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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. believe me Nenad........when you have the deck fitted out, the structures in place and masted, any inconsistency is going to seem very small. I've followed your log for some time now, and to see how you arrived to where you are now......it's nothing short of amazing! the detail you....{and Bob as well} have put into your build......I've not seen it in any shelf version of kits. the effort you've put into her so far really shows.........you have my respect, good sir! I look forward in seeing more! cute puppy! a face like that would make me forget all the cons
  2. I used to work in a cabinet shop in Florida........they did vacuuform for vanity doors and drawer fronts. the machine they used is huge and used a vacuum system to create the forms. the forms were placed in the machine......they had little holes all around to remove the displaced air..........unfortunately, the rest of the process was hidden by the machine itself. but, as you did, the heated plastic was lowered onto the form and the vacuum sucked out the air trapped in between. I would help in the dept sometimes, if they needed it. I used to do the router work on the filler boards {doors and fronts}, to put in the formed plastic. later the edges were trimmed and the backs were painted white to match the formed fronts. a pretty cool process! well! that's what I get for not turning on the sound! I didn't even notice that there was a vacuum hooked up to the form box......watching it the second time made even more sense yepper! if I had something like that, I wouldn't have had to do all that planking.
  3. I did do a bit more to help strengthen the helm. I had mentioned to the admiral that I was favoring the lighting kit.......we kicked that ball around a little bit. then we started to muse over this one.....the possibility of lighting it came into the picture {my god.......she thinks I can do anything!} Boy! don't I have her snowed! I ran some framing along the bottom of the windows and started to install the dash. I might add in a cabin door...engine access and such.
  4. it's great for those who are in between builds, don't have a stash of kits..........and saving up for a kit they've been eying. in the meantime, they can trace out a set of bulkheads....and away they go! like your Morgan John........it's a whaler, and there are many other ships that have the same hull construction and shape. with a little modification, there very well could be more. I'd love to get a hold of some from a large scale sailing ship, but with what I have in cue at the moment........I'll leave it as a pipe dream to think inside the box......one must remember there is an outside as well keep on thinking free!
  5. are you kidding...........I like the ship's wheel! it looks great in there! in my dealings with the window maker, I have never seen it do that . basically you'll be doing it after everything is cemented in place, so it shouldn't be a problem. make up a test structure and give it a try {a little box with windows in it should be good enough} it's very easy to do
  6. I look forward in seeing more of your fine build John, when you get settled back in. I think your build is a bit more complex, as far as reference goes it like what I always hear though.....any progress is good progress thanks John!
  7. thanks Kees......doubt I'd be able to compare to the work that you do your new build looks awesome! there is a difference though Keith.......the lobsie twins were the product of a goof. the day that Capt. Bob made the startling comment, I knew I had pushed it too far. since I created the first two hulls, it was easy to switch gears on it and make it a dual build. I did find out one thing though........sheeting the hull in balsa is not for me. I think I swallowed some water on that one but....if you say so..........it spawned another hull {I want to make a couple of others some time down the road} I won't debate it! the Holiday Harbor boats are a deliberate experiment
  8. glad I caught your build this early! my goodness..........looks a lot like the Nordkap! Interesting way to build a hull.......very nice!
  9. I forget when..........I'm just a modeler! I'm lucky to remember my own birthday. makes me glad I did the one on Word Press...sad thing is....it don't have all of the comments everyone posted on it.........it was such a fun build As for progress........I don't have much, but it's a tiny step forward. the framed wall at the transom has now been sheeted.......it will have flush mounted windows. ....and a look at the interior after almost breaking the frames for the helm for the second time....I thought it best to add some frame work to it as well. I want to try something a little different with this one...I still have some figuring out to do. I gave the roof line at the windshield a wide border, and then lined the sides of the roof line with some 1/16 square strip. going down the sides, I used 1/16 X 1/8 strip stock. I also laid some 1/16 pieces on both sides of the helm, at the main deck ......takes care of those tiny gaps...hee....hee well, that's about as far as I got..........ran back and fourth helping the admiral today. we made what we yanks call 'woopie pies' {chocolate cake with creme filling}. then bran muffins........yea.......yea....I know........'cuz I'm such a regular guy!
