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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. rigging looks super J..........your almost ready for the gallery! she'll make for good reference, when I pick back up on mine
  2. looking really sweet......clean and perfectly done! bulkhead looks great as well.......I thought you had cabin fever!
  3. you could also cement in the lid and putty around it......then do the scribing. I don't believe they were on the United States either.....this would be my plan of attack. look forward in seeing more
  4. usually model manufacturers do a generic rendition. so if your going to bash this one, using actual pictures would be just the thing I got the 1:400 Academy kit of the Titanic for Christmas......even though the life boat are very small, it may give me ideas nice take on the preserver......you did well in getting away from that square shape
  5. looking very good Caroline.......cannon rigging is well done may 2015 allow you to proceed
  6. I totally agree Michael.......the shot of the pumps alone shows a very busy scene Nils, you have assembled quite a ship here as with all of your other builds, you've instilled so much detail. the human eye can only take in snippets, what the camera can do as a whole. now you plan to take it aloft....wherever you plan to show this beauty......I hope it will be seen from both sides Now I have to ask........will the Cux be on the list for 2015? very interested to see you take on her
  7. good you found a solution.....paint, like glues will cause warpage from time to time. nice bow spirit
  8. thanks Omega for your kind comment. once I can get some paint and the rest of the trawl rig on her, then she'll look much better. beside the first drum, I have four more ready for paint............seven more to detail thanks for the good word
  9. awe-some work Doris! there is such beauty with all you do. thank you.......and I hope that 2015 holds great things for you as well! good health and peace!
  10. I'm humbled with your comment Doris I'm trying......but it's so hard to attain the level that you instill in your modeling....your work is art! thanks Aldo....more on the trawl rig soon.......I'll try to be ecologically friendly thanks Piet........Exactly! there will be different color combinations......as mentioned, the deck and structures are dominantly white, so I'm doing my best to give her a little color got side tracked yesterday...and today {my last day of vacation} I need to run a few more. I hope to get something done..........perhaps another vacation is in order thanks also to everyone who hit the like button!
  11. cannon assembly line looks to be going along nicely! Happy New Year to you!
  12. very realistic Matti........your not missing a thing sweet! a good New Year day to you good sir!
  13. interesting color texture in those two pictures........refraction of light perhaps? the Vic parts would work quite well I see.......I think I would drill the holes over the existing detail though. not only would it hide them, not having a need to clean or sand, but the hole marks are already marked up for you {just need to flatten them slightly} think if all those hulls were masted........there would be quite a forest to be seen! Happy New Years Daniel
  14. thank you Lawrence.......and a Happy New Year to you.. I really see this build......going upwards now! so........I finally got the dash done enough to give you a good idea of what the Billing's kit would supply. I still have to add the gauges, which I will use some of those cast off pieces I showed earlier. there is a seat that also goes in there....I still have to make it I can use either one.......I'll have to weigh out which one is better {after I make an instrument panel for the other one}. I may not put much more detail into it though......small windows {learned my lesson with the Cux 87} the scaffolding is about 3/4 done now.......I need to come up with a few more parts for it. the drums are all finished with the sanding......now for the next step here is another package of those cast off pieces.......they come from the Half Moon. there is a question I ask myself.......when all the parts are punched out and on the table, with these cast off pieces heaped in a pile nearby.........."when is a part, not a part?" simple.........the ones you don't use I had taken off yesterday afternoon........we went to HobbyTown and Home depot. I spent half of the gift card that I got from HobbyTown. bought some plastic cement {to be ready}, some decal paper {the one with clear and white}, and I found the super thin dowels I will need for the buoys.....I will go to Hobby Lobby and get the oval beads to complete their assembly At home depot......I felt like I was in a time lapse. I distinctly remember seeing a simple version of dryer ducting.......a four inch tube with an aluminum collar attached to it. now, I'll admit...when I last bought one of these, it was back in the 90's.........but I couldn't find anything that even closely resembled it! what I did find though, that will work...was a soffet vent, a round plastic collar with a four inch tube coming out of it. near it was a tin square with a four inch hole in the middle. sliding the vent through the hole, I saw that it will work......the collar traps it well enough. we have plenty of box fans.....I'll be sure to show you how this will look. I also wanted a tool box......to combine the two trays that hold all my modeling tools. the organizer, I will use for my paints.....they're all in a box in the closet. the tool box works well......all of my small tools will go in the tray inside, and the larger tools will go in the large belly under the tray. not exactly what I was thinking of.......I was thinking of a metal one......3 - 4 drawers, and perhaps a compartment at the bottom......guess the admiral figured that it didn't fit the decor
  15. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!!!!! the drums are all sanded........and intermittently, I went to the table to break the monotony. naturally, this update will cove a couple of days, so there is quite a bit to cover first.....the A.G. with the brain storm I had after the railings were done. this is how the trawl rig will sit behind the pilot house. there is a platform that is to be located along the top bar.......I was scratching my head trying to get a better idea of how to vision it.......well....here it is from the gangway up there, two uprights are to come down and locate on the pilot house roof. looking around for how this should look, I stumbled on the diagram of the helm and instrument panel. I figured I'd do it and show you what the Billing's offering would look like. also pictured, is a scaffold, to be located on the starboard side, near the overhang stanchion. hard to believe, but I have most of the parts to make it, in my inventory. back to the drums.......I have some in various stages of assembly. yea.....there's a couple that lean......still a bit more adjustment.......I'll hid them somehow there is an instrument panel that will go on that dash......after a lot of sanding it was cemented in place. the first bracket was assembled to the scaffold the uprights were cut for the aft section of the trawl rig, as well as the center shafts of the booms.
  16. gee.......I don't see a warped sense of humor there John I went online looking at drums, to see what colors different companies paint theirs. it's the reason why I painted the first one in those colors.....no logo on it though.......no matter I then thought it would be neat to get pictures of logos as well to dress up the drums a bit more........wicked.....wicked cool idea! I need to install my decal program.....not sure if it will work on Vista. if it doesn't, I have another tower kicking around that still has XP..........I'll just get the images and put them on a flash drive. one way or another, I will have decals to dress them up. I have to make the A.G. decals anyway, as well as the decals for the vessel. HA......HA John.........looks like your getting sucked into my delusion too!!!!!! na-nu........na-nu!
  17. thanks Aldo for the advice....still haven't done it yet.....but I will. thanks Piet........I hope to see a better alternative to making these fuel drums when you get 'round to it........this method is killing my fingers! I have a couple of different sizes of railings in my inventory. at 1:50, I figured I'd take a look in the instructions for the Nordkap......it's the same scale. of course, the instructions I have are very old......the numbers have surely been changed. so I went on the Billings site and looked at the more recent ones. they are 23 mm.......BF0-299....they come ten to the pack. they do have other sizes and types.....you may want to look at the BB USA website.......it's still up, and is run By Ages of Sails {Roger}
  18. the plans I saw doesn't show that sheet........I came away quite puzzled with how they expected a person to build it with so little info
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