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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks Michael I'll try anything......just as long as I don't hit a bulkhead, or splinter around the hole. I brought out the Tree Boat.....I'm going to map out the bulkheads and make up a template. thanks for the advice ....and thanks to everyone again for your kind words and support! thanks Patrick.......more to come my friend!
  2. a big thanks to every one of you.......and all who hit the like button! never in my wildest dreams, could I have imagined it coming out as well as it has. I had a duh moment too. after the railings were done...I had thought about getting some primer on the fore deck. in thinking of this earlier, I had drilled two holes where the trawl rig was to be, so I wouldn't lose the location marks. looking at it during the dry fit, I picked up the section and set it in place.......it hit me. drilling two holes in the base of the uprights, I cemented in a couple of the stubby pieces of brass from the railings. trimming them into tabs, and stuck them in the holes I had drilled.......now why didn't I think of that in the first place?!?! I know Augie......I just worry. I just don't want to hit the bulkheads in there....I don't know where they are I'll do it........I'll make a 'map gauge.....the tree boat isn't totally planked yet yes Frank.......you know, my other work table used to be the admiral's desk.......it looks better than mine! maybe I'll switch! thanks Mark.......perhaps I should do some pilot house dioramas.....that would be an interesting change of pace I relayed the message Sjors.........still on deaf ears I did get a ..."why don't you scratch build one!" good idea if I had the parts panels.........CAD ain't my thing
  3. you have the idea for the run of the sides...adding thickness to the outers. for the diagonal slant you have near the counter, are you going to use narrower planks? for my Half Moon, I used three different widths, to get the profile of the transom and counter. you have a beautiful shape there....looks real good! gonna look very sweet when she's all planked!
  4. on one of my breaks.....I jumped back on railing detail. I figured out a neat way to space the stanchions, although it caused me to use 9 per side instead of 8, like I originally figured. I marked where the holes were to be drilled.....and it was done the port side was done first then the starboard side.... these are not fastened together yet.....I usually use CA to do it. the top rail at the bow is to be bent down and will disappear under the cap. I did a dry fit with the pilot house. oh.......I also trimmed all the other railings and filed the ends flat. they are done, but not cemented in place yet. here is the fuel drum.......per the illustration now if I can just drill those darn port holes.......I'm hesitant......I don't want to screw up now!!!
  5. spent the morning here.......great way to enjoy a cup of coffee then I figured I had better get busy with these fuel drums.......I have enough of them to do. the Billing's kit supplies the parts for about 13 of these little buggers........I hope to make that many. this is how they are assembled and the location on the model......actually, you can put them wherever you want. I do have a couple that are a bit uneven, but I made some adjustment to them at the bottom and I'll simply blend them in somewhere where they can't be seen. I'm doing hand sanding.......after a few I really can feel it.......so I took a break here and there. I show you one of my break, later on......... anyway, I won't bore you with the sanding part......nor the wrapping of the copper wire {I forget what gauge it is}, to form the two rib bumps on the body, and the raised ring at the top. I searched around......I knew I had them.......the package of punch outs from the AmericA build. these are all the little cast off pieces from the laser cut holes and stuff.......I never throw them away. these little baubles are just the thing to simulate instrument panels, gauges, knobs......you name it {yup......that's my desk........got years of modeling miles on it .......I need a new one} sliced down to thin wafers.......they make the perfect bung holes. the lettering on these drums is just.... A.G. {looking at the plans} I looked up some 55 gal drums online, and since I plan to make decals for them, I might even try getting some logos, which is a good indication that some will be done in different colors. barring touch ups, this is what one of them looks like. 11 or so more to go..........
  6. thanks Aldo.......my big problem is I think of them faster than I can build them. to make matters worse........I act on them thanks John........not so much as flattened wire....but I want to simulate the ribbings. these are in essence 55 gal drums. thanks Piet......I'm gonna try as a matter of fact, the first one is pretty much done.....except for a little touch up and the lettering on them. I'll show you what they will look like
  7. that appears to be how many drums of fuel she was carrying when she was lost, Augie. the Billings kit includes the parts for that many, but it probably wouldn't matter if there are a few less sorry for the frenzy Michael........this is a couple of days worth with using the vise, I am able to straighten the drum body between the top and bottom. any gaps that appear can be filled with filler. the center rib line is going to be the tricky part......I was going to use wire and filler, but I might also try to use 1/32 square stock {soaked and pliable} I'll have to see what will work.
  8. hi there Wayne! usually as a rule, I don't refrigerate my beer. I do chill some for when company comes over, but I keep mine in a cool part of the house. I hope to put the finish on the ice maker soon thanks for the good word!
