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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thank you Lawrence....I guess one of the reasons why I chose this boat, is the fact that the detail is mostly outside where it can be seen....and of course, the similarity of the hulls. if I were ever asked, I would suggest the A.G. kit #BB608........I think it would make for a great build. the instructions aren't too bad, even though they are somewhat vague. I did make a bit more progress on the stern reels. it does kind of bum me out a bit.....everything on deck is white. I will try and accent here and there to break up the monotony one side of the reel spools was done the same as the fore deck spool......splined all around. I needed to make one more pair of uprights, and then the cross supports while these were drying, bits of wood were added to some of the shorter legs of the rack / podium, so they will touch the deck. with everything trimmed, cut and sanded to shape, all the reel parts were brought together for paint. while I had the paint out, the ice maker got a coat. flat black was painted into the grate opening as a backing color for the louvers the gear will be on one side.....I accented the other. they were too flimsy to show as a dry fit.......so I got them to the point of touch up to show you. I may have to adjust the height as well.
  2. Sjors.......your making me wish I had gotten an Aggie for Christmas! but, I probably wouldn't have the gusto to do as you have!
  3. ....and this coming from a guy that flies what he builds you've opened the door here and there......you just haven't realized it yet ......just wait till you forget to close it...........Imagine!
  4. you have been busy J.........really super! in postings throughout the site, I've made reference to what I've learned about rigging. there are threads that are pre stretched and those that have some residual left in it. what I've found is that there is a point where the line is taught, but has little to no pull....that's I refer to as absolute zero. taking a piece of thread in your fingers...pull it tight. by slowly relaxing it, you can see when the thread begins to slacken. pulling it tight again, and slowly relaxing it, you'll get a better idea with how much tension to put on it when your rigging. rigging looks great......what your doing is working out for you quite well very nice!
  5. they look really good Matti........you can see the imaginative thought you put into them. the stocks look like they were hewn, as I'm sure they were shaved to shape back in those days. being of plastic, were they both the same size? very well done I hope your doing better my friend!
  6. very nice progress Frank! love the way you finished out the cabin structure! weathering is surely your artistic talent.......you do it quite well like that picture of the planks on the deck........if it were stacked, I'd swear you had helpers super job all the way around Frank!
  7. you must be smiling from ear to ear......your filling out the gun deck! I see your spending your snow days quite well......the stove really looks great! .......and you give ME kudos for furnishings ........Capstan looks sweet as well. super job Augie!
  8. never a dull moment Omega......I'm waiting for repercussions the admiral got me the Lindberg Jolly Rogers a while ago.......a few weeks ago, she was quizzing me about why I haven't started it yet. I'll expect to hear something pretty quick with the Titanic there are a lot of you tube vids on her history and some neat vids about her resting place......I've already watched quite a few of them. I'll hold off as long as I can......I'm trying to be logical about this Happy Modeling into 2015 everyone!
  9. thanks for the kind comments and the likes there's still a few more thing I need to do to the rack and podium. the stern reels are in production as we speak. everything done brings me closer to the point where paint is unavoidable. I need to make an exhaust system for the cellar. I do have a neat idea for it, but I have to get over to the local hardware store and get a dryer duct. there are no dryers in operation in the cellar now........the ducting for the outside is not in use. I'm planning on taking a box fan, and wall off the back of it with the duct built into the center. then connect the fan to the outside duct with a duct hose. I'll be setting up a new table down there, close to the outside wall ducts.......good thing there are a few pallets lying around down there again....thanks for the good word. I thought it was bad that the projects were piling up before me........now they're starting to pile up behind me as well! it's so hard to keep from getting into the Titanic kit perhaps I can do a review of some sort......it's really a nice kit. the chrome for the stand needs to go though.....if you saw it, you'd understand why more soon!
  10. now that is a really sweet looking vessel Doris! hard to tell that is a plastic kit hope you and yours had a great holiday!
  11. just catching up on your progress.......I must say, the boat looks great! looks real sweet on board the 019! hope you and Gwen had a great Christmas!
  12. gee......if you used a glass cutter.....you could put her in a bottle {I know that's not the proper way to do it}. fantastic progress Omega...your just about finished
  13. hope you are doing better Kees, and hope that you had a great holiday! looking forward in seeing more
  14. these past few weeks, leading up to this wonderful day, has been quite hectic........but that doesn't mean that I haven't been doing any modeling. an already started kit has come into my possession, which kicked off a super cool idea. after assessing what I will need to do, it has been tabled, until I finish some of these projects I have in the works. Christmas was good to me too.....getting a couple of kits that are unrelated to ship modeling......but I also got the Academy 1:400 scale kit of the Titanic ....that too will be a future project. a couple of days ago, I put some time in at the table, on the Andrea Gail. I had some bollard pins in inventory, so I made up the bollards for the A.G. and the trawler Syborn. I still haven't drilled the holes for the portholes yet, so I thought I'd make the railings for the fore deck, drilling the holes for the stanchions. there are a few short ones behind the pilot house, and two that run along the fore deck, to the bow. there is a cap for the tip of the bow, that I made next. the bollards were cut to size, and dug out the last ship's wheel I have on hand going back to the railings, more were added getting to the port side, the rack and podium still need to have the adjustments made to it. I need to trim the ladder and open up the railing leading to the fore deck. the adjustments were made ...and those railing were added at this time next will be the stern reels
  15. super finish on the ship's boat Nils........looks great in her place on deck! hope your Christmas morn was special!
  16. looks like you have thing well in hand all of those methods you mentioned can be done, and have been done by other modelers here on the site. just choose the one that suits you best and go for it I like to soak my planks in really hot water for a short time, them wrap them in wet paper towel until I'm ready to use them. after they set a bit longer, I set them up on a make shift bending board.......just a pine board with pre drilled holes, that I can insert plastic or wood dowels in {don't use metal}. I can bend them to any degree I need them to be, bow and stern. I've even 'cut out the middle man' and planked while they are still damp. I find that the glue I use {white glue or carpenter's glue} seeps into the wood better and creates better adhesion. faring the frame is important to get the proper shape and contour of the hull. without this, the planking will not sit flush to the rib, and cause the planks to buckle and create visible lines, that are sometimes hard to sand out. these split hull kits are harder to do, with the sense of getting both sides to be equal in shaping......not to mention, removing the screws that secure the frame to the board. I had one........I cemented both sides together, installed the deck platforms in place, and then fared the frame as a whole. looks like your doing quite well to me........careful planning will yield a good outcome. take your time......no need to rush.
  17. ha...ha Sjors! we hit the like button at the same time! superb job my friend........I think Aggie has a sweet little tush!
  18. ship's boat looks really super in place Ron..nice addition to the deck layout have a great Holiday my friend!
  19. nice work on the rigging J.........really looking super! Happy Holidays to you my friend!
  20. auburn..........I was going to ask what hair color he used { so I'd never buy it } .....then I saw it was a hat whewwwwwww! {shoulda gave him a mullet.......} great bit of progress Wayne....you've done some nice detailing there wishing you and your admiral the greatest of holiday seasons!
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