stained glass thing, not allowing the interior to be seen. but, for this much visibility, I really don't think I'm going to get away with it. yech........I hate wallpaper, as much as I hate stucco
  11. I think you goofed Piet........it doesn't look like a proto type anymore.........it's a model I think you've gone too far!!!! perhaps a beach diorama might be in order....it looks really sweet!
  12. sorry to hear that you've been ill.....I wish you the best and hope to see you beat this
  13. come to think of it John........I do have a couple of pictures in the camera. the 'warming house' has been a thought on my mind. I had a chuckle........I thought of....of all things.......Jed Clampett's cabin, from the TV series. yea, I'm right on it then I thought about ships that have 'badges' on their stern galleys. I like the idea..........I would have to install bay windows on both sides. but.......what about the transom wall? on most contemporary ships, these are flush mount windows........I'm thinking.........I'm thinking here is what I have so far on the Jingle Belle.............. I still have to create the front wall. I hope to have more on this soon
  14. I'm not sad Nils........the person who I built them for is enjoying them....that's what counts I was told that someone wanted to buy it form him at the expo.........said he'd split the money with me. he didn't sell it though.........I think he couldn't part with it the Billing's Cux kit is a really good kit....the Mary Ann kit is a spin off {but don't tell anyone I said that } there are a couple of others that utilize the same hull design. I still have the parts panels........I could make up another hull. I won't do that right now though.......I think I have more than enough on the table at the moment I'd be better to get one done soon.............I don't want folks to think I'm totally off my nut! looking forward to more of your fabulous workmanship... ..........perhap later you'll bring your Cux out in the forefront and do some work on her oh.......and I keep cloth drapes over my builds until I bring them back out to work on them. I'm not into the dust thing either
  15. I've only had two leave the house so far........I hated to see the Cux 87 go. it ended being shown at a model expo in Chicago, so it lessened the pain.........gotta get me another one {it was a fun build}. the Nordkap, Mary Ann, and the Gundalow are in boxes in the hallway closet. still haven't made or bought a case for them....if anyone wants to see them, I bring them out. the main thing is that I don't want them to get dusty. the other four that I have, are in an open faced book case that I modified for them....in the living room. it's a low dust room........no one goes in there but me to watch the TV the admiral already has her favorite........no one touches the M&M boat! not even ME!
  16. mac and cheese? .........is there a difference between weevil and grub? {sorry.......my American influence is showing }
  17. I like the way it came out.........definitely has that 'been in the water' look to her. there is absolutely no problem in weathering a hull.....it gives it more depth..........but don't try and make her look 'too deep' I sometimes wish I could weather like other folks do.....most of the time, it happens to me by mistake great work, my friend!
  18. well Keith........I think you got my 2014 builds in review already figured out yup.......that's the rest of them. I hear you Sjors.....when will you see a finished one. with how fast the year is winding down to the end...I would say.....none. but, I can see it's going to be a very active 2015. I can't very well say the heck with it, and finish any of them without all the bells and whistles I planned to put into them. that wouldn't be any fun at all thanks to you all for your kind comments and likes. I will continue to amuse
  19. here is something else to tease the brain. I had the painful pleasure to see the Robin William's Movie 'Popeye' last evening. Popeye enters the movie in a dingy.........not that big of a model, 'tis true. I enjoyed looking at the boats, especially the one seen in the middle of the harbor........sunk when Popeye finally finds his pappy {ray Walston} {very good job in the look alike dept}......they give chase after Bluto in a paddle boat. I tried to find pictures of this boat.........I even showed it to the admiral. she just shook her head.......walking out of the room saying..........."good luck with that one!" this is the best I can find at the moment. this is the boat where Pappy was held captive......that is, after Bluto tied him up. I'm not committing in doing a model of it.......not without further pictures and specs. as far as specs go, throw them out the window........and call it weathering if anyone has seen the movie, you can agree that it would be an interesting build as for the movie of the Andrea Gail........the ice maker went down........they were going to turn around, but then changed their minds. it was first thought that the storm wouldn't hit as soon as it did, or that they would be heading right into it. they lost radio contact soon after the storm picked up momentum.
  20. yea, I can understand that it's good to show your technique though.......I'm sure that someone will come away with an idea or two. I know I did........ how much of an edge fold do you allow, before you sew on the rope edging {bolt ropes?}
  21. whether upside down......or right side up........you've done an excellent job this time around Mark. the portholes look really REALLY good! what I've found to be a complimenting part of this site is the moderation team.....you folks do an admirable job. given the subjects I tend to model, it's good to see you and John {Jim Ladd} have taken an interest. I had the pleasure to meet John, back when I finished the M&M Fun Ship. for me, with all there is to see here in the states, he took the time to stop in for a visit, and take pictures of this off the wall build. I was very humbled and honored. don't know when........or how........but one day, I hope to get to meet you too
  22. there's no ignorance here Keith.......just jaw dropping beauty, from what I see of some of the builds on this site yes, there will be an ice machine.......don't know about the working part....I'm not that good for the drums.......a top and bottom will be made, with brass rings for the segments. once filler is added and sanded in the proper contour, I should arrive at a pretty convincing 55 gal drum. I have quite a few to make. I hope to have more on this and other sub assemblies soon........thanks for the extreme vote of confidence thanks also to those who hit the like button......glad your enjoying the build
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