  10. they have dioramas like that on you tube.........they are so amazing! if you take a stroll....check out the airport diorama....you won't believe it! I'm building an old Ambroid kit of the B&M snow plow........I have a diorama layout set up for it {I just have to find my way back to it}. looking at your signature.........it appears you'll be busy for quite a while
  11. you'd have more control with an airbrush. another good hint is never to spray directly at the masking......spray at a slight angle upward over the masking. it will reduce the 'welling' at the mask line and won't leave a visible line when the tape is removed. light coats.....let dry, then another light coat. spray cans only have one setting.............spray!
  12. I'll see if I can get some of that into MY thick head....... really good info!
  13. hi there Peter........so glad to see you've started another build! I just saw this same kit on E-Bay........no fittings shown. my Nordkap was in the same packaging, so I take it, it is not laser cut {?} I've been watching 'the boys' build theirs........I'd be pleased as punch to add yours to my watch list. if I wasn't so bogged down with other builds..................
  14. super detail in a very small scale....almost looks like she's ready to sail {No......I promised I wouldn't } I must ask though, what do you do for windows? for a scale that small, especially if you want them to look clear, I might suggest Testor's window maker & cement. I used it extensively in my plastic models.......bombers and large aircraft. great for tiny windows and for gluing the canopies in place. I use it in this medium for gluing in the windows and for portholes. the bottle that it comes in is designed to be the perfect applicator
  15. looking very nice Walter....sounds like you've got a good game plan going on there. that's gonna give you a glassy smooth hull
  16. thanks Lawrence.......the layout for the Jingle Belle is really starting to take shape! now, if I can only get some paint on her I'll be glad to get what I need for the tree boat, so I can get her up to speed. thanks for the good word! now I had better get that helm in shape, before I break off those window frames! almost did it there, a couple of times!
  17. thanks Omega {I saw your post} if I only had another build like that one >daydream.......< the entire concept was thought up from the very beginning.......there was no deviation in the build process.........and the only addition to the build was the brilliant nudge to include windshield wipers {thanks to Andy} the Holiday harbor is the second set of my original experiment....using parts panels from existing kits, to create hulls...just the hulls. they can be outfitted to model other ships and boats. the trawler Syborn is the other half of the first experiment. I have saved some of the panels...these are from the Billing's kit Mary Ann. this would be good for folks who aren't too good at CAD, or are on a tight budget. I believe so Augie. the build was started in May of 2012, and finished in October of 2012. I forget when it was.....but we had that second glitch. at least it still can be seen in the gallery I'd put it back in. thanks Mobbsie! yup.......that's what happens when you decide to take the quantum leap! a lot of measuring, cutting, and agonizing but your going to have fun...and that's what counts! your going to enjoy the control you'll have, instead of looking at parts, and weighing out whether they are good enough or not to use. I have a concept for the Harbor boats, but that's all......the only one that I'm following instructions for is the Andrea Gail. all I'm using it for, is for parts and what they look like, so I can make them from scratch. there is a difference though...freedom. it depends greatly on the subject your modeling. frequency aside.........always glad when you pop in for a looky
  18. this one is the Jingle Belle Sjors...the caroler's boat. sadly the other one is waiting to be wired in.....then I have to finish planking the hull. when I'm ready, I'll work on the Christmas tree boat and get her to the same point as the Jingle belle. I wish I could do it to them both. hello John.........all this sawdust......I was wondering where you were I thought I would power through some of this build for a while. you probably noticed that this has turned into a dual build. the hull dubbed Larry is no more.........it has left the fleet to become the Andrea Gail. I think you'll find the modifications interesting glad your back........I missed you thanks Omega.......to look for the M&M Fun Ship shouldn't be too hard.......I did a build log on her. it can also be seen in the completed scratch gallery. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/gallery/album/104-mm-fun-ship-by-popeye-the-sailor/ the build log seems to have disappeared......might have happened during the last glitch...........>sad< here is the build log that I did on Word Press The M&M fun ship – {part 1} « M&M 'fun' ship – a 1:33 scale semi scracth build thanks for the kind comments and to those who hit the like button.....more coming soon!
  19. so, with the upper and lower badge profiles in place, it now looks like this ...and a view from the inside. it will be how the windows come out, is whether or not the interior will need to be fleshed out. as I mentioned earlier, the port side needed to be shimmed, due to the bulwark splay. the starboard side wasn't that bad. I had stripped out some planking earlier for the life boats {that I need to get back to} for the trawler Syborn build. it came in handy here. then the covering and framing the top of the window. with the profiles cemented in place, it now looks like this now comes the big question.........what is to come with the transom wall? the window is framed in.
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