  9. these are just a few of the drums........the book idea didn't do as well as I hoped. it was abandoned and the vise became the method used. those that weren't too bad, I just cemented the tops and bottoms on and left it at that. I'll make a few extra at any rate the blank was framed in and later trimmed. it was fitted in place to check how it will look. now that the junk has been removed from the pilot house, I can do a bit of work in there. the Billings plans shows a top and front......not much else. I don't have any pictures that show the interior either....bummer! I've already resigned myself, that the small windows are not going to allow much to be seen. I could simply blank out the windows, but that's not me. ....no reason to short change the build on such a small technicality so it begins with this top blank.........yea.......looks kinda big, but I think we can make good use of the space. cut out a little here........put on a backing there.......... .......do a little sanding to shape and round the edges............add extra material for where the ship's wheel goes.......drill a hole....... .......and it turns into a dandy of a dash
  10. I was going to do the second coat on the ice maker........but I saw a couple of spots I missed with the flat black.....so I touched them up. I'll add the louvers and then I can do the second coat while I was thinking about this.......I remembered about the louvered blank that will fit in the hole of the pilot house. darn thing........now where is it....... so......this is where the guys have been stowing all the junk! they gotta get this crap out of here......we gotta work in here soon! watching them haul all that crap out, I didn't see the blank. they didn't know where it was either, but there was a hint, that it may have been thrown in 'the pile'. NO.........not the PILE!!! I will never find it now! I keep all the larger pieces of flat stock in this bag...if it fits, it's in here. I have a bin as well, that I keep wood in.......but it's looking so picked over, only small bits and pieces are left. there's even wood that dates all the way back to the Nordkap. with a sigh, I just took a suitable piece and cut it to size. there was more cutting done with the 5/8 dowel too........I need at least 13 fuel drums. I don't have a way to cut them square, so some of them are a bit off. when I cement on the top and bottoms, I'll try to do something creative to compensate. taking some of the larger pieces of cast off, more circles were traced they were trimmed to the smaller component and separated. they will be trimmed to shape with a razor blade. the ends of the dowel pieces were sanded to counter some of the unevenness. the first idea I had was to use the vise.......capturing them in the center to level them up the others that didn't look too bad were done in another way.......bent more towards mass production. there are four under there........I may make some extra ones in the event that I find any rejects......but I may be able to use the slants of the decks to counter the ill effect. we shall see
  11. looking really sweet Mark! the added pictures confirm, that she's gonna look great in her new skin
  12. Heaven forbid!!!!!!!!! I would never wish my affliction on anyone I'm an undeniable certifiable
  13. beautiful work on your launch Gil......so clean with some really great detail! sorry to hear about your computer woes..........wishing you and your admiral a super New year!
  14. what I see of the hull planking looks pretty sweet Den.........any pictures of the overall build?
  15. the kit can still be found.......even though it's been out of production fore some time now. I think Revell is missing the boat for not producing that series of kits. there were several in the series, all at 1:96 scale. only the Connie, is the only one produced at this time.
  16. you've done a super job with this build. the size alone boggles my mind! your talent is amazing.......waiting to see what's next in 2015! congrats!
  17. I have to apologize Omega.........I lost sight of her actually I'm surprised that I didn't make a single comment.....that would have put this little gem in my watch list. I had to look through the entire build all over again....just as enjoyable the second time around {think I lost track on the twelfth page} she turned out super........your imagination and skill shined throughout the build.......such a great looking build! congrats my friend........you've done a superb job!
  18. they'll look better with paint Russ........nice! the bolts give a detail you don't usually see. looking good!
  19. hello Aldo! good to see you.........guess I didn't catch the news that you had been ill.........I hope your feeling much better. oh yes....same old me........just a bit more crazier with build like this......all this early stuff is text book.....nothing much is going on. when I start to fit these two out........that's when the joint 'L start hopping. I hope your well enough to stay for a while......perhaps continue on one of your builds......I miss seeing your work may the New Year bring better days and good health to you!
  20. glad to hear you got to spend the Holiday with your whole family.........kids can make you shake your head at times, but they are always at an arms embrace I have in my hallway......the second Revell Cutty I've built. she waits for me.......a survivor of a move across the city, for me to repair her rigging and add the rest of it. like the first one I did, I will add the studding sails, and make her just as grand as the first one. I plan to do the same with the United States.........they add so much more 'body' to the ship. the weight of plastic sails is really no different that cloth ones {plastic kit as opposed to a wood build}. I think wood is a bit more sturdy that plastic though.......I think the yards will hold up better. as long as the rigging is kept as close to 'zero' as possible, you should have little trouble. 35 sails Nenad..........think of the fun you will have!
  21. there's no question about that.......I can agree how manufacturers can be so generic with their supplied parts. my experience with Billing kits has shown this many times with the degree of detail that you've put into your vasa, I can see why you chose to scratch these parts you've truly captured the original!
  22. sounds like a great place to berth her! does she have any ties to the history of the fort? can the public visit and see her? I hope so! congrats to you Mobbsie and your beautiful ship! I hope the New year brings you much more!
  23. I'm working from the Billing's instructions for the vessel Bob. combining the BB608 and BB526 plans for her, I can get details that either one fails to add. the only crappy thing about the instructions, is that they have no clear direction concerning the rigging. I have some pictures of her {and the vessel they used for the movie}, but even they are pretty vague. I'm still looking around though......I still have time before I get to that point. when she's painted and the trawl rig is in place, it will make sense..........I promise no.....no......no heavy alcohol for me Carl. I'm crazy enough as it is although, for Christmas Eve, we spend a quiet evening at home, playing a board game called "Christmas Monopoly".....my son found it a couple of years ago. I made my 'Taco scoops' {medium heat}, so I knocked back a few beers......snacking, and played the game 'ad nauseam'.......and then we watched a sappy Christmas movie. there's no paint on the hull yet....just primer, I'm afraid. I painted the reels with a brush. thanks John and Piet........Carl got me thinking of those scoops........so I made up a small batch for myself. I skipped the meat filler and used mild salsa.......so bland! {gotta get to the store tomorrow!}